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Everything posted by Patrycja

  1. Madonna's been pointing out in her concerts on this tour that Lady Gaga borrowed a song -- the Express Yourself/Born This Way controversy. It bugged me that Gaga did that. It's nothing like sampling where you have to get permission and give credit. I mean Gaga made tons of coin from a song that essentially had been done before. Cheeky poke about 3 minutes in: Now, I don't hate Gaga, nor am I dissing those who like her, but I do think she tries too hard (where does one go after a raw meat dress?). She's talented, so I don't get why she's rehashing. You can make a case that all artists 'borrow', but when it's this blatant, send a cheque. Madonna borrowed, but she made it her own. Plus she's always looked sexy doing it (again, raw meat dress??) and has stayed relevant for over three decedes. Madge put on a great show in T.O. and while I haven't seen Gaga live, I've no doubt she is good live, too. It's just too bad that she's walking down a path so many find all too familiar.
  2. Well, it's just that the first couple of times I saw it in the theatre, I was convinced he didn't get out. Then I saw it at home and changed my mind, but that might be because I WANTED Cobb to get out. It's not that I need a spoonfed answer, but people on either side are so sure...and I can't tell why exactly... It was fun to watch it again nonetheless. Great acting all around. Love Chris Nolan. Got a copy of 'Citizen Kane' though I don't know if this is the original or the intended original.
  3. Patrycja


    Try La Trappe (aptly named). Sip slowly and savour. Meant to be shared.
  4. Oh. watching 'Inception' again tonight. Maybe it'll make more sense in the wine haze...
  5. I love 'speechless bad' shared experiences... in retrospect only, like when we're sitting and drinking around a campfire, able through the lense of time to finally laugh about it... though that time has yet to come about HG. I'm glad someone agrees, though, cheers:) I still can't find that doc...? Well, that's one dumb part, but the main thing for me -- other than the blatant cashing in on American Idol meets 'The Most Dangerous Game' was how in the hell a smart group of people got overtaken by what appears to be a bunch of shallow wankers? I mean, where's the threat? I can't tell whether they just cut so much of the book out that the movie's left only with shallow parts, or whether the film makers were actually true to the book. Either way (unlike the Harry Potter series - both books and films) the movie did not make me want to read the books. At all. Nor the Twilight ones either. Nor the Gray series (which -- wait for it -- has it's own classical CD out already) for that matter. Not dumbing it down for an audience matters still... just saying...
  6. Just saw this, ledzepfvr. My condolences & thoughts to you. About work, things at mine are soo disturbing right now, I don't even...
  7. I'm surprised people actually really liked "The Hunger Games" (I thought it was vapid and shallow) but to each his own. This is a little OT as it's yet to come out, but so many of Pacino's recent movies have been so abysmal (except for the HBO productions) that when one actually looks good, it's a nice surprise: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/stand-up-guys/trailers/stand-up-guys-theatrical-trailer-30585452.html
  8. 'Searching' is right. It's actually hard to find here...will keep trying... Not a movie exactly, but I've been watching a PBS series on the history of New York. Really good. Wonderful early photography and film footage - 'actualities' as they were called. Also hoping that 'Copper' on Show Case will be great.
  9. I watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' on opening weekend and whie I really liked it, I need to see it again. Maybe it was the distraction of the horrible events the night before or the manager checking the exits every 15 minutes or the difficulty in making out what Bane was sayings sometimes, but there were parts of it that confused. Still, Nolan's ending - without giving it away - is bittersweet and complete. He's a really good story teller, but you have to pay attention. Also watched the latest Bourne offering recently and was disappointed. Long on action, short on plot - not the balance of both from previous installments. Like its predecessors, the ending is set up for a sequel, but in getting there, they committed the cardinal sin of movie making imo - I didn't really care about the main character. If it weren't for my being into the Jason Bourne series, I wouldn't go see the future movies, but I probably will. Damn it.
  10. I fell for the hype and went to see "The Hunger Games". Very boring, conventional plot with poor character/background/context development. I mean, how did those rich tools ever get to take over anyway? They don't seem threatening in the least. A bad version of The Most Dangerous Game meets reality tv. Saw "The Avengers" which was a lot of fun. Had to see it in 3D (no other option). Thought I'd hate that but it wasn't nauseating. GREAT cg effects. Hulk has some hilarious scenes. There were some parts of the plot that I didn't quite get what with all the fighting, but liked it overall. Also watched "The Raven". It was directed by James McTeigue who also directed "V for Vendetta" which I loved. Basically about how Poe (Cusack) has to find the serial killer who is basing his murders on Poe's macabre stories. A bit gory, good suspense.
