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David Letterman Makes Sleazy Comments About Sarah Palin's Daughter


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Of course, this is typical from the left these days. They go out of their way to destroy those who disagree with them.

You can say the same about the left, right, pagan, christian, muslim and any faction you could think of. They will destroy, mock and slander those who they don't agree with. It's not strictly a liberal thing. For every "Letterman" joke there is a 'Barack the Magic Negro' joke.

Edited by zosodude13
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But CBR, he didn't attack a 14 year old girl. It wasn't even that funny of a joke (honestly at first I thought it was a dig at A-Roid), but clearly the focus was on the 18 year old,

I ask again, please provide the source where you read that the 18 year old was at the game. I will buy that that was what he meant if she was there, if she wasn't, it makes no sense and is clearly BS and a lame attempt to defuse the criticism. Thanks.

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I ask again, please provide the source where you read that the 18 year old was at the game. I will buy that that was what he meant if she was there, if she wasn't, it makes no sense and is clearly BS and a lame attempt to defuse the criticism. Thanks.

Look just because you ask for proof of something, doesn't mean you're asking for the right thing. Palin's presence in NY with A daughter was an entry point into a joke about the discrepancy between the Palin stance on abstinence and how well that turned out. There is no joke about the 14 year old, no one said so, and her presence at the b-ball game implies no such thing. So which daughter was at the game is irrelevant. Palin jumped on it and conveniently skirted the real issue. So you can go ahead and keep asking, but bear in mind that your ladder is against the wrong wall.

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Now, you good people don't need to take Dave's stupid joke to seriously. I imagine one of his methed out lackey's came up with it, and it made it through the sieve to the cue cards.

The real knee slapping one liners will come soon enough,with most of the players in the current administration being the fodder for his monologue. At this point , no special guests will be required on his show.

It'll be stand up Dave, an hour of lampooning the goings on in Washington,D.C.

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There is no joke about the 14 year old, no one said so, and her presence at the b-ball game implies no such thing.

I'll try one more time to try to get an answer that makes some sense.

He said, and I quote: " one awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the yankee game, during the 7th inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez".

How can you say that he didn't mean the daughter that was there? How can someone who's not there get knocked up? He obviously is talking about a person who was there. Or where does he say he's talking about somebody who wasn't there? It makes no sense what so ever. :rolleyes:

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^ he doesn't, but fatally literal Palin jumped all over it, saying he made sexually explicit comments about her fourteen year old, when course he was commenting on the eighteen year old whose mother touted abstinence.

No, he was referring to the daughter whom attended the Yankees game - and she is 14.

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I'll try one more time to try to get an answer that makes some sense.

He said, and I quote: " one awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the yankee game, during the 7th inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez".

How can you say that he didn't mean the daughter that was there? How can someone who's not there get knocked up? He obviously is talking about a person who was there. Or where does he say he's talking about somebody who wasn't there? It makes no sense what so ever. :rolleyes:

Yes yes that is indeed what he said. But he subsequently followed up with an explanation of which daughter he meant. It makes no sense to poke fun at something that isn't an issue, but totally makes sense to poke fun at the abstinence issue. Let me ask you this: do you see the connection to the political position and the opposite happening at home? It was the 18 year old who was knocked up, hence the joke. The issue is poking fun at the abstinence issue. What would be funny/satirical about it if that wasn't the intent? There is no joke without the backdrop of abstinence message leading to pregnancy. I really don't know why you haven't addressed that. Again, I wouldn't find anything funny about the snipe if it weren't for the context. There is no joke without it. And even with it it wasn't that great a joke. You know that adage: you have to kill a joke in order to dissect it (or however that goes)? I think we've killed it to death here

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No, he was referring to the daughter whom attended the Yankees game - and she is 14.

Without the context of Bristol there is no joke :slapface: (and a barely gasping one with it, but that's another thing all together).

Do you honestly REALLY believe he would make a sexually charged comment about an underage girl?

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I think it's clear this joke was more about A-Rod (the baseball player), who has a history of infidelity) then it is about Sarah Palin's daughter. I quote myself earlier when I say it was in bad taste, but not as a big a deal as its been made to be.

Letterman did "sorta apologize"and probably needed to do more then he did. But, some people don't apologize to begin with so :thumbdown::thumbsup: for me.

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. I really don't know why you haven't addressed that. Again, I wouldn't find anything funny about the snipe if it weren't for the context.

The context is this is the sister of the one who got knocked up. duh. And the one who was actually there. geeeez :rolleyes:

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He did and no attempts to spin it otherwise will change this fact.

and that would be funny how? there is no joke otherwise, but you go ahead and spin it into a 'fact'

The context is this is the sister of the one who got knocked up. duh. And the one who was actually there. geeeez :rolleyes:

Gents, your position is as tenable as Swift really REALLY meaning for people to each the children :rolleyes:

Ok, now I have to go pack. I hope you find your satire funny bones and Dave comes up with better material, just not less cutting.

