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Everything posted by Patrycja

  1. Patrycja


    One of the many great beers made at the local pub (another location in Halifax) - http://www.granitebrewery.ca/. Knowledgeable staff who always provide friendly, attentive but unobtrusive service. A rare find. http://www.granitebrewery.ca/beer/ Check out their other options here.
  2. ^ GeorgeC -- good post. Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24: War Memorial victim ID'd as Hamilton corporal, dog lover and outdoorsman https://ca.news.yahoo.com/war-memorial-victim-idd-hamilton-corporal-dog-lover-055157608.html https://ca.news.yahoo.com/photos/cpl-nathan-cirillo-honoured-with-flowers-makeshift-memorials-slideshow/cirillo-memorial-20141023-photo-1414097533052.html Bruce MacKinnon http://www.artizans.com/browse.htm?artist=2 Sergeant-at-Arms, Kevin Vickers, honoured
  3. Hi RH, thanks for clarifying the context of that phrasing. Our paths of discussion are different, though your points are sound. I have no horse to back in the musical discussion as to which VH era was best. But even putting aside that comment, the rest of his comments seem as if he buys into the i"m a rock star! vibe, like he doesn't see how it comes across, which is mystifying. But anyway, that was just an observation from the one interview; maybe he's actually self-deprecating about it elsewhere even though it doesn't resonate that way here. That aside, the core of my point has to do with the musical direction of this line-up, which sounds like something we've all heard before.
  4. "The Van Hagar era"... "Sammy hits"... me me me me me me me memememememememememe... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIII... please somebody tell me he's kind of mocking himself here because if he's serious, he's hilarous for all the wrong reasons. So, a cover band of several bands, then, one of whom wasn't in the actual band... not exactly a unique sound there... Now, with all due respect to Jason, he's a working musician, a very good drummer, and maybe Americana or something in the vein of Supersilent is not everybody's cup of tea, but I'd be interested in his current musical likes/influences (besides the obvious), and look forward to some new musical ventures.
  5. HAPPY THANKSGIVING,CANUCKS!!! Kapusta is ready, libations are being enjoyed, LOTS of camaraderie and laughter. All the best to you and yours.
  6. Patrycja