  11. ^ LOL funny 'cause it's true. Of course we're just kidding On to other news. So Leonard Cohen's former manager, Kelley Lynch, has been convicted of stalking him, his family and his associates with increasing threats and bizarre rants for YEARS. Included here are some quotes from the victim impact statement: http://www.thewrap.c...-yourself-37091 Lynch has been sentenced to 18 months in prison. Considering she's been at it since like 2004, it seems a bit low: http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-17783138 Some background info: Kelley Lynch was his manager for years and for a brief part of that time they were lovers. It was consentual, but not what you'd call romantic or leading somewhere. Cohen commented wryly that he never spent the night. Ouch. So at some point they parted ways privately, but not professionally. Then Cohen decided to shift life gears, so he climbed up a mountain, and studied Buddhism for five years. During that time, Lynch proceeded to pilfer his life savings. He was down to $150K by the time the truth came out. Of course, the bittersweet irony is that Cohen came out of semiretirement to have a very successful world tour (with another one in the works!). Anyway, she was tried and convicted, and that's when the harrassments began. If you scroll down to the comments of this link, you'll get an idea of her ramblings. These are very tame compared to the sometimes 50-page emails and death threats Cohen got, but it coveys a picture of a projecting, batshit loco mind: http://www.hecklersp...se/20079855.php Given that people with her tendencies only escalate with what they perceive to be instigations (restraining orders, convictions, etc.) you have to wonder what gear she'll be in after stewing in jail over these "injustices". Scary.
  12. Hi HotDogAudrey - just so there's no misunderstanding, I wasn't refering to your efforts or post, simply to the line of thinking. Nothing personal or derrogatory meant your way
  13. WOW Hi, where is this exactly? Oh and this one is very beautiful. Thanks for posting all the B&Ws. They're stunning.
  14. Just to continue the celebrations, Happy Birthday (once again), Ally! You don't look a day older than __ __ Hope you had a blast and you're easing your way throught the recovery
  15. +1 Ok, so prancing around with a married man as a lark is ok, but with a band mate, "a big 'no no.'" Right. Penetrating insight.
  16. ^ First, Juliet, I am sorry to hear that you too had such a hard time with the health system. Many of us have unfortunately had similar reality checks with respect to its decline with loved ones in it. I hope the experience with your mom is better. Sending good thoughts... On another note, here is some food for thought about what's included in a prospective crime bill - BILL C-32. Egregious invasion of privacy, no questions asked, if this gets passed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnE2lOpYLQ8 And here's what you can do about it: Sign the petition http://stopspying.ca/ and write to your MP http://www.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/HouseOfCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC
  17. Kiwi - if you're going to go to the other respected prof you mentioned, best to do it before your prof hands back the assignment. That way, if the five favoured students have similar, high grades it strengthens the veracity of your accusation. The least they can do is look into it. It hurts no one, and maintains the school's credibility. Universities compete for students' money through programs and reputations. If word about this gets out, it could be bad press for the school. There must be some guidelines that profs get about what lines not to cross, similar to those students get about plagiarism. Good luck with this situation, Kiwi. I hope it work out in your favour and the truth comes out.
  18. By "Doubt" (which I'd already seen a while ago) I meant "The Debt"
  19. Watched "Doubt" recently, and also saw Coppola's "Twixt" at TIFF. Takes a little while to get going, but layered and interesting once it does. Kind of heartbreaking if you know about how some scenes mirror real events that had happened in his life.
  20. Thanks very much brspled and greenman for the helpful feedback - greatly appreciated I know some purists still prefer film to digital, but for novices, it saves so much time and money what with all the trial and error we have to go through. Much obliged to you both for making the path a little clearer. Keep those beautiful photos coming!
  21. ^ Beautiful, greenman. Water almost never turns out the way I intend it to in photos. And these are gorgeous, brspled. I can't stop staring at that staircase. Quite a trip!
  22. Addition by subtraction followed by pizza!
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