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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I can't remember ever disliking another human (except for the big cheesehead who is almost out the door) as i do this creature. She reminds me of a REDNECK, lol. Enough said... :) I think i have posted ever nauseating detail on her out there. People need to educate themselves on her before they vote for her (since McCain is due to dry up any time now). I can predict this fairly well, i work with the Geriatric population.
  2. Joe Biden overcame his stutter in his adolescence. GWB never had the smarts to get some help, lol. Biden was also born with intelligence. Just one of his many traits that make him great. He has a gift for gab, but at least he knows what he's talking about. His values are all above standard as well. You see, this is the problem. When Americans choose a President because they want to have a beer with him, we wind up with some drunken fool running our country (or is that just a stutter?) OTOH, some say GWB got elected because of his "personality". I just don't see one.
  3. Del, longdistancewinner had every right to state her opinion and who she favors. Like i said before, if she favored McCain you would have welcomed her. Even lavished her with jewels possibly, Attacking her government the way you did wasn't necessary, but i can see you enjoy doing it! AFAIC, it's the fault of the current administration that the economy is where it is. Look at the funds spent on the war alone. Not hard to figure out why people are feeling the pinch, big time. As for GWB and the security of the country, refer to my old friend Electrimage's post. Short and sweet, but totally accurate. Obama has Biden to guide him with Forgeign relation and policy. IMO, Joe Biden is the best man for the job and i'm certain Obama will be happy to be assisted by him. What can Sarah do? Oh yeah, i hear she can see Russia through her window, lol. Del i don't know if you answered my question on the other post, but in case you didn't, i will ask again. When good ole GWB got us into this war initially, how long did he tell us it would take to win? If you look at McCains views, same as old GWBushwacker. No change, except with Sarah on board, maybe the maverick will be a bit more conservative. Maybe he will demolish the Endangered Species list enitriely. Sarah might decide she wants an American Eagle trophy above her mantle. He may even change his views on Stem Cell Research. Oh funny thing, too, prior to Sarah's special needs baby, she cut programs for others. Flip flopping or just plain heartless? I hear her twisting the truth about that one in her speeches, along with her now famous Bridge to Nowhere claim to fame. LINK: Sep 4th, 2008 at 8:06 am Palin and Special Needs Children» I understand that Sarah Palin’s fans find her critics loathesome and our motives dubious, but I wonder how they feel about the fact that her two national appearances have been so packed full of lies. To site the most obvious example, the story she’s now told in both of her appearances before national audiences about how “I told the Congress ‘thanks, but no thanks,’ for that Bridge to Nowhere” is an enormously appealing story. But to me, the appeal wore off when I learned it wasn’t true. Similarly, this is a nice idea: To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House. But then you read: However, a comment here notes that Palin actually slashed funding for schools for special needs kids by 62%. Budgets: FY 2007 (pre-Palin), 2008, 2009 (all pdfs). Well that’s less appealing. Republicans who’ll cut social services for people in need are as common as politicians who favor pork for their home state. Comments 78 http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives...ds_children.php I have no problem with Obama's desire to change our country, for the average American, for the better. I say we gave the Republicans almost a decade and they blew it. Time to till the soil.
  4. That skit was funny, but the writers were careful not to be too honest (bummer). It's quite amazing how much Tina looked liked Palin. The only reason i even watched SNL last night.
  5. You are very welcome. I had a good friend on this board back in 02' when Bush was already making this country look bad to the rest of the world. He was from Spain. He got into so many spats with Bush lovers (and believe me Jose could speak his mind with the best of them) that he left the board. He had been to America a couple times and was very knowledgeable about the world in general. Everyone can give their opinion and without needing to explain. You did nothing wrong and shouldn't feel like you have to defend yourself. But i think you figured that out by now. Don't expect an apology from Del, lol. Keep rooting for Obama, we need all the prayers we can get!
