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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I'm very sorry to hear that, RIP.
  2. We watched it over the weekend too and thought it was fantastic (and riveting).
  3. I saw that last night; very sad.
  4. My college student is home for Easter weekend!!
  5. Musicians from Virginia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Musicians_from_Virginia
  6. I've never thought about it. I don't think I'd go to a meet and greet, and if I happened to see them out in public I wouldn't want to bother them. (Honestly, I probably wouldn't even recognize them out of context, in the grocery store or wherever).
  7. Got a really good deal at LLBean on duck boots for next year; almost 50% off and free shipping!! They arrived today!
  8. Big Bang Theory is really, really funny; it's a great mix of intellectual and pedestrian humor, sort of like Frasier was.
  9. New mowed lawn. Stuck in traffic, or lost?
  10. Sometimes it's a song + dancing feet at the same time!
  11. Definitely BBT, although 2 Broke Girls is really funny! This is sooooo my husband and I (he=Penny, me=Sheldon); we have had this conversation more than once:
  12. No way!! How do they get the cart back up the hill?
  13. I played her cd "On How Life Is" to death back then; but haven't kept up with what she's done in recent years. I love that she does her own thing and has her own style and it really works for her. I honestly wasn't expecting the cover to be good but I really enjoyed it.
  14. Most of the stuff I've tried has been great, but not the noodles. Our TJs opened last fall and it's really difficult to get in and out of. There seems to be a trend with new shopping centers (in VA at least) to not have the store actually facing the road From the road, we see the back, which bumps right up against the sidewalk. Parking lots are hidden from the highways by the backs of the stores. And there are very few entrances. Very weird, and not very Virginian. But back on topic...dinner was homemade pizza.
  15. Thanks slave to zep, ebk, planted, strider and justawoman; I'm glad you all enjoyed it too. It made me tear up too; I think the article was very timely and was definitely a case of "point taken" for me. I come across articles like this from time to time so I'll make sure to share again; thanks!
  16. I thought this essay was really powerful; I need to get in more pictures. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/allison-tate/mom-pictures-with-kids_b_1926073.html
  17. I don't have a Kindle (or a Nook, or an iPad), but my phone has the Kindle app. It stores all your books in one place, so you can go back to them whenever. I still prefer to read actual books. But it is kind of neat to have a book on the phone for when I'm waiting in lines, or waiting at the dance studio. We can also check books out of the library using either Kindle or the software the library uses. They appear on your device for the loan period.
  18. Granola bar and coffee. Started making homemade granola bars a couple of weeks ago and they are so much better!
  19. Not sure if they are available where you are, but there are some very good Virginia wines too!
  20. 1) Long walk (done) 2) Coffee (in progress) 3) Cleaning (in progress) 4) Make a good dent in my spy novel (later)
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