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Where's the outrage?


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How '90s! Remember this liberal mantra "Most Americans are just a paycheck away from homelessness". Then they proceeded to grant hundreds of thousands of home mortage approvals to those who would otherwise be unqualified. The economy went into a down cycle and now many Americans are losing their homes. Get off the credit cards and instant gratification and start living within your means!

that's nice, except now many don't even have a means to live within.

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why am i not surprised?

I can't be arsed to respond to all of this reactionary rubbish.

It's no wonder the rest of the world laughs at the USA.

You need to go back behind the privacy fence you put up so you don't have to communicate with your neighbors.

I'd say it's apparent you're not surprised because you obviously subscribe to a victimhood mentality - it's someone else's fault, and everyone else should chip in to fix it.

You dismiss the fact that because Barney Frank and his minions were encouraging lenders to put people in houses, many people have lost their homes because even though they had a salary that would maybe support a mortgage of $175K - $200K, they were approved for $400K - $500K, AND TOOK IT.

They didn't use common sense and say "we can't afford that big of a mortgage", they got into houses WAY more expensive than they could handle, and took risky adjustable rate mortgages with balloon payments.

I KNOW what I can and cannot afford, and I wouldn't take more than I can afford because I know I couldn't meet the obligation.

But because millions of people disregarded reason and knowingly signed on to way more than they could ever hope to handle, I'm supposed to feel obligated that they are struggling.

But you refuse to consider the poor judgment that led many people to their current situations.

You only acknowledge the "now", and criticize people like me who use common sense and try to avoid excessive debt and obligations.

So all those millions of people who made bad financial decisions, knowingly getting in over their heads, helped create the housing bust and resulting economic crisis we ALL are suffering through, including themselves.

But you only see them now, no home or no job or even both, and have no consideration for how it happened.

You just blame it on Bush and people who "have theirs".

Remind me again why I should care what the rest of the world thinks about the USA?

Because those who seek to destroy this country laugh at Americans who fret about what the rest of the world thinks.

Because they know that's the greatest weakness this country suffers from - millions and millions of "victims" fretting and wringing their hands over what the rest of the world thinks.

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I blame it on corruption in government and industry and a real lack of ethics. Companies who hand out bonuses to their employees using taxpayers bailout money are a perfect example of what is wrong. They run their companies to swindle people. It's a sham the way some businesses are run. Lack of good faith is a major problem in business and government.

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gee, sorry to bother you. But, unfortunately, I'm not going anywhere. So, how about we agree to disagree? Although, I'm exactly sure we do.

Oh well. Have a nice weekend.

disagreeing is fine. in fact if we all agreed on everything, nothing would get done.

the issue is how you voice your disagreeance. obnoxiously shouting out while someone is speaking is, in my book, not the way to get your point across. it's not only rude, it shows a total lack of respect for other humans who don't share the same views as you. the conservatives have excelled at doing just that and if i were in that camp, i think i'd be saying, let's try another way. the guy who called the president a liar did you no favor.

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I'd say it's apparent you're not surprised because you obviously subscribe to a victimhood mentality - it's someone else's fault, and everyone else should chip in to fix it.

You dismiss the fact that because Barney Frank and his minions were encouraging lenders to put people in houses, many people have lost their homes because even though they had a salary that would maybe support a mortgage of $175K - $200K, they were approved for $400K - $500K, AND TOOK IT.

They didn't use common sense and say "we can't afford that big of a mortgage", they got into houses WAY more expensive than they could handle, and took risky adjustable rate mortgages with balloon payments.

I KNOW what I can and cannot afford, and I wouldn't take more than I can afford because I know I couldn't meet the obligation.

But because millions of people disregarded reason and knowingly signed on to way more than they could ever hope to handle, I'm supposed to feel obligated that they are struggling.

But you refuse to consider the poor judgment that led many people to their current situations.

You only acknowledge the "now", and criticize people like me who use common sense and try to avoid excessive debt and obligations.

So all those millions of people who made bad financial decisions, knowingly getting in over their heads, helped create the housing bust and resulting economic crisis we ALL are suffering through, including themselves.