  6. You were rude, and she picked up on it too. Could it have been the brutality of your Royal Family comment? Roughly, one half choose to allow GWB another four years of corruption and pushing our country into a recession. Who would have imagined with the surplus Clinton left, we would be in such debt (and i know my grandchildren will still be paying). I posted the stats on 2001 vs. today a while ago in a post. Everything that was rated is much worse off today. Americans need to ask themself this question: are they better off today than 4 years ago? Who can even afford gasoline as just ONE example? We need to take care of US. The war is an unfortunate, ongoing (Del, in the very beginning of the war, how long did GWB project it would last)? McCain has no plans to change anything. He doesn't have a solid answer to his plans to fix unemployment, healthcare, education, poverty, insect over-population , crime, the environment, including Global Warming (which Palin has no clue about), etc... he will continue the war and continue the high cost of human lives being lost and financial debt being incurred, and i heard he is also for stem cell research (which Palin opposes). I didn't happen to hear McCains thoughts on book censorship, but if Palin steps in for him, it will be another Fahrenheit 451, . That last statement you made, very uncool... tsk, tsk. edit for spelling
  7. You think Palin is eating the wolves (well maybe the pups) and bears. Would you? You said you are not eating the rabbits (how many have you shot now) you kill. So you don't just hunt for food (like animals in nature do, duh). And i would like to know, is it legal for you to shoot animals at random on your property, by law? As for the descript way you speak of animals killing others, that is nature. Hunters who kill for "sport" are not the same, don't try to twist it into what it's not. In addition, i have already said more than once, this is not a hunting issue to me. This is an issue of Palin's policies on hunting in Alaska, in particular the policies that many Alaskan hunters are ALSO appalled by. The policies that make her look like a disturbed human being. Hunting wolves and bear by plane is not sport, it's cruel. It goes against someones character when they claim so vehemently to be pro-life. Look it up or check my previous links if you don't understand what i am talking about. Her stand on the environment in general is a disgrace. She wants the entire country to return to Frontier living. She wants big money from big oil, drill Alaska. Why go forward when we can set our country back a hundred years. I already told wanna be that insects don't feel pain or emotions. They don't have a Neurological system that allows them to feel emotions like humans do. They don't have fear or sadness. God have you ever seen spider tears, lol. I will look for a link in an attempt to appease you. ANYWAY, lol, there are billions of insects (at least) to one human. I think more than a need to cull polar bears, we have a need to find effective insect control in every part of the world. Insects breed disease and pass it on to humans. Insects can feel stimuli like heat, but that has nothing to do with pain. They don't have pain receptors so they can't feel pain. So boys, enjoy pulling off insect legs. Sounds like fun. A small piece of information that seems clear an insect isn't feeling pain: http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent425/tutorial/nerves.html In comparison to vertebrates, an insect's nervous system is far more de-centralized. Most overt behavior (e.g. feeding, locomotion, mating, etc.) is integrated and controlled by segmental ganglia instead of the brain. In some cases, the brain may stimulate or inhibit activity in segmental ganglia but these signals are not essential for survival. Indeed, a headless insect may survive for days or weeks (until it dies of starvation or dehydration) as long as the neck is sealed to prevent loss of blood! Del, here is your information: http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/commbus...tn-e/shelly-e.h -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do Invertebrates Feel Pain? Invertebrates are classically defined as animals, which lack a’ backbone’ or dorsal nerve cord1, such as insects, crustacea (e.g. shrimp, lobster and crab), and molluscs (e.g. clams, snails, and squid). Traditionally, these animals have not been included in legislation concerning cruelty to animals2. Pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage”3. The subjective, emotional component of pain is considered its important aspect, not the activation of pain sensors (nociceptors) in the body. The IASP makes this clear “Activity induced in the nociceptive pathways by a noxious stimulus is not pain, which is always a psychological state, even though we may appreciate that pain most often has a proximate physical cause”3. In other words, the only animals capable of feeling pain are those that can feel fear, anxiety, distress and terror, similar to what humans feel when we receive noxious stimuli. Almost all organisms, including bacteria, will attempt to escape from an aversive stimulus4. Because bacteria are not thought to be capable of feeling pain (e.g. they lack a nervous system), possessing an escape response to an aversive stimulus is not enough evidence to demonstrate that a species is capable of feeling pain. To infer that a non-human vertebrate (mammals, birds and reptiles) is in pain, researchers rely on the vocalizations and physiological responses (e.g. the release of stress hormones) that an animal produces when faced with an aversive stimulus2. Because these responses are similar to our own when we are in pain, researchers argue that, by analogy, animals showing these responses are also in pain2. This technique cannot be used with invertebrates. Invertebrate physiology is different from our own1. The invertebrates diverged from that of vertebrates hundreds of millions of years ago1. Scientists have used three lines of reasoning to assess the likelihood that invertebrates are capable of feeling pain5. The evolutionary function of pain The neural capacity of invertebrates The behaviour of invertebrates 1. The evolutionary function of pain. In vertebrates pain is thought to be an important educational tool6. Vertebrates are relatively long-lived creatures and learning shapes much of their behaviour. Learning from pain (and pleasure) plays a vital role in the development of their behaviour6. Almost all invertebrates are short-lived and their behaviour is thought to be largely genetically determined7. Therefore, there is less evolutionary pressure selecting for the evolution of pain in this group of animals6. 