    http://www.latrappetrappist.com/en-en/trappist-beers/la-trappe-tripel/ Festive, delicious. Just make sure you're sitting down. Good times...
  7. Hi thanks, azad, I've looked into it and they seem to have shows pretty much all over the world - North America, Europe, Middle East, far East... except your neck of the woods. Strange and unfortunate. There are many shows being presented, though the one that I saw was "Kurios." If you happen to be traveling, check out this list. Maybe there will be something near you - http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/shows.aspx
  8. Cheers, Pagefan. I couldn't help but share it, the show left me awestruck. Loved the first half, pretty much wiping tears throughout the second. Lest people think I'm some leaky faucet, really it was SO creative and skillful that grown men were moist-eyed. Duende. Everyone was infused with it. If someone gets to see it through this reminder, then it wil have been passed along, as it should be.
  9. Speaking of doing what you love, I saw - experienced the wonderment, more like - Cirque du Soleil's latest offering tonight, "Kurios - Cabinet of Curiosities." It's on in Toronto until October 26th. If you're in the area, or if it's coming to your area, RUN don't walk to see it. Incredible artistry and skill, precision, beauty, all wrapped up in imaginary heights that will leave you wiping your eyes and wanting it to never end. An amazing performance! Check it out: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/shows/kurios/tickets/toronto.aspx?cid=ps:kur_ca-on-07_2014:kurios_toronto_2014:google:0:tks:adv&adsrc=google&adcnt=0&keyword=%k&gclid=CLipqf-bjcECFQqQaQodvGIAqg
  10. Ok, so for reasons it doesn't behoove me to get into at this too-late juncture, I hope the following is coherent. This stupid lawsuit is insulting. Begging the question a bit there, but it's been bugging me ever since it came out, so here goes: Hey "Spirit": instead of a lawsuit, what you really ought to be saying is, "Thank you" - thank you, Led Zeppelin, for turning our redundant, uninspirning few notes into the most memorable musical note combination in rock history. Thank you for letting us ride your coat tails, and for now enabling the anyone-utterly-bored to check out our feeble version of a couple of random notes strung together in the hopes of SHAMELESSLY attempting to cash in. Have some self respect, "Spirit," and try and at least live up to the shadow of your name. Drop. The. Lawsuit. Your fifteen minutes is almost up. Just enjoy it while you can. You're welcome.
  11. I'm having a Guinness in your honour, Ally!
  12. Yeah. Open wide It's ama zing how much he's getting away with by just quietly bulldozing things through with his majority. Democratic process be damned.
  13. So thanks to Harper's hammer, the vast majority of Canadian waterways are no longer protected. I really REALLY hope people are paying attention to all the silent changes that are being made which will negatively affect Canadians if he isn't stopped in the next election. I hope he loses and takes Bozo Ford with him. http://o.canada.com/2012/10/22/its-open-season-on-canadas-waterways-is-your-favourite-lake-or-stream-protected/ http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/10/18/pol-navigable-waters-protection-budget-bill.html
  14. I had the sublime Leonard Cohen experience tonight. Understated, seamless musicianship; witty, profound lyrics. 3.5 hours that will stay with you for a long time. Don't miss it if he comes your way.
  15. "Skyfall", "Lincoln", and "Argo" were the last three I watched. I don't think I've liked three consecutive movies in a theatre - ever. Each really good in its own way.
  16. Italian tonight: pizza (potatoes and herbs), salad, chianti. Rustic and delicious. Dark spicy chocolate coming up. TGIF.
  17. Hi - I found a couple that I didn't see posted. This one's listed as being from Ivor Novello Awards 2011, Grosvenor House Hotel, London, May 19 (Dave Hogan/Getty) And this is from IMGL (allmoviephoto.com): (I sifted through the last few pages and didn't see these. Sorry if they've been posted already...enjoy - possibly again )
  18. I saw "The Master" over the weekend. Not really as good as I expected (my bias was hoping Scientology would get nailed, but I don't know the cult's ins and outs - no pun intended - so I'm not sure what digs against it there were beyond the obvious ones: "He's making it all up as he goes along"), but the acting was incredible. Apparently, Anderson gave a private screening of it to Cruise. I'd love to know what he thought of it...
  19. Happy Thanksgiving! I'll start with - thank God it's a long weekend
  20. Try stubhub.com, J, if it's sold out. Some tickets are a little more (some are a lot more), but well worth it if you're a fan. I got to see Them Crooked Vultures through that site. Sorry for winding the convo away from Gaga towards Madge. If you go, have a great time
  21. "W.E." - just to keep today's Madge theme going.
  22. The next show I have tickets for (excluding the Zep lads in October) is Leonard Cohen in early December. It's been getting rave reviews. I can't wait!
  23. Madonna ACC (Toronto) Sept. 12, 2012 Great concept, awesome song choices for said concept, wonderful choreography and execution, and an amazing set. Very entertaining night. I was really impressed with how seamless and professional the show was. Non-stop two hour performance in stilettos.
  24. That's the thing, Strider. Gaga does have the talent to do her own thing and succeed. Yet while borrowing and influence are accepted, the second link shows just how much Gaga has leaned on Madonna. You're right about each generation having it's own pop idol. At the Madonna concert, I saw mostly older generations. Nobody that was under, say, 25. I grew up with Madonna's music when we came to Canada, and though pop isn't my first musical choice, I've always been aware of Madonna's presence even in her less popular years. She's always managed to transcend the music scene (now, of course, it's par for the course to branch out beyond your niche - perfumes, clothing lines, wines, etc., etc. Gone are the days when just dolls and posters expanded your brand). And are you perhaps an ageist, hmm? I'd love to see what Madonna would do to you if you called her a bit long in the tooth (you'd likely love to see what she'd do to you, too ) /jk. I know what you mean, though I thought her concert was very impressive, particularly because she's been at it for so long and still gave a kick ass show. In stilettos. Plus her latest album is fab for the most part. She's actually inspiring for us ladies well beyond our teens It's interesting how in some musical genres (pop, rock) longevity is sometimes viewed as a negative (Elton on Madonna, many others on the Stones) while in other musical genres (classical), musicians are more respected the more seasoned they are. It'll be interesting to see how Gaga branches out and maintains cultural relevance over time.
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