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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Roxie

    Oh CANADA!

    That happened at my office just a few weeks ago. Everyone just kind of looked at each other and went ?
  2. Gorgeous dress! Prom dresses are so much nicer now than when I was in school.
  3. Quitting my job! At least I think it made me happy. I hope I made the right decision. We'll see.
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I LOVE the way Robert looks at Jimmy when he plays.
  5. Right now I'm re-reading Bebe Buell's autobiography 'Rebel Heart'. Some interesting stories, but some moments where you just want to at her.
  6. New day. A text from a friend that relieved my stress level for an upcoming weekend.
  7. Long Cold Winter - Cinderella
  8. This pic needs to be posted on the "Robert Getting Old" thread. He don't look like no 60 year old... lemme tell ya.
  9. His introductions for Bonzo were always so nice and funny. Genuine love and admiration there!
  10. All the managers being out of the office today, so it was basically just one big party. Perfect for a Friday!
  11. Love these... Page/Plant through the years.
  12. That coincidently is my fave song by them.
  13. Roxie

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I LOVE this part in TSRTS when Jimmy laughs at Robert getting hounded by the autograph seeker.
  14. Fantastic! Love the "fashion sketch" vibe to them.
  15. Thanks! I'll have to check out Detroit '73.
  16. Do you know which city that's from?
  17. Picking up Record Collector magazine with Plant on the cover.
  18. I have to wait a bit longer for your pics to show up too. Most likey because they're larger in size. It's a bit of a delay, but they show up for me.
  19. I agree, that last one is stunning.
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