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Amy Winehouse


What is Amy Winehouse too you?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Amy Winehouse as a?

    • Person?
    • Performer?
    • Singer?
    • Alcoholic, Drug Abuser?
    • Woman?
    • Celebrity?
    • Dont like Her.
  2. 2. Do you think Amy Winehouse is a?

    • Very Talented Person?
    • Very UnTalented Person?
    • Very Talented Person with Issues?
    • Very UnTalented Person with Issues?
    • Very Talented Shit Disturber?
    • Very UnTalented Shit Disturber?

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I personaly think she has shown enough mental health issues to be forceably taken to court and issued with a court order to make her disassociate with the people who are helping, no encourageing her to re-use, and to be forceably rehabilitated, up to a point where she will be cured, if she reoffends then a custodial sentence should be imposed and doubled every time she reoffends. This is the way to deter "substance abuse" and "alcoholism" in my honest opinion.

I dont have a problem with what people do in their own homes, but when they interfere with others and the public then the law and society in general need to act, if nothing more than for the persons own good.

I have obviously hit a raw nerve with you over my opinions on "substance and drug abuse" and "alcoholism", this was not my intention, so please forgive my clumsy approach to enlightening the masses on these matters.

I for one dont want to hear about Amy's demise, but on this forum thats all that we seem to hear and talk about at times, the amount of Hero's that have gone the same way is stagering and all anybody does is condone it by not standing up to the fact that these people are ruining their lives and the lives of people who care and love them.

If you think that i'm doing wrong by outing, pointing the finger, shaming, and vilifying those that behave in such a way and others by condoning them, then thats your opinion.

I for one think that untill we as a society, and more important as friends and loved ones, and even us as fans, are more vocal with our disgust at their abuses and behavior then the addicts dont stand a chance of either realising their abuses, what damage they are doing to those that care, or getting the help they so desperatly need.

And just for the record, i am not a recovering anything, but i have had problems with family members and friends who have had much the same mental illness as Amy has, how do i deal with them you may ask? i give them chance after chance, i tell them exactly as i've told it on here, i offer even my home as an escape, but in the end if they dont take the help offered then thats as much as i can offer and do, they are out of my life untill such time as they have found the help they need. I have my own health and the health of my immediate family to concider rather than be draged down by degeberate behavior.

So i do know what i'm talking about even if i seem to be acting rather cruel to her and others, its for their own good in the end. My appologies for being so Frank, now thats a coincidence isnt it?

Very Kind Regards, Danny

Actually, your posts are a mishmash of sometimes conflicting statements. You may have some experience with family members and friends who are addicts, but that doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. Yes, sometimes 'tough love' is needed, and sometimes that requires some strong and difficult action. There is a big difference between "tough love" and "villification and condemnation" of someone. Some of your statements show a real lack of understanding and thusly fail to 'enlighten' us ' masses'.

You say you aren't a 'recovering anything' and I certainly believe that. (However, if you can find a Fuckwits Anonymous meeting in your area, I'm sure you'd be warmly welcomed, encouraged to 'keep coming back', and I bet they'd encourage you to pick up a white chip).

Actually forced treatment does work. Even with heroin.

It was court ordered for someone I know with a LONG history of heroin and coke, pills, you name it. They actually pulled it off, either that or go to jail. They could not have booze either and were tested up the yin-yang. They were in a program that lasted a year.

Been clean for a RECORD...I think seven months or so. I know the chance of slipping up is always there. But when they say- stay clean or go to jail for a year, that's a strong incentive.

I do have empathy and sympathy for (the devil?) addicts. But when they disrupt the lives of family and friends tough love is sometimes the only way to make them see the light.

Her and Courtney Love would be quite the show.

Forced treatment can work in that 'detox' can be forced and the options of treatment vs. incarceration, etc. can provide a strong incentive for choosing treatment. Sometimes it takes a bit of that 'forced' time before they discover that they really want to get and stay clean. Even then, sometimes that still isn't enough, and it often takes more than one try before someone succeeds. Congrats and best wishes for your friend.

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Actually, your posts are a mishmash of sometimes conflicting statements. You may have some experience with family members and friends who are addicts, but that doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. Yes, sometimes 'tough love' is needed, and sometimes that requires some strong and difficult action. There is a big difference between "tough love" and "villification and condemnation" of someone. Some of your statements show a real lack of understanding and thusly fail to 'enlighten' us ' masses'.