2. The neural capacity of invertebrates. Except for the cephalopods, invertebrates have small nervous systems, consisting of many small brains (ganglia). Because of the small number of neurons and the distributed organization of their nervous systems, invertebrates are thought to have limited cognitive capacity6. High cognitive capacity is thought to be a prerequisite for the development of an emotional response6. 3. The behaviour of invertebrates Invertebrates show few, if any, of the behaviours that we would recognize as evidence of emotion6. Many invertebrates are cannibalistic, and many eat their young when given the chance. Most have no social behaviour. Although they can respond vigorously to noxious stimuli, even this response is inconsistent. Insects, for example, will continue with normal activity even after severe injury. An insect walking with a crushed tarsus (lower leg) will continue applying it to the ground with undiminished force. Locusts will writhe when sprayed with DDT. However, they will also continue feeding while being eaten by a praying mantid6. Cephalopods Cephalopods are sometimes given special status by animal care committees (e.g. CCAC) because they have a large, vertebrate-like central nervous system, which is about the same size as that of a fish8. In the United Kingdom these animals have some legal protection, however in the United States they do not. Although they have large brains, all the coleoid cephalopods (squid, octopus and cuttlefish) have short lifespans8. Most live less than one year. There is no parental care8. The absence of parental care suggests that most of their behaviour is genetically determined (i.e. they must be able to hunt, hide from predators, communicate etc. without instruction by others of their species). They are capable of learning, but their abilities are sometimes greater, sometimes less than that of fish8,9. Most are highly cannibalistic, even the schooling squid. We know nothing about their hormonal response to stress, and therefore we cannot determine whether they have a physiological response that resembles ours when confronted by aversive stimuli. We understand very little about their visual communication system and, therefore, we do not know whether they make any ‘pain-specific’ signals. Given our three criteria above, we have very little evidence that these animals feel pain. Nevertheless, it is possible that as we learn more about them, we may find evidence suggesting that they are capable of feeling pain. Conclusions Although it is impossible to know the subjective experience of another animal with certainty, the balance of the evidence suggests that most invertebrates do not feel pain. The evidence is most robust for insects, and, for these animals, the consensus is that they do not feel pain6. edit: end of link Del, I have already said i am not a vegetarian. I have made it clear i don't condone, but i'm not out protesting hunters. I eat very little meat, but i do eat it. Mostly, i'm a seafood, fruit/vegetable and unsweet iced tea lover. I never said my cats eat mice because i have yet to find a mouse in my house. I said they "would" and then again, i'm guessing. But that is more humane than me laying out a trap that injures the mouse while it suffers for who knows how long before dying. Yes the mouse, like the rabbits you kill, feel pain (unless they are killed instantly). Your friend who raises the rats, not very stable individual imo. I am glad i live in an area where your issues with wild rabbits is not a problem. I have a great deal of trees and woods and greenery, but i don't have to fear anyone is shooting pellet guns in their backyard. You have made me feel blessed. The cayenne pepper wasn't a suggestion, just an example. I didn't say it works, it was just a way to lead you down the road to finding natural ways to control the problem. I know there are some that don't require Warfarin poisioning of rabbits, but i am not going to research it for you. Let me ask, do the foothills not have drought conditions (sounds like you use alot of water). This has been fun Del. My main points: i don't like Palin's irresponsible views on the environment and HER barbaric hunting policies. I don't like sport hunting, but i'm not a protestor. I don't like meat very much, but i do eat a little of it. I may have some sneakers with leather uppers, but i haven't bought a leather coat or handbag in over a decade. You would have to search hard to find leather products in my home. I realize the carcass is a by product of the meat anyway, so if eating a cow is acceptable to me, the rest of the body is just as acceptable. I also said i do my best when i do eat meat, to buy it from the area Farmers Market where the Lancaster Dutch raise their animals in free range quarters. It's less inhumane anyway. It's not perfect. I want to know if it is legal for you to be shooting the rabbits. I want to know if you want the insect population to explode, lol. And i'm curious, how many spider legs have you pulled off??? oh and for the record, i don't like tofu (but i tolerate it in Miso soup). have a nice night, you are too much work, lol. i'm exhausted.