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and that would be funny how? there is no joke otherwise, but you go ahead and spin it into a 'fact'

Gents, your position is as tenable as Swift really REALLY meaning for people to each the children :rolleyes:

Ok, now I have to go pack. I hope you find your satire funny bones and Dave comes up with better material, just not less cutting.

Your just like Dave himself, unable to own up. He's lucky I'm not the young girl's father 'cause he basically inferred to the entire nation she's a whore. You better believe that gap-toothed motherfucker would be eating all his meals thru a straw this summer if she was my girl.

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Boy, people sure are sensitive. That joke is funny.

Really, grow up.

Yes yes that is indeed what he said. But he subsequently followed up with an explanation of which daughter he meant. It makes no sense to poke fun at something that isn't an issue, but totally makes sense to poke fun at the abstinence issue. Let me ask you this: do you see the connection to the political position and the opposite happening at home? It was the 18 year old who was knocked up, hence the joke. The issue is poking fun at the abstinence issue. What would be funny/satirical about it if that wasn't the intent? There is no joke without the backdrop of abstinence message leading to pregnancy. I really don't know why you haven't addressed that. Again, I wouldn't find anything funny about the snipe if it weren't for the context. There is no joke without it. And even with it it wasn't that great a joke. You know that adage: you have to kill a joke in order to dissect it (or however that goes)? I think we've killed it to death here


I'm sure he didn't write the joke either.

Controversy=ratings against Conan.

And Palin can stay the hell out of the public eye now...doesn't she have this huge state to take care of. :blink: She should stick to her hunting for her ...family.

Go home Palin. <_<

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Sarah Palin and David Letterman battle over 'disgusting' joke

A feud's been brewing. And David Letterman last night fired the latest round - in the form of an apology. No, not an apology, a clarification.

It started when the late night host made a crack on Monday about Sarah Palin and her family's weekend visit to New York in his monologue: "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game," Letterman said. "During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

Palin was not amused, particularly since her 14-year-old daughter, Willow, was the only Palin child to attend the game and seemed to be the target. "Laughter incited by sexually perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is ... disgusting," the Alaska governor said in a statement. Her husband, Todd Palin, added that "any 'jokes' about raping my 14-year-old are despicable."

Last night, Dave said the joke was aimed at Bristol Palin, who is 18. "These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl.... Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her 14-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No." He extended an invitation to Palin to come on the show as a guest.

But that doesn't look likely to happen. Todd Palin responded by issuing a statement saying the joke was "outside the acceptance of mainstream America."

Edited by SteveAJones
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Sarah Palin and David Letterman battle over 'disgusting' joke

A feud's been brewing. And David Letterman last night fired the latest round - in the form of an apology. No, not an apology, a clarification.

It started when the late night host made a crack on Monday about Sarah Palin and her family's weekend visit to New York in his monologue: "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game," Letterman said. "During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

Palin was not amused, particularly since her 14-year-old daughter, Willow, was the only Palin child to attend the game and seemed to be the target. "Laughter incited by sexually perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is ... disgusting," the Alaska governor said in a statement. Her husband, Todd Palin, added that "any 'jokes' about raping my 14-year-old are despicable."

Last night, Dave said the joke was aimed at Bristol Palin, who is 18. "These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl.... Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her 14-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No." He extended an invitation to Palin to come on the show as a guest.

But that doesn't look likely to happen. Todd Palin responded by issuing a statement saying the joke was "outside the acceptance of mainstream America."

Still, he did not refer to the underaged daughter specifically by name.

It was definitely a poor choice of words though.

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Your just like Dave himself, unable to own up. He's lucky I'm not the young girl's father 'cause he basically inferred to the entire nation she's a whore. You better believe that gap-toothed motherfucker would be eating all his meals thru a straw this summer if she was my girl.

LOL own up to what? I stand by my position regardless of political affiliation. If you're too myopic to get the joke, or worse refuse to see what he's actually criticizing, then take a look in the mirror as to who's skirting the issue. As if the tv powers that be would allow an explicit comment. Lighten up!

Edited by Patrycja
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Really, grow up.


I'm sure he didn't write the joke either.

Controversy=ratings against Conan.

And Palin can stay the hell out of the public eye now...doesn't she have this huge state to take care of. :blink: She should stick to her hunting for her ...family.

Go home Palin. <_<

Well, thanks!

*sigh* as if Palin would pass a chance to stay out of the media hahahaha!

Edited for meaning :D

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No, actually but I doubt very much it infers his underage daughters are whores.


It is the idea that someone thought it was a simple joke but the undertones and insinuations it makes are demeaning to their gender/creed/religion/ect... exactly like the Palin situation.

Edited by zosodude13
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