But you only see them now, no home or no job or even both, and have no consideration for how it happened.

You just blame it on Bush and people who "have theirs".

Remind me again why I should care what the rest of the world thinks about the USA?

Because those who seek to destroy this country laugh at Americans who fret about what the rest of the world thinks.

Because they know that's the greatest weakness this country suffers from - millions and millions of "victims" fretting and wringing their hands over what the rest of the world thinks.

gee, i'm sorry we're not all as smart as you. but hey, you forgot to mention the banks and lending institutions that made it possible for these "idiots" to get into these overpriced homes. no guilty conscience there. as they say "a buck is a buck" and how you get it doesn't matter, does it? like i said, you need to build that fence a bit higher.

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You dismiss the fact that because Barney Frank and his minions were encouraging lenders to put people in houses, many people have lost their homes because even though they had a salary that would maybe support a mortgage of $175K - $200K, they were approved for $400K - $500K, AND TOOK IT.

They didn't use common sense and say "we can't afford that big of a mortgage", they got into houses WAY more expensive than they could handle, and took risky adjustable rate mortgages with balloon payments.

For a guy that accuses people of being 'blind' and 'selective', you sure are blind and selective.

Senator Phil Gramm

In 1999, former Senator Phil Gramm (who is, incidentally, Senator John McCain's economic adviser and cochairs his presidential campaign) set out to completely gut the Glass-Steagall Act, and did so successfully, replacing most of its components with the new Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: allowing commercial banks, investment banks, and insurers to merge (which would have violated antitrust laws under Glass-Steagall). Sen. Gramm was the driving force behind the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, as he had received over $4.6 million from the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate donations) over the previous decade, and once the Act passed, an influx of "megamergers" took place among banks and insurance and securities companies, as if they had been eagerly awaiting the passage of Gramm's Act. Everything in between Glass-Steagall and Gramm-Leach-Bliley (i.e. Savings and Loan crisis/bust) was, in large part, the incubation period for what would take place over the nine years that would follow the passage of Gramm's Act: an experiment in deregulation (continued @ link)

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gee, i'm sorry we're not all as smart as you. but hey, you forgot to mention the banks and lending institutions that made it possible for these "idiots" to get into these overpriced homes. no guilty conscience there. as they say "a buck is a buck" and how you get it doesn't matter, does it? like i said, you need to build that fence a bit higher.

A perfect example of the difference in our philosophies.

You want to ensure it isn't possible to do something foolish.

I prefer to refrain from doing something foolish on my own.

You want to portray the evil banks as forcing people into bad decisions, that they were unaware of how much they were borrowing.

It's a lot more like the lenders dangled a large pre-approved amount in front of them and they took it.

I have 2 words for you that are anathema for your ilk - personal responsibility.

It's a wonder you can tie your own shoes.

No wonder you're so excited about the nanny-state Obama is preparing.


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For a guy that accuses people of being 'blind' and 'selective', you sure are blind and selective.

Senator Phil Gramm

OK, so Phill Gramm helped set the stage.

He slipped his provisions in and nobody paid attention.

Sounds a lot like what's still going on in spades in Obama's administration.

How does that absolve Barney Frank of lying to and reassuring the public that all was well until the bitter end?

His "oversight" of Fannie and Freddie (or rather, lack thereof) is the very embodiment of Nero.

Except he kept telling us there was no fire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How in the world could ALL the media news other than FOX ignore the ACORN scandal?

Even Jon Stewart beat out the other news networks in reporting this incredible scandal.

JON STEWART, HOST: ACORN appears to be a corrupt organization that aids and abets criminals and gets millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

Well, this is an impressive expose. I'd love to know the intrepid journalists who broke this story. "60 Minutes"? The AP? That guy who gets the predators?

(Shows video of O'Keefe appearing on Fox News).

Are you f**king kidding me? First of all, you don't have to tell us you're a white guy. Your pimp costume appears to be a fur coat on top of your Andover uniform. Second of all, where were the real reporters on this story? You know what investigative media, see me on camera three: Where the hell were you? You know who broke this story? These two.