Actually, my posts are not a mishmash of sometimes conflicting statements, so there. :o

I do have tons, loads, and a great deal of experience with family members and friends who are addicts, and that does mean i know what i'm talking about. :yesnod:

Sorry if you think i showed "villification and condemnation" of Amy, i was just pointing out the facts, i think the way she goes around and the way she dresses she "villifies" herself, and i do "condem" her for her actions, so what's too complaining about then?

All of my statement shows that i cannot stand or tolerate Alcoholics and Drug Abusers, as for 'enlighten' us ' masses' i couldnt give a shit whether you are enlightened or not, its your funeral not mine, if you wanna be a "Druggie Lover" then thats your choice, again not mine. :D

I have total understanding of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, which one of your Addiction's or Abuse's would you like me to help you with today LOS? :drunk::beer::oops:

You say you aren't a 'recovering anything' and I certainly believe that. (However, if you can find a Fuckwits Anonymous meeting in your area, I'm sure you'd be warmly welcomed, encouraged to 'keep coming back', and I bet they'd encourage you to pick up a white chip).

Thanks for the advice LOS, i took it and the local Fuckwits Anonymous meeting in my area was absloutly fantastic, i made such an impression that they asked me to come back next week to chair the next Fuckwits meeting and they are even putting my name up for the AGM, dont it just make you wanna jack up and get rat arsed drunk? :lol:

Forced treatment can work in that 'detox' can be forced and the options of treatment vs. incarceration, etc. can provide a strong incentive for choosing treatment. Sometimes it takes a bit of that 'forced' time before they discover that they really want to get and stay clean. Even then, sometimes that still isn't enough, and it often takes more than one try before someone succeeds. Congrats and best wishes for your friend.

If they dont stay clean then they shouldnt get out, these people are weak and use their addiction to block out the pain they feel, some do not affect society at all while others help bring society down to the sewage level, Amy Winehouse is one of the latter. When she keeps herself to herself then i wont know about her troubles and the trouble she inflicts on others, will i? then you will here no more from me about her, until then i will become the voice of the "Fuckwits Anti-Drug-a-Holics Society" on this forum, if its OK with you that is? :dont:

Regards, Danny

PS, Whats a "White Chip?"

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IMO I don't think it's fair to make judgments against people who have some sort of addiction, whether it's drugs, alcohol, gambling, food. It isn't just rock stars who struggle with addictions. It's mothers and fathers, businessmen, teenagers etc. There's a lot more to it than just partying too much and I don't think anyone chooses to become that way - and no I'm certainly not advocating drug use here.

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Hi Dan,

Did it ever occur to you that your judgement of Miss Amy might be slightly skewed and perhaps a little bit inhumane?

Warmest regards,


Hi ET, i can just feel the heat.:wub:

Not in the least, if anything i've been quite reserver with my comments about her, and quite factual and honest.

"slightly skewed" "inhumane" How so?

Regards, Danny

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IMO I don't think it's fair to make judgments against people who have some sort of addiction, whether it's drugs, alcohol, gambling, food. It isn't just rock stars who struggle with addictions. It's mothers and fathers, businessmen, teenagers etc. There's a lot more to it than just partying too much and I don't think anyone chooses to become that way - and no I'm certainly not advocating drug use here.

I agree.

There is no way that we could know everything to make an intelligent judgement without being privy to confidential information.

A moderate course is the best one.

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IMO I don't think it's fair to make judgments against people who have some sort of addiction, whether it's drugs, alcohol, gambling, food. It isn't just rock stars who struggle with addictions. It's mothers and fathers, businessmen, teenagers etc. There's a lot more to it than just partying too much and I don't think anyone chooses to become that way - and no I'm certainly not advocating drug use here.

Hi 9,

Lets get one thing straight, no ones is attacking anyone here just because they have an addiction, this is because she has taken the trouble to bring her addiction and atrocious behavior in to the spotlight, and she has nobody to thank/blame for that but herself, if she so choses to behave in public the way she does then we/us/me have a right to put in our two pennath and say what we see, thats what i've done and so have some others.

If you chose to sympathize with someone who's friends have posted a video of her using crack cocaine on utube then thats your business, i condem her and her so called friends for being so selfish as to allow her fans to be subjected to that sort of behavior. She has no moral code that i am award of or that i can condone and if i were one of her family or friends i would feel embarrassed to the point of humiliation by her behavior, luckily i'm not or she would not here the last of it.

