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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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I am not joking that if I told her the hell that she has put me through then she will kill herself. Its a shame too because she is a really sweet girl. My parents are closely monitoring my involement with her and keep helping me out with the constant texts and messages etc, and gifts!! Oh boy the gifts!! There are loads of them, all useful which is good. :lol: But also bad at the same time.

That might make her kill herself, I don't think Rich wants that. You could come here and date American girls Rich.

And yes, what a great idea. People....ReR is coming to America!! Lock up your daughters! :lol:B)

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:yay: Tests...I used to strangely enjoy certain tests. I don't know why, but some of the exams I sat, as soon as I saw the question I thought excellent I can write 5 solid pages about this part of the novel or whatever, and I used to really get into it and enjoy it.

Now if I try and write a page my wrist feels like it's gunna fall off! Ah, the joys of old age. :lol: Yes, 20 is old age!

WOO HOO!!!! 400 posts, man, I need to sleep rather than be on here talking to you folks! :lol:

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yeah, i sorta liked writing the essay. im not gonna say what it was…just ya know, so i dont get ratted out or anything, but mine had to do with both the Holocaust (what i think is one of hte most interesting things in history) and Santa Claus, just to stick with the season ya know :lol:

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anything involving art. meaning tech, three-dimensional art, two-dimensional art…i also enjoy languages, which are sort of like an art i guess. i loved Latin, which i took last year and has helped me a lot in everything. but im taking French 1 even though ive taken french before…its alright i guess…but my teacher picks obvious favourites

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