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Seems like I rarely visit you all anymore. Real shame really :( I have been pretty low recently. Sorry. My brother is doing a bit better, still laid up in bed but he is slowly but surely improving! :thumbsup: Thanks for your concern everyone.

It's ok. Just make sure you do visit us. Don't forget us :lol:

That's good let's just hope he's healthy soon :)

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^^^ Yes indeed GeeGee. It was horrible...and I am sad that you had to experience something similar. When my bro fell down the stairs a couple of years ago he almost died. He keeps scaring me. :lol: I'll try my hardest not to let that happen to me though. But you are right....watch what you eat, where you eat etc. And always pay proper attention when walking up or down some stairs! :thumbsup:

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Good. :)

Oh I'm sorry, I hope you'll be ok. A gig? Cool! Where? What are you going to play? :D

I'm pretty fine, I have study Swedish today, but not yet :lol: I just came back from school..

Nothing much here, snow and cold. But it haven't snowed in a while. Aww, that's so sad. You need snow for Christmas! :(

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A few friends are leaving the area and moving away so someone is throwing a party for them and we are providing the entertainment. Gunna play a bunch of Rock and Roll classics for people to dance to. Throw in a bunch of our own stuff too. We are gunna play Hendrix, Zeppelin, some Chuck Berry, Deep Purple. The classics. But we kind of kicked the guy who plays bass for us out of the band but we have managed to get this other guy on board to play for us. We haven't played together before though, we are gunna have a quick jam tonight and then just wing it on Friday. Probably just jam on stage and go off on one like Led Zeppelin did during their sets. That's the beauty of playing an instrument, once you are good enough you just get together and jam. It will be fun. :thumbsup:

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A few friends are leaving the area and moving away so someone is throwing a party for them and we are providing the entertainment. Gunna play a bunch of Rock and Roll classics for people to dance to. Throw in a bunch of our own stuff too. We are gunna play Hendrix, Zeppelin, some Chuck Berry, Deep Purple. The classics. But we kind of kicked the guy who plays bass for us out of the band but we have managed to get this other guy on board to play for us. We haven't played together before though, we are gunna have a quick jam tonight and then just wing it on Friday. Probably just jam on stage and go off on one like Led Zeppelin did during their sets. That's the beauty of playing an instrument, once you are good enough you just get together and jam. It will be fun. :thumbsup:

Ah that sounds so cool! That's going to be fun. :D So you play the guitar, right? Or the drums? :blink:

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im good thanks, you? i have a really bad headache though ive had it for a couple of days. and its very very cold here! but watched the school pantomime which some of the teachers and students do, three times today! it was really funny, lots of men dressed as girls. my boyfriend was in it with fake breasts made of christmas tree baubles!

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im good thanks, you? i have a really bad headache though ive had it for a couple of days. and its very very cold here! but watched the school pantomime which some of the teachers and students do, three times today! it was really funny, lots of men dressed as girls. my boyfriend was in it with fake breasts made of christmas tree baubles!

Haha, sounds cool :lol:

But I have to go now, bye Hetty :wave:

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:cheer: Yay, that's good Rabia.

Guess what? I got into the fucking AP classes that I've been working so hard to get into! It took two months, many meeting and other crap, but I'm in! They had the deciding meeting today, and my parents had to be there for it. I wasn't there, but apparently it was a really long meeting and they didn't want to let me in. :lol: Because my three core class teachers (I take ninth grade math, so that didn't matter) didn't really think I was "creative enough" to be in it, but then the assistant principle (aka discipline lady), the eighth grade counselor, and the :huh: school psychologist :huh: said that I should definitely be in it. :yay:

This also means I can take biology next semester, along with finishing my eighth grade year of science, so I can be ahead in high school! :yay: My science class is so boring now. But it's gonna get better, even though for some reason I really don't like biology. :( Oh well, it's only one semester at least! :lol: But I have to do the whole year's worth.

I also found pics of my quartet! They just magically appeared. :lol: See post a pic of yourself thread.

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