(Shows picture of O'Keefe and Giles.)

You're telling me that two kids from the cast of "High School Musical III" can break this story with a video camera and their grandmother's chinchilla coat? And you got nothing? They did it for $3,000, and that's Blitzer's monthly beard Wetvac budget. It probably cost CNN that much to turn on their hologram machine.

I'm a fake journalist, and I'm embarrassed these guys scooped me. Let's get to work people.

Pretty funny stuff...

But the more important realization is that the EXTREME bias of the media cannot be denied.

If ACORN was a conservative/Republican organization it would have been the lead story on every broadcast from the release of the first video.

Yet 5 videos were released before even a trickle from the mainstream news.

Charlie Gibson from ABC laughed it off saying he hadn't heard anything.

Obama says he's "not following the issue."


ACORN announces their offices have been instructed to notify police if anyone requests help for illegal activities.

Let's read that one again...

ACORN announces their offices have been instructed to notify police if anyone requests help for illegal activities.

They have to INSTRUCT their offices to do that?

And this is the organization Obama planned to use for the census?

After moving the census to direct control of the White House within days of being sworn-in.

You can't make this shit up, although the liberal left and their compliant news media wanted to claim otherwise.

This administration will eventually prove to be one of the most corrupt to ever occupy the reigns of leadership of this country.

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How in the world could ALL the media news other than FOX ignore the ACORN scandal?

ACORN announces their offices have been instructed to notify police if anyone requests help for illegal activities.

Let's read that one again...

ACORN announces their offices have been instructed to notify police if anyone requests help for illegal activities.

They have to INSTRUCT their offices to do that?

And this is the organization Obama planned to use for the census?

After moving the census to direct control of the White House within days of being sworn-in.

Well, did you see how his Commie pal Val Jones quietly resigned over the long Labor Day weekend?

Did you know the school speech was meant to be a precursor for preparing to use school kids to help the government complete the census. Social conditioning, read all about it.

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How in the world could ALL the media news other than FOX ignore the ACORN scandal?

Even Jon Stewart beat out the other news networks in reporting this incredible scandal.

Pretty funny stuff...

But the more important realization is that the EXTREME bias of the media cannot be denied.

If ACORN was a conservative/Republican organization it would have been the lead story on every broadcast from the release of the first video.

Yet 5 videos were released before even a trickle from the mainstream news.

Charlie Gibson from ABC laughed it off saying he hadn't heard anything.

Obama says he's "not following the issue."


ACORN announces their offices have been instructed to notify police if anyone requests help for illegal activities.

Let's read that one again...

ACORN announces their offices have been instructed to notify police if anyone requests help for illegal activities.

They have to INSTRUCT their offices to do that?

And this is the organization Obama planned to use for the census?

After moving the census to direct control of the White House within days of being sworn-in.

You can't make this shit up, although the liberal left and their compliant news media wanted to claim otherwise.

This administration will eventually prove to be one of the most corrupt to ever occupy the reigns of leadership of this country.

When I saw that on the Daily Show, I wondered how the mainstream news would respond to it. I was, quite frankly, unsurprised to see all but Fox ignoring it. You're absolutely right. The biases shown in this are amazing.

ACORN needs to disappear, now. Obama needs to utterly and complete disassociate with them, both publicly and privately, now. Not that damage hasn't already been done, but he can avoid even more damage being done if he gets rid of them.

The more I watch, the more I distrust and am disgusted with Obama and his administration. Holy fucking shit. All politicians are corrupt fucks. We the People need to gut our government and redo it. I think now I am calling for a revolution, only not for the exact same reasons the Conservatives were (sore losers). The whole system is fucked. Can we change it now, please?

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ACORN needs to disappear, now. Obama needs to utterly and complete disassociate with them, both publicly and privately, now.

Um, yeah, the prob'em is..they got something like 4 B-B-B-illion dollars from the 'stimulus' package. Remember that? Jesus Christ, man. ACORN AIN'T going nowhere. Who's going to cut them off?

He keeps disassociating with people, who's going to be left? :blink:

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