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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. Juliet


    Dzldoc: My thoughts are with you...please hang in there... Juliet xo
  2. Over the past week or so I have heard Heartbreaker/Livin' Lovin' Maid on fm 96 (London) and Communication Breakdown on ROCKET 101 (Erie)
  3. A sad day....I believe Malcolm was featured on Canadian shows like Fashion Televison when they did a feature on Vivian's Westwood's work. He was also seen on music shows like The New Music when they did a feature on The Sex Pistols... Juliet R.I.P. MALCOLM
  4. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Political Top 3 tunes of the day.. 1. I Can't Get Enough (of the Liberal Party unfortunately)... 2. What's Goin' On..(a Montreal) 3. Don't Rock the Boat (if you want to speak at our Fest) If the Provincial Liberal budget wasn't enough..I made the mistake of turning on the tv this afternoon only to see that the Federal Liberals are having a Liberal Fest in Montreal today. 50 speakers from across this land are speaking about their ideas. Hey I wasn't invited..ohh..I guess people who might rock the boat didn't get an invitation...I guess that's why Ann Coulter is gone...gone...gone now from mon pays... Juliet
  5. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Ontario Budget is out...the finance minister says soon all government employees' salaries..wages..contracts will be frozen....so be prepared....for no more money... How odd..I didn't hear him mention his own or fellow politicians' salaries will be frozen Juliet
  6. Hello; I hope that jeans store opens a branch store in my local mall....well we definitely do not have enough jean stores in my opinion... Juliet PS I assume the jeans were too short!!!
  7. Hi: Wow..I knew our local Mall was missing something...it desperately needs an art show...think how it will generate business, traffic (hopefully a rock star or two will pass by ) ... Forget government stimulus packages....Art is the answer to fixing this economic crisis... Where's my paint brush.. Juliet
  8. Good Times Bad Times ...yesterday...fm96...London Canada...
  9. Hello: Corey's funeral was yesterday in Toronto... R.I.P. Corey...fellow Canadian..handsome young prince...may you be in the arms of an angel... Juliet
  10. Hello: The person reading the news on GOOD MORNING AMERICA scrunched up her nose while she reported that Iggy Pop took his shirt off last eve when he got up to perform a tune at the HOF ceremony. She made a comment and I'm paraphrasing "He's 62 and he took his shirt off?". Her expression and tone made it seem like Iggy was some evil diseased glob from outer space...I was offended and I turned the tv off!!! The nerve of that GMA staff... Iggy looks so hot...wow!!!! Juliet
  11. Hi: I'll be watching the show .....let's hope this trend will continue!!! I'd also like to see Andy Griffith, Ryan O'Neal, Suzanne Somers, Candice Bergen(again), Leonard Nimoy, etc etc host this show...Let's here it for veteran performers..I'll use that term instead of older actors!!! I hope ROBERT PLANT is the musical guest!!! Juliet
  12. Buenos Dies GnR fans; Did a Google search of Brazil...and it's 84 degrees (F) in Rio de Janiero today but feels like 95 with the humidity.. Juliet
  13. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    The Federal Budget was presented yesterday...M.P.'s are going to have a salary freeze. They need a salary rollback...don't patronize me Juliet
  14. Juliet


    The Brit Awards were shown on MUCH MUSIC last eve... Courtney Love was one of the presenters...she looks fabulous....I think I will buy her CD that is supposed to come out this year... Lady Gaga used an instrument that reminded me of an episode from the original Star Trek.. Juliet PS Liam Gallager swore then threw his mic and award into the audience..Believe it or not?
  15. Hi; GREAT NEWS...Olympic skaters coming to London for STARS ON ICE in May 2 http://www.johnlabattcentre.com/ click on Event Calendar... Juliet
  16. Buenos noches bigdan: I apologize for getting off topic and upsetting you by my celebrating the hockey team's win with red wine from Argentina. There were athletes from South America there so I deem it o.k.;however, if it bothers you so..after I finish this case...I mean bottle I will abstain hereafter.. Juliet PS THANK-YOU TO ALL OLYMPIANS OF 2010
  17. Steve: Oh...those square melons are funny... I assume the red and white roses are in honour of his time on tour in Canada... Juliet PS sounds like the tour is a go.... PSS Re his house in Malibu...looks lonely...on a hill....must have been scary during that fire...glad Axl and his home are ok....
  18. NO bigdan...I am not a blonde.....thanks anyhow... Juliet PS Oh that red wine was good to celebrate the excellent hockey game..sorry not Ontario wine(boycotting that until car insurance rates come down)...it was wine from Argentina....
  19. Hey bigdan: I have never taken much interest in the Olympics until this year...I find some events more interesting than others...I am getting bored with the amount of blondes;blonde reporters,blonde fans being prefered when interviewed by male reporters..blondes in ads for Olympic items....blondes..blondes...blondes...do I sound bitter? I found out that the President of Russia is going to be a party pooper..he was supposed to be here for the closing and handing over of the flag since his country will host the next games...Well he cancelled cause the Russian hockey team didn't win.. In any case I'm going to try and block out the blonde factor and enjoy some red wine while I watch the hockey game and closing ceremony GO CANADA GO GO CANANDA GO Juliet
  20. Steve: Considering the earthquake in Chile, I wonder if the tour will be postponed..if the band members and crew have young families I wonder if Axl will reschedule the tour so family members won't have to worry.. I have checked Axl's twitter and Facebook pages but no comment thus far.. Juliet PS Thanks for story about the masssge therapist...I see alot of ads in the paper for jobs in that field now..lower back pain is a major problem and not just for aging rock stars....
  21. Bravo .....Robert ..you are the best... Juliet xo PS I will never forget seeing the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan show in 64...on a small black and white tv in a small Canadian town...
  22. Hi E: I agree.. Joannie skates again tonight in the long program....whatever happens it appears she has already won the hearts and sympathy of the crowd and fellow skaters... Juliet
  23. Hey G&R fans: I saw the music video, NOVEMBER RAIN, on the Canadian music station MUCH MORE MUSIC... What a set....and cast.... Juliet PS Soon G&R will be on the road again..this time to South America..I hope there's no nasty fans at any of the gigs...
  24. GO TESSA....GO SCOT....Ice dancing tonight.... GO CANADA GO Juliet
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