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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Ugh; I hear you, math was never my thing. Have you ever checked out www.khanacademy.org? They have You Tube videos that explain how to do various kinds of math problems; sorted by type of math (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc). Good luck!
  2. The Giant salad bar is awesome; so are their paninis!
  3. Sounds like a great day! We're enjoying the first fire in the fireplace of the season and I'm watching my Hokies get beat by Miami ...
  4. I've always wanted a classic convertible VW Beetle. Preferably red.
  5. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Walter too!
  6. Christmas Gift bag or wrapping paper?
  7. Sounds good; I'll make Snickerchicken!!
  8. Doing some sort of baked chicken... with a side of Halloween candy (just kidding!)
  9. I took my daughter out; there were lots of trick or treaters, but fewer houses handing out candy. I thought it did look very Halloweeny; the cold/damp air, foggy full moon and clouds; very Great Pumpkin'ish.
  10. Really great stuff! Please keep them coming and keep us posted!
  11. Homemade vegetable soup for lunch. Homemade sauce and meatballs on the stove for later.
  12. We were very fortunate to have had no damage/loss of power. School and my office are closed today, although I'm doing a little bit of work from home. I'm mainly looking forward to a movie day and making a big pot of sauce and meatballs (yesterday was chocolate chip cookie day). I hope everyone up north made it through ok; please check in when you can.
  13. Just saw this: Jimmy Page Remastering Led Zeppelin Catalogue http://www.tonedeaf.com.au/news/international-news/220366/jimmy-page-remastering-led-zeppelin-catalogue.htm
  14. Thank you; we're fine so far; I worked from home today, as schools were closed (and they're closed again tomorrow). I hope everyone up North will be ok; it looks very scary up there.
  15. Thinking of you all. Just saw a number of pictures from the Outer Banks NC and it looks awful We're surrounded by blizzard and high wind warnings, although it's still not really doing anything here yet.
  16. Making chili, cleaning, planning to bake cookies soon. Getting all the laundry done before Sandy arrives in case we lose power.
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