  8. He's the "THUNDERCHIEF" didn't you see that in his profile. Tread lightly, mad dog. His fangs are sharp, lol.
  9. LOL, i have to give you credit. You stooped lower than imaginable. BECAUSE longdistancewinner likes Obama, you totally blast her. If on the other hand she would have praised your Mcstupid and Stalin pick, i bet your words would have been welcoming. Maybe the governments of other countries have a real interest in who is chosen for their personal gain, but i think the average citizen not only sees with clear eyes, but makes their choice based on their own values, not those of their government. We are once again, and deservingly, being laughed at and ridiculed by everyone outside the U.S.A. And sorry Del, but you do seem to impose on the Freedom of Speech of others in your attacks. Let me ask, do you not have strong opinions of leaders elsewhere? I 'm sure you do. Your blind love of this party is sad given you seem to be above average in intelligence. But like the majority of your party, you don't see the state of things today and the state of our future if we continue down this path. You blindly follow the party. I bet you would want the American Eagle hunted if Sarah Palin said it was a good idea. Longdistancewinner, i hope you don't consider Del to be an average American. He is very much an extremist.
  10. Either way, with Clinton or Biden, our country would be on the right track. Let us pray (lol, i'm Athiest) that Obama wins this election. I have been overly verbal in my opinions and starting to tire of speaking to the other side. I can't comprehend why they would want the McPinnocchio (compliments of One Drop) and Stalin team after the last two terms of running our country into the grave. Dare i use the "I" word...no i will refrain. Her interview with Charlie was laughable, but you would hope eye opening to her admirers. You would hope. SunChild, I love your sig. I sent it to some friends! Edit: after posting this, i adopted your sig!
  11. But i miss him, really. In some ways, i can relate to him.
  12. I prefer a frozen Daiquiri. If it's wine you want, white.
  13. Humans and animals have very close anatomy and physiology. Animals feel pain in the same way you would. Insects on the other hand, don't. Insects don't feel pain and they do not feel emotions. To compare animals to insects is almost like comparing animals to flowers. I have NEVER used a mouse trap in my house. I would never use an animal trap. I do however own two cats and if they see a mouse, the poor little guy will be toast. As for shooting rabbits and other small rodents on your lawn, i doubt it is LEGAL where Del lives. While Del is out there shooting away, he could potentially shoot an innocent human. If my neighbor was shooting at something in the yard i would call the police. I figure his views on hunting Alaskan wildlife (wolves, wolf pups, bear and Del himself added the Whale to the list) good enough reason for me to see evil. As for the selfishness factor, instead of killing off more species to drill for oil, it's high time we look for other energy sources (i have heard something about this in chitter chatter). Same old shit, new day for McPinnocchio (kudos to One Drop for that one) and his cheerleader. No progression on that team, just more slaughter to stay dependent on a source that will eventually dry up (but not as soon as McCain will). As for Del protecting his investment, i'm sure with a little research he could find a friendly way to deter the rabbits from being on his lawn. Maybe some cayenne pepper borders would work.
  14. I said the rabbit killing is unsettling, that was my out, because i have no desire to talk about it. I find it repulsive behavior, inhumane treatment of another life form, and so i don't wish to discuss it. I can't help you with your sickness so i won't pretend to have any advice on this issue. Animals are living creatures with functioning brains and central nervous systems. They feel the same pain you do. Your indifference towards animals is sad, but you are not alone. Plenty of evil to go around in the world. You are clearly a self serving human who cares nothing about others, just what might benefit you. That is why i am grateful you don't work in a field that requires you to have too many human emotions.
  15. I'm happy i don't have to work this weekend. I'm tired but watching my daughter laugh and seeing her joy at just being alive makes me feel good, too. The day is still young, there's room for more happiness (though i won't bet on any). The beautiful warm weather and nice breeze helps, too.
  16. Hillary would have been the better pick to insure Obama the Presidency. I wish he had picked her because it is more important to get America back under Democratic leadership at this point, then look for the "best" choice. While i believe Biden is the best choice (and would have made the best President) i like Hillary and i know she would have been a great choice, too. If i have any criticism towards Obama, it's what you said, he should have gone with the "sure thing". You DO know (and i didn't hear the comment) if Biden said it, he said it for the same reason i mentioned.
  17. Whoa? Electrimage, i would never have believed that more sarcasm, lol One Drop hasn't kept up with you or he would have realized you're not a fan of either...
  18. Impossible to pick only five. Ronnie you picked two i would share with ya, lol. Led Zeppelin...Physical Graffiti The Beatles...Let It Be U2...Rattle and Hum The Cure...Show Genesis...Trick of the Tail i can't do it... Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band...The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle Pink Floyd...Meddle Led Zeppelin I The Beatles White Album The Rolling Stones...Sticky Fingers and Hot Rocks
  19. I forgot about this one, but i have a VHS of some of the episodes, "The Mod Squad". Man, i was in love with Pete when i was a kid!
  20. She gave you really good advice wisdom at ten is something to take seriously.
  21. Wild Horses...The Rolling Stones
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