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What violin bow?


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Jimmy bought seconds by the boxfull. Nothing special. They were generally cheap seconds (bows that didn't pass quality control for retail sale). Any basic violin bow will do. The guitar doesn't require the quality of bow that a violin does. Just use plenty of rosin! ;)

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Jimmy bought seconds by the boxfull. Nothing special. They were generally cheap seconds (bows that didn't pass quality control for retail sale). Any basic violin bow will do. The guitar doesn't require the quality of bow that a violin does. Just use plenty of rosin! ;)

Thanks Evster, i saw this on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...s%3DI%26otn%3D2

Is this the sort of thing you mean?

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Jimmy bought seconds by the boxfull. Nothing special. They were generally cheap seconds (bows that didn't pass quality control for retail sale). Any basic violin bow will do. The guitar doesn't require the quality of bow that a violin does. Just use plenty of rosin! ;)

Hi Ev,

Someone on here said he used a Cello Bow because they are a bit bigger, can you throw any light on it for us mate.

Regards, Danny

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Yes LedZep45, that's exactly what I was talking about. A 4/4 violin bow.

Danny, a cello bow is shorter, stouter, heavier, with a wider contact area and a much larger frog. If Page used one, it would be obvious. to anyone who played violin. FWIW, I played violin in school. ;)

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Yes LedZep45, that's exactly what I was talking about. A 4/4 violin bow.

Danny, a cello bow is shorter, stouter, heavier, with a wider contact area and a much larger frog. If Page used one, it would be obvious. to anyone who played violin. FWIW, I played violin in school. ;)

Thanks :D

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Yes LedZep45, that's exactly what I was talking about. A 4/4 violin bow.

Danny, a cello bow is shorter, stouter, heavier, with a wider contact area and a much larger frog. If Page used one, it would be obvious. to anyone who played violin. FWIW, I played violin in school. ;)

Thanks Ev,

Only asking, thought the poster knew what he was on about, still there is always you on here to say it like its is and give us the real story.

Thanks again mate, Kind Regards, Danny

PS. You and good at playing it?

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It's pretty easy to learn (use lots of effects). Just be prepared that all rosin will stick to your strings. It irritates your fingers when you play your guitar normally afterwards. It's fun at first but after awhile, kinda boring.

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