As for all the rest of your post i'm in total agreement with, but this is about a silly little girl and the people around her and some of her fans on here acting as though her "Massive Talent" excuses her from acting like a complete and utter idiot and by doing so gives credence to Her Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, and i for one wont do that, if thats me being unreasonable then i'm guilty as charged, and all i've done is say what i've seen, funny old world enit?

Regards, Danny

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Admittedly, her public appearance at the Q Awards could have benefited from improved direction, knowing that she is so vulnerable in the spotlight.

So, Dan, your suggestions, please, on how to stage her so that she would be well-received.

Thank you,


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Admittedly, her public appearance at the Q Awards could have benefited from improved direction, knowing that she is so vulnerable in the spotlight.

So, Dan, your suggestions, please, on how to stage her so that she would be well-received?

Thank you,


Hi ET,

The only way that i could think of where she would be well recieved is this,

1. Sit her in a wheel chair for the sympathy angle.

2. Make her wear dark glasses, a conservative outfit, and a tartan blanket to cover her legs, well we dont want her getting a cold do we?

3. Have someone speak for her and tell her to shut the fcuk up.

4. Produce bona fide doctors certificates and letters and medical records and procedures that she has been off alcohol and drugs, and for how long, and get her to do lie dectector tests on the Jeremy Kyle Show so we know when she is telling the truth. And weekly drug and alcohol tests so we know thats she's clean, or not.


5. Do none of the above, as most people are quite happy in seeing an alcoholic drug abuser wreck havoc wherever she may roam just because she has a "Massive Talent".

Regards, Danny

PS, i dont think anybody in authority, be it in the record industry, the law or people in general, that really care too much how she behaves or acts or what she takes or if what she does kills her, there is so much apathy in the world right now that it might be only me that cares enough to open up my big gob and say something constructive and truthful, and although i like nothing about her, i seem to be the only one who cares or gives a shit or doesnt want to see her demise.

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Hi ET,

The only way that i could think of where she would be well recieved is this,

1. Sit her in a wheel chair for the sympathy angle.

2. Make her wear dark glasses, a conservative outfit, and a tartan blanket to cover her legs, well we dont want her getting a cold do we?

3. Have someone speak for her and tell her to shut the fcuk up.

4. Produce bona fide doctors certificates and letters and medical records and procedures that she has been off alcohol and drugs, and for how long, and get her to do lie dectector tests on the Jeremy Kyle Show so we know when she is telling the truth. And weekly drug and alcohol tests so we know thats she's clean, or not.


5. Do none of the above, as most people are quite happy in seeing an alcoholic drug abuser wreck havoc wherever she may roam just because she has a "Massive Talent".

Regards, Danny

PS, i dont think anybody in authority, be it in the record industry, the law or people in general, that really care too much how she behaves or acts or what she takes or if what she does kills her, there is so much apathy in the world right now that it might be only me that cares enough to open up my big gob and say something constructive and truthful, and although i like nothing about her, i seem to be the only one who cares or gives a shit or doesnt want to see her demise.

I think that a wheel chair would be unnecessarily restrictive; not the most elegant solution either. I was considering something more along the line of how best to give her a sense of balance and confidence.

She has lovely eyes, but sunglasses are cool sometimes.

She was doing the presenting, so it was necessary for her to speak. Maybe she could rehearse her lines a little more.

It would be an inappropriate violation of confidentiality to require her to disclose her medical records in that public enivronment that is intended to celebrate music awards. Let's not encourage her to be inappropriate.

I can see that we will need to consider more options before we reach enlightenment on this dilemma.

Part of the problem was that she was late, and the other that maybe she had a little too much to drink prior. So arranging for her to arrive earlier and to calm her nerves with tea maybe prior would perhaps have eased the tension of making the public appearance go well.

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I think that a wheel chair would be unnecessarily restrictive; not the most elegant solution either. I was considering something more along the line of how best to give her a sense of balance and confidence.

She has lovely eyes, but sunglasses are cool sometimes.

She was doing the presenting, so it was necessary for her to speak. Maybe she could rehearse her lines a little more.

It would be an inappropriate violation of confidentiality to require her to disclose her medical records in that public enivronment that is intended to celebrate music awards. Let's not encourage her to be inappropriate.

I can see that we will need to consider more options before we reach enlightenment on this dilemma.

Part of the problem was that she was late, and the other that maybe she had a little too much to drink prior. So arranging for her to arrive earlier and to calm her nerves with tea maybe prior would perhaps have eased the tension of making the public appearance go well.

