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Everything posted by Patrycja

  1. Yeah be smart and safe, people. I heard something like 3 FEET is supposed to come down. Sounds implausible, but then again, Mother Nature always astonishes. We're relatively lucky here - -7C which 'feels like' -17C with the biting wind. I bit nippy, but no snow. ^^p.s. "No Quarter" hit the spot, man. So good!
  2. this is one awesome and hilarous post. I will also refuse to buy anything with RC's credits on it, should it come to that. Luckily, I already have IV on vinyl and CDs in various manifestations. Fuck Taurus, indeed.
  3. Funny I was just thinking recently - I wonder what Jason's up to? and this popped up. FYI, fans: Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience lands in Napa January 21, 2015 3:00 pm • Register staff http://napavalleyregister.com/entertainment/arts-and-theatre/jason-bonham-s-led-zeppelin-experience-lands-in-napa/article_3a965b1b-0720-572a-9be7-ecdb8196b5e2.html I've spoken to people who have gone to previous shows and they were very moved by it. Have a great time, those of you who get to go.
  4. AUSSIE OPEN! I LOVE tennis!!! Joker is destroying a valiant under-matched opponent. Rafa squeaked by...just. My guy is still in it. Hope he goes all the way. Don't want to say who in case I jinx it.
  5. Dark chocolate, glass of red (Chilean cab)
  6. \V/ - good, simple food that makes you happy helps towards that (incidentally, fascinating how Nimoy arrived at that gesture, but that's for another thread). Blueberries are my favourite. Raw are best, but in pierogies with some butter and a bit of sugar on top are a close second. That's a shame about the bad olives; at least you've not given up on them. Again, blueberries MMMMM! Not-so-subliminal message for tomorrow. And yes, Chill, red wine makes everything just that much better, especially Mondays lol
  7. Not so much a meal as satisfying a craving: Moroccan oil-cured olives. I'm wild for them! So I bought some and they were just as good as I imagined. Hit the spot just so. Of course, I had to get a baguette to nibble on with them. Of course, a baguette is better with a bit of Brie. Of course, olives, a baguette and Brie are better with some red wine.
  8. At TIFF 2014, one of the films I saw was "Ida" by Polish director Pawel Pawlikowski. Surprisingly, it has been nominated in the Foreign Language Film Oscar category. Surprising not because it got nominated, but because I thought it a shame that this understated, quietly moving film would most likely get overlooked among the glitzy giants that premiered in Toronto, yet here we are. Agata Trzebuchowska (Ida) balanced on a knife's edge the naiveté of a novitiate and the curiosity of a young woman, revealing the character's complex layers so deftly. All the more impressive considering it was her first acting role. http://oscar.go.com/nominees/foreign-language-film/ida I stumbled on this, and I'm not sure I love it, though I'm sure I'm supposed to. It's a short called "The Audition" and it will promote Asian casinos. It's not finished, so in the meantime we're getting a trailer . An ad for an ad, essentially, but it's got De Niro, and DiCaprio, and Scorsese (he's really funny), with a hint of Pitt. http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/videos/martin-scorsese-reunites-robert-de-niro-leonardo-dicaprio-20150114 http://youtu.be/noRQ2wdyE4M
  9. Tennis! Raonic vs. Nishikori, Brisbane 5-5, 3rd & final set!
  10. Yep, and between '95 and 2014, too. I agree about the mix - it stands out in a bad way, and with most of mckjuana's assessment of it.
  11. Is the Leafs curse actually seeping into the Canadian Junior team?! OH GOD... my heart...
  12. World Junior Hockey finals -- Canada vs. Russia GO CANADA GO!!!
  13. Yep! 5-1 final in a closer-than-the-score-indicates game. Tomorrow's the real test, though - final against the Russians. ACC hasn't rocked like this since... well I don't recall lol It's gold or bust for us, and we looked a little off now and again, but credit goes to the Slovaks, especially their goalie, who made us work for it. Nervous about tomorrow's game...
  14. World Junior Hockey semi-finals -- Canada vs. Slovakia GO CANADA GO!!!
  15. Well said, and the soul in his music, too. Funny thing is I've been listening to JC with relish of late, but still can't watch Robin Williams or PS Hoffman on film yet...
  16. I LOVE this thread. Not that I haven't liked the other offerings posted, but these last two are fab! I love the warmth, softness and power of classical guitars. Amazing how well STH translates in another genre. Even though the solo part is very similar, it is far more fresh than those who play in the same genre note-for-note. Kudos to Jimmy - what moving journey, both solo and song. And beautiful control and emotion in 'Cavatina.' She just gives the music space to let it speak for itself. Thanks for posting, gents.
  17. Happy Birthday, Jonesy, and many happy, healthy returns! Thanks for all the great music.
  18. I also watched "Imitation Game" and liked it overall. Obviously about cracking Enigma, but also about the burden of national and private secrets. The beginning was similar to "Inside Man" what with the main character telling the audience to listen carefully because he would not repeat himself. Interesting choice to keep cutting through three time periods to establish and reveal the relationship with 'Christopher.' The singular obsession to keep that relationship alive through the machine was very moving, but frankly seeing all the commercials about how this was 'one of the greatest movies of the year' and other superlatives set up unrealistic expectations. I felt it was maybe a bit disjointed or flat... just not quite the sum of its parts. Hard to put my finger on it, but it left me wanting and not in a good way. Very fine performances by Cumberbatch, Goode and Knightly, and also the young actors as well.
  19. I love the quiet of a house before the day wakes.
  20. RIP Joe Cocker, God damn it... Rock and blues singer Joe Cocker has died aged 70 after a battle with lung cancer. http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/update/2014-12-22/joe-cocker-has-died-after-a-battle-with-lung-cancer/ Edit for link source: LedZepNews twitter
  21. I saw the final "Hobbit" movie today. Because of the schedule, I watched the 3D version which I don't prefer, but the format was actually all right. Loved the movie itself, probably the most of the three Hobbit offerings. Making a quality third movie is quite a feat, and Jackson has done justice to deeply loved books (The Hobbit and LOTR). I felt kind of sad that this epic cinematic journey had come to and end. When Jackson was here in Toronto for the premiere, he pretty much put to rest adapting any more Tolkien books (at least for now?). Part of it is that he needs a break after such a long commitment; part of is that the movie rights to The Silmarillion belong to the Tolkien estate and they don't seem to like the LOTR movies -- what?! So even after Jackson gets much needed rest in his New Zealand Hobbit hole, there are still legal issues to be ironed out -- hopefully they do it! In the meantime, a revisit of The Silmarillion and The Children of Húrin in the original form, then. After journeying to Middle Earth again, I still long to wander about in this wondrous world.
  22. Went to a pub after work with some friends and colleagues and the locals broke into song. Not the sad few in the corrner who had a few too many. No, the entire pub full of people started singing Christmas carols and hymns. So genuine and heartfelt. What a wonderful moment to be in the midst of, especially with good people around to share it
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