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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. You're very welcome....here's what they sound like live...
  2. Recently been turned on to these cats, Divine Fits....
  3. Nice...I school my girls on the stuff I listen too, and they dig some of it. But they also like all that crap that every other 10 and 7 year old girl does...lol...but mine are probably the only ones in their school that can tell you the names of the members of zeppelin, at least 2 of the singers from sabbath...lol...
  4. 6 year old Carrie Fisher watching from the wings as her mother Debbie Reynolds performs on stage at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas -- 1963
  5. While driving around this morning my 10 year old ( soon to be 11 ) asked me to put on Tchaikovsky
  6. I love Galactic! Here's a bit more Funk from the Meters.. https://youtu.be/IydYLIsT9LA
  7. Last night's Christmas eve dinner...homemade spaghetti & meatballs with Stuffed Shells
  8. I wish everone a Merry Christmas , Happy Hanukkah, or whatever you may happen to celebrate this time of year.
  9. Did you see it at the XD theater in Plano? ....I'm probably taking the kids next week.
  10. https://apnews.com/968200c2fbc54f649c605d727f505689 Carrie Fisher's brother says she's in stable condition.
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