Hi ET,

You asked my opinion, i gave it, if it sucks to you then bin it and send me a cheque for my trouble, if you are gonna use it i'll just take 10% of the gross and 15% of the net. ;)

You didnt say you wanted me to do it for the music awards did you? that would be mission imposible as far as i'm concerned as i dont work with drunk drug abusers, but give me a year of her free of booze and drugs and i swear i would give you a fabulous performer and performance. You know it makes sense. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, I would still want those doctors certificates and weekly drink and drug tests done, plus the beehive and dress sense has got to go, i see har more as a Skinhead in Doc Martins and Braces doing Slade covers for her first album with me.:lol:

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Hi ET,

You asked my opinion, i gave it, if it sucks to you then bin it and send me a cheque for my trouble, if you are gonna use it i'll just take 10% of the gross and 15% of the net. wink.gif

You didnt say you wanted me to do it for the music awards did you? that would be mission imposible as far as i'm concerned as i dont work with drunk drug abusers, but give me a year of her free of booze and drugs and i swear i would give you a fabulous performer and performance. You know it makes sense. wink.gif

Regards, Danny

PS, I would still want those doctors certificates and weekly drink and drug tests done, plus the beehive and dress sense has got to go, i see har more as a Skinhead in Doc Martins and Braces doing Slade covers for her first album with me.laugh.gif


If you take 10%-15%, then so do I.

So far this is all volunteer, labor of love and we have not yet hit pay dirt.

You are not getting out of this project that easily. When there is an awards show to do, a presenter's job is to do it well and not be boring. Giver her credit, she was not boring.

Your only option is to work with her as is, as long as she is on her feet and remotely coherent. And you thought that show business was easy.

I would suggest that it is important to keep her smiling and happy. Audiences like smiling, happy presenters.

There may be some wiggle room with the hair and dress, although the beehive is trademark, so it could get sticky on that point.

I shall continue to research this problem and then get back to you.

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If you take 10%-15%, then so do I.

So far this is all volunteer, labor of love and we have not yet hit pay dirt.

You are not getting out of this project that easily. When there is an awards show to do, a presenter's job is to do it well and not be boring. Giver her credit, she was not boring.

Your only option is to work with her as is, as long as she is on her feet and remotely coherent. And you thought that show business was easy.

I would suggest that it is important to keep her smiling and happy. Audiences like smiling, happy presenters.

There may be some wiggle room with the hair and dress, although the beehive is trademark, so it could get sticky on that point.

I shall continue to research this problem and then get back to you.

OK ET, my card up sleeve trick, i get her as pissed or drugged up as possible and leave her in the dressing room, comatose even, and i get a look-a-like to do a stand in, if that is possible, shouldnt be hard, as long as you havent got rid of the wheelchair and dark glasses, and i can see what you mean about show business and the reasons why i'm not in it.:lol:

Regards, Danny

PS. found her. :D


I feel it in me water when a plan is coming together. :thumbsup:

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OK ET, my card up sleeve trick, i get her as pissed or drugged up as possible and leave her in the dressing room, comatose even, and i get a look-a-like to do a stand in, if that is possible, shouldnt be hard, as long as you havent got rid of the wheelchair and dark glasses, and i can see what you mean about show business and the reasons why i'm not in it.laugh.gif

Regards, Danny

PS. found her. biggrin.gif


I feel it in me water when a plan is coming together. thumbsup.gif

No, that would be contributing to the delinquency of an awards presenter, out of bounds on that one.

I'm sticking with getting her there early and rehearsing the lines again. Drinks prior need to be non-alcoholic.

Chakra meditation might be a good way to center her energies.

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No, that would be contributing to the delinquency of an awards presenter, out of bounds on that one.

I'm sticking with getting her there early and rehearsing the lines again. Drinks prior need to be non-alcoholic.

Chakra meditation might be a good way to center her energies.

Hi ET,

Thats why i put the :lol: at the end, and i'm not the one to introduce her to meditation, i for one could never get in to it, even after 25 years of trying, i could do the two hours of Ju Jitsu every night, throwing, locking joints, punching and kicking and all that but to sit there and be quiet just wasnt me so you can do that for her while i just give her a slap, and a tickle if you like. :lol: There it is again ET. :lol:

Regards, Danny

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Actually, my posts are not a mishmash of sometimes conflicting statements, so there.

... and Denial ain't just a river.

