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i highly doubt im going. my parents really dont like led zeppelin, plus ive only seen one movie theatre in estes park, and it looks like its either not open, or only showing one movie.

where are you frOM?

oh, ive gotta go. catch ya later, alicia :wave:

Edited by zoso13zeppelin
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I wish I could laugh along with you guys, I am just pissed off today.

Black Friday is today, so sales, sales, sales are everywhere.

I just need a film camera, that's it. That's all I want.

But, no I am not allowed to have one because it's do darn expensive. I even repeatedly mentioned that I'll pay back every penny I own. I promise.

But, bitchy fighting and stuff, I have to hand it in late and the teacher will be super pissed. And, I finally had an event I am going to miss.

Then the Mrs.[euphemism on purpose] always has to rationalize and say, "Why couldn't you, why couldn't you be less stupid. Blah, blah, blah."

Just don't you hate it when nobody understands what you are going through.

I am in tears right now, I don't know why.

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Cheer up Rabia. Don't worry about what your teacher says. You made a mistake, big deal. Has your teacher ever made a mistake? Your here now, so you should listen to some good music and talk to people hear and just forget about everything else. :console: I'm listening to a rather fitting songs. Good times, Bad Times, we all have them and get through them.

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Thank you, I will be ok, hopefully.

I made so many mistakes, I just didn't want her to be disappointed.

That I can get over.

The only reason I am crying is because the Mrs. can be such a raging BITCH! Woah, excuse me. Always was one. Also, my brother also teams up to make me feel worse. So, I hate him, he always does everything to make me feel worse. Even, if I am doing nothing.

So, it goes beyond the camera.

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Don't worry about your brother. Mine does that too. And I hate teachers like that, I have had some like that. I don't have anyone liek that this year. The only ones that I don't like are my english teacher (he sucks your soul and happiness out), and my french teacher is very nice, but she's pregnant, and very very moody.

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Man, I just wish I could get away from it all.

Then, I would let the kids who also have annoying family members come with me.

I hate it, I can't even make one little mistake without being scolded so much. I know i am just being a whiny, annoying teen. But, I don't know, I can't help it.

My brother, my brother, my brother, he is so cruel! Seriously, all he ever does is something that pisses me off. He gets a kick out of it. And, you could just say, "well, ignore him" But, it's so much more harder than that.

I feel like an idiot right now.

But, thank you for letting me share this.

My teacher is cool, I just mess up all the time, I don't want her to see that. I seriously mess up all the time. I want her to know I at least tried to complete the assignment, but I couldn't.

Well, I don't know why I am so pissed off. I don't want to be.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Sometimes I feel like that too. You can't really get away, you just have to act like it. Just don't let them control you all the time. If you ever find an escape from it, take me with you. I know it's hard, but if you ignore your brother he will stop. It just won't entertain him anymore.

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I don't want my parents to even buy anything for me, NEVER. I stopped demanding for useless things years ago. Now, I really just want stuff I need.

That's the only reason I got a job, and I am applying for two scholarships. I don't want to make them buy everything.

Forget it, I don't even want the camera anymore, I am just so pissed at how my mom can be.

I mean, you try to be a good person, [not to sound conceited], but then they don't even realize that and scream in your face.

Right now, I wish I could switch out of photography. I really do, but I can't

The pressure of everything is just killing me.

Wow, I ranted a lot. I hope you don't mind. I just endlessly went on and on. But, right now, I appreciate your feedback. I hope Richard sees this when he comes back. He'll cheer me up, I know it.

I don't know why, but I am just sobbing in torrents. And, I know, it's not about the stupid fucking camera or the photojournalism assignment anymore. Actually, it never was.

I guess I am crying because my brother pisses me off so much.

I also don't want to see the look on my teacher's face when I come back from a 4 day weekend with no assignment, when everybody else has one.

Oh, :computertrash: Sorry, it's just the pressure of everything.

And I know my mom will yell at me when she finds me sobbing in my room;

Alicia, I'll take you with me.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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I understand, I don't like people buying me the stuff I need. I'd rather have them buy the extras that way I know i supply myself with what I need. That isn't always possible. My mom does that too, it just that they want us to be the ebst we can be and don't realize that it stresses us at. You shouldn't stress. Stressing about it gives the situation more thought than it's worth. Try to let it roll off your back and it will get better.

I have to go my brother need th computer. Don't hesitate to pm me. I'll get back to you ASAP.

Edited by lzfan715
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Thank you so much.

I just want to just, I don't even know. I am just blabbering now.

and, I am still crying. I don't even know why anymore.

STUPID assignments, just being a high school student, for any kid is so difficult.

There are so many pressures from everybody, from parents, from teachers, and peers, and just yourself.

I think the reason I am crying is because that pressure, that everybody faces, eventually cracked on me.

High school is the arena for the worst drama that ever swept the nation. I HATE high school so much! I will always hate it. But, I know I have to look at the positives.

I don't want to deal with photography anymore, I really don't.

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Thank you, Alicia, I am ok now.

I just worry about the day I return to school.

I stopped crying, I just want Richard to come on his normal late night hour so we can all geek it up a bit.

I wish I was in that nipple discussion though, sounds like fun.

Right now, I have to go, so much school work.

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Hey guys, back yet again!

Did you get the job yet Rabia??

And Roisin Dubh, that's an Irish username you have..."Black Roisin".....

My skin has improved much in the last 2 years or so, but still ain't that good. My shoulders and back have loadsa spots, and they're horrible :( :(

I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow! Bowling!

EDIT: Aww Rabia, don't cry. :( :( You're a wonderful person. Sometimes I feel awful too with allt he pressure, but it'll go soon. Just keep upbeat and be glad you can come on here and talk to people who care about you. :)

Edited by wendigo
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Rabia if we were in the same country i would lend you the money for the camera like a shot and trust you to pay to pay it back! Try not to let life you get you down, i have similar days where i cry over an argument and then end up crying because im crying if that makes sense, which is silly! we are all here for you to talk to! dont feel like an idiot :console:

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Aww, Rabia. I'm so sorry. That really sounds bad, school is so stressing. And I would lend you the money too, I don't actually need money right now. I hope everything will be ok. And about the teacher, she sounds like a bitch. And I don't think she hates you, she's just... bitchy. Haha. Cheer up Rabia. :console:

Hey Deirdre!

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hi I'm good thanks you? and Noora how are you? Oi no German here! but we can talk french :). although as far as i remember neither of you speak french?

Oh hey Hetty, I didn't notice you're online! I'm pretty fine, it's snowing again yay! :D

How are you?

Oh no French. :wacko:

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yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay deirdre tu parle la francais! j'adore la langue mais je ne suis pas tres fort! cependant j'ai obtenu 'A' dans mon 'A level'! et j'ai appliqué a l'universite pour etudier l'anglais et la francais! Noora you need to add french to your already extensive list of accomplished languages!

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