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Who is the next real guitar hero?


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Well, I don't know if he is the next "guitar hero", but here is an artist from Oz who plays some amazing guitar. Here is a solo acoustic piece called "Ocean" by John Butler of the John Butler Trio.


you decide for yourself....but at least he is still around and viable, unlike many of our other favorites out there. ;)

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you know what todays guitar hero is, its the game guitarhero.

Can't say that I agree. There are video games for most everything these days, have racing games replaced actual racing? I didn't think so. Same for Guitar Hero and music. People make far too much of Guitar Hero, Rockband, etc. being a bad influence on rock n' roll. I fail to understand why.

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Well, I don't know if he is the next "guitar hero", but here is an artist from Oz who plays some amazing guitar. Here is a solo acoustic piece called "Ocean" by John Butler of the John Butler Trio.


you decide for yourself....but at least he is still around and viable, unlike many of our other favorites out there. wink.gif

He's American.

I doubt there will ever be another real guitar hero.

Unless someone comes along and revolutionises the instrument again, which is highly unlikely.

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For my money, it will have to be someone who's high on feel and not obsessed with the technical side of playing

our 6 stringed friend.

I'm with you.

As good as technical players are, I prefer players who have an emotional "feel" when they play as opposed to note perfect.

I liken it to the old vinyl vs CD debate where CD productons are considered "superior" in terms of audio quality than vinyl, IMO the latter leaves them for dead.

IMO they are setting themselves up for failure if and when they did fuck up and besides their egos probably wouldn't handle it too well either.

Where as someone who plays for the listener rather than themselves will carry on regardless, my suspicions of the "technical" player could be problematic.

That's why I prefer Jimmy warts and all over Vai, EVH and all the other so called "technical" players.

Sometimes the "mistakes" (or are they?) like blue notes for example, actually make the music sound better.

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Sometimes the "mistakes" (or are they?) like blue notes for example, actually make the music sound better.

Yeah, but you gotta know how to blend these things, because there are lots of players who play with real, passionate feeling but they are hurting your ears at the same time. You still gotta be musically correct because mistakes can only do harm and make the music sound like crap (btw, blue notes are not a mistake!).

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Yeah, but you gotta know how to blend these things, because there are lots of players who play with real, passionate feeling but they are hurting your ears at the same time. You still gotta be musically correct because mistakes can only do harm and make the music sound like crap (btw, blue notes are not a mistake!).

I agree that it can't just all be about sloppy playing but for me personally it's more a case of too many players.. overplaying the instument. IMHO, they great ones have always known when to change the pace, quiet down or, simpy just stop playing . I mean, how fast does a player have to play before it all becomes just one big note of noise ? There's too many gunslingers out there who are using the guitar as a weapon of expression instead of using her for a little peace, love and understanding.

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I agree that it can't just all be about sloppy playing but for me personally it's more a case of too many players.. overplaying the instument. IMHO, they great ones have always known when to change the pace, quiet down or, simpy just stop playing . I mean, how fast does a player have to play before it all becomes just one big note of noise ? There's too many gunslingers out there who are using the guitar as a weapon of expression instead of using her for a little peace, love and understanding.

More like weapons of mass distraction! wink.gif

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Well, this is my new guitar hero. For me a good guitar player is the one that isn't stuck in the same thing all the time. I don't know if you will like it, i see that everybody here has their own taste but i think you have to be a little bit more open minded to enjoy some of the stuff that people is producing these days, you have to look under the rocks to see good stuff but you will find it...

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Although I have a deep respect for Jack White, for his creativeness and his ability to play a variety of instruments and also have a great voice, I'm not that crazy about his guitar playing. He puts a lot of emotion into it, but something's missing. I like watching and listening to him, but then I quickly forget all about it. And he sometimes screws up.

For example, the Blue Veins video posted above, it's not that great IMO.

Jack White in studio is OK, Jack White live is not that OK.

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Well, this is my new guitar hero. For me a good guitar player is the one that isn't stuck in the same thing all the time. I don't know if you will like it, i see that everybody here has their own taste but i think you have to be a little bit more open minded to enjoy some of the stuff that people is producing these days, you have to look under the rocks to see good stuff but you will find it...


Nice stuff! A bit lose in the beginning, but still, I don't see anything new here.

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Nice stuff! A bit lose in the beginning, but still, I don't see anything new here.

Again, good stuff!! But again, nothing new in it.

Well, it's not really like that. A guitar hero doesn't necessarily have to bring something new to the table. For example, Slash wasn't so creative and artistic, he was just rocking and rolling on a Les Paul and everybody loved that and everybody wanted to be like him. Now on the other hand, Joe Satraini actually added some new things to the guitar vocabulary, but there weren't too many kids that would have posters of him all over their bedrooms like they did with Slash.

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Well, in my case, i don't know anything about musical technisism and i don't play any instrument but i truly enjoy music. For me, any musical or art hero is the one that makes me feel butterflies in my stomach everytime time. Anyway, the people who know about technical stuff would agree that not even the greats, just like Jimmy, did something new even when we love them. I guess it's a matter of having your own sound, to absorb what you like or feel, make it yours and then transmit it again. In the end you will choose what you like depending on your background.

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He's American.

I doubt there will ever be another real guitar hero.

Unless someone comes along and revolutionises the instrument again, which is highly unlikely.

Yes, he was born over here. But, everything about his music, etc. is about Oz. I see his disc just went to #1 over there, first week out and is a purely independent release - financially and every other way. That's nice to see these days.

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It's only my opinion if there is/isn't a new one out right now that we will all consider a guitar hero (just my idea's). Yes, some will think that there own personal favorite's are the next big guitar god but, that's all personal speculation and not a testament on how they hit the world and explode into a new and exciting thing! Like what aeonblue was hitting at, it's got to be some thing big, really feel's good and in there time. Think Jimmy Hendrix, Stevei Ray Von, Randy Roads, Eddy Van Halen and Jimmy Page type's, the list goes on, those guy's all just came off the top of my head.

I find it hard to predict the future in music as it is so quickly changing but still stagnating at the same time.

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I find it hard to predict the future in music as it is so quickly changing but still stagnating at the same time.

It's "stagnating", how is that?

I'd also love for someone to explain why we supposedly need a guitar "hero", especially when there's folks like Nels Cline around (see clip below).

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It's "stagnating", how is that?

I'd also love for someone to explain why we supposedly need a guitar "hero", especially when there's folks like Nels Cline around (see clip below).

Agreed! Also, nice video clip. I've never heard that song before - like the sort of late 70's Eagles vibe that song has to it. Good music. Weren't they just on Austin City Limits?


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