I do have tons, loads, and a great deal of experience with family members and friends who are addicts, and that does mean i know what i'm talking about.

No, it doesn't. It means you have a lot of experience with friends and family members who are addicts. Understanding them and the disease of addiction is not a given. In my opinion, based upon what you've posted, you do have at least a little bit of understanding, but not nearly as much as you think you do. (That, or you're just running your mouth in such a way as to get folks riled up in some way).

All of my statement shows that i cannot stand or tolerate Alcoholics and Drug Abusers, as for 'enlighten' us ' masses' i couldnt give a shit whether you are enlightened or not, its your funeral not mine, if you wanna be a "Druggie Lover" then thats your choice, again not mine.

You were the one who claimed you were enlightening the masses. I'm well aware you don't care about my personal enlightenment, and that's fine by me.

I agree that most of your statements do show, quite clearly, that you cannot stand or tolerate Alcoholics and Drug Abusers. However, a couple things indicate that your actions differ from your stated intolerance, at least regarding the many friends and family members, etc.

I have total understanding of Alcohol and Drug Abuse,

Bullshit. Erm, I mean 'male bovine excrement'.

which one of your Addiction's or Abuse's would you like me to help you with today LOS? :drunk::beer::oops:

Thanks but no thanks. I know where to get the help I need, and it's worked for just shy of 7 years so far... so, I think I'll stick with what I'm doing.

Thanks for the advice LOS, i took it and the local Fuckwits Anonymous meeting in my area was absloutly fantastic, i made such an impression that they asked me to come back next week to chair the next Fuckwits meeting and they are even putting my name up for the AGM, dont it just make you wanna jack up and get rat arsed drunk? :lol:

Wow, I would think they'd ask you to do 90 in 90 first, so you must be especially special. I'm not sure what AGM stands for, but I'm sure it must be an honor to be asked by recovering fuckwits to fill that position. You must be a super duper fuckwit then... :superman:

I'm in awe. :notworthy:

If they dont stay clean then they shouldnt get out,

But, you don't know, and they don't know, if they'll stay clean until they do get out and give it a try. There are all kinds of things they can do to try to stay clean, and there are all kinds of things they can do to make staying clean unlikely. There are things that friends, family members, law enforcement, the judicial system, and 'society' can do to encourage and support the former, and there are things that they can do that are more likely to undermine any attempts at staying clean.

these people are weak and use their addiction to block out the pain they feel, some do not affect society at all while others help bring society down to the sewage level, Amy Winehouse is one of the latter. When she keeps herself to herself then i wont know about her troubles and the trouble she inflicts on others, will i? then you will here no more from me about her, until then i will become the voice of the "Fuckwits Anti-Drug-a-Holics Society" on this forum, if its OK with you that is? :dont:

Oh, it's fine by me... just be sure to use your full title. :P

Regards, Danny

PS, Whats a "White Chip?"

Do those 90 in 90... and you'll find out. :lol:

*disclaimer- I had to delete some emoticons from your post so I could use the ones I wanted. Sorry 'bout that.

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Hi ET,

Thats why i put the laugh.gif at the end, and i'm not the one to introduce her to meditation, i for one could never get in to it, even after 25 years of trying, i could do the two hours of Ju Jitsu every night, throwing, locking joints, punching and kicking and all that but to sit there and be quiet just wasnt me so you can do that for her while i just give her a slap, and a tickle if you like. laugh.gif There it is again ET. laugh.gif

Regards, Danny

It is important to develop calm and sensitivity when you get a moment. Though I agree that you need a healthy outlet for your aggression, I would refrain from physical contact and work on improving verbal communication before graduating to the next level. Save the slaps for your soccer ball and be extra nice around the ladies.

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It is important to develop calm and sensitivity when you get a moment. Though I agree that you need a healthy outlet for your aggression, I would refrain from physical contact and work on improving verbal communication before graduating to the next level. Save the slaps for your soccer ball and be extra nice around the ladies.

I'm about to be the stupid one on this thread, but... where's the options for "who the fuck is Amy Winehouse?" and "what did she do to deserve this thread?"

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I'm about to be the stupid one on this thread, but... where's the options for "who the fuck is Amy Winehouse?" and "what did she do to deserve this thread?"

You have been busy these days.

She missed her cue when presenting at the Q Awards, and had some problems with her wardrobe, then people overreacted and became overly critical of her, IMO.

The subject came up in a thread about Robert Plant and Glastonbury, which mentioned that Robert had just received a Q award.


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