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Helen Thomas


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what rubbish? The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no conspiracy theory.

I understand that there is a lot of killing in those parts. What I don't buy is the official accounts and explanations. I suspect there are a good number of incidents of violence attributed to Palestinians which, if the truth were known were either committed by factions within Israel or at least facilitated by those factions.

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I understand that there is a lot of killing in those parts. What I don't buy is the official accounts and explanations. I suspect there are a good number of incidents of violence attributed to Palestinians which, if the truth were known were either committed by factions within Israel or at least facilitated by those factions.

You suspect this based on what evidence?

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You still don't get it, do you.

I don't call you a bigot in an effort to squelch genuine commentary about the Middle East. There is nothing wrong with that.

I call you a bigot because throughout this thread you have made unsupportable generalizations about an ENTIRE PEOPLE and insinuated that they deserve to die. This cartoon, if it has a point to make, does not make one which covers your bigotry.

By the way, when I went to reply to your post the name of the cartoon you linked to was revealed. It is called "anti-semitism-good-cartoon-ridiculing-it.jpg". Stay classy man.

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Actually, it doesn't - but the fact you think so must be why you picked it.

What up, Dandruff.

I think you've now made 9 posts on this thread. Try as I might, I can't see that you've made any direct response to the original post. Instead, you appear to be content to take a cowardly, cynical approach by sniping at comments made by others. In my book, that makes you a troll.

If you've got something to say, say it. If not, why not just leave it to those of us who care. Better still, go hug a tree.

I hear the 'Beautiful Men' thread's hotting up, if you're interested.

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What up, Dandruff.

I think you've now made 9 posts on this thread. Try as I might, I can't see that you've made any direct response to the original post. Instead, you appear to be content to take a cowardly, cynical approach by sniping at comments made by others. In my book, that makes you a troll.

If you've got something to say, say it. If not, why not just leave it to those of us who care. Better still, go hug a tree.

I hear the 'Beautiful Men' thread's hotting up, if you're interested.

Let's set the record straight shall we?

My first post on this thread was a comment to Atlas about my view of his agenda on the thread as a whole. You then jumped in with a post insulting my intelligence. I then exposed you for what you are and the rest of my posts responded to your protestations to the contrary (or to Atlas).

You on the other hand have called me names, throughout the discussion (patrick star, dandruff, coward, nazi sympathizer etc.) and now insinuated that I am a homosexual.

Which of us is the Troll?

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You on the other hand have called me names, throughout the discussion (patrick star, dandruff, coward, nazi sympathizer etc.) and now insinuated that I am a homosexual.

Which of us is the Troll?

Relax dandruff, at least he didn`t call you a poove, poof or a fag.

You are giving as good as you get.

Trolls come and go.

When you feed them, well, just saying.

I think Tripmender had trouble potty training as a child, anal, wouldn`t poop for mommie, and no thanks, I would never smell his fingers.

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Hi Danny,

That is funny! :D

Hi Kev,

Thanks for mentioning it, i owe you one mate. :beer:

You mean the ones who were fleeing the Nazi's?Or the British,who opposed the splitting of Palestine into two states,which the Arabs rejected?


The war was over, 1948, so no one was fleeing any Nazi's, and didn't i read somewhere that America turned around a shipful of German Jews and sent them back to be exterminated in Germany, Britain i think also refused entry to the same people which gave Hitler the go ahead to do what he did to them, we all have blood on our hands over that episode me thinks.

As for the British opposing splitting of Palestine into two states, which the Arabs rejected, Palestine WAS split in to two States, Israel and Trans-Jordan, or as it is known today "Jordan", and as I'm not a Yid or a Yank or a Muzzy i can remain neutral and unemotional when i say that what the Jews of Europe did was wrong, what Britain did was wrong, what America did was wrong, and for what the Muzzies did next we are to blame, and they are also wrong, i cant be clearer than that can i? :whistling:

And if the Jews think that GOD gave them "Israel" as HIS Promised Land to them, contemplate this? if you read the Bible, or Torah close enough you will find that he also told the Jews that they were a very disobedient people and that he would replace them with the lowest people around if they did not obey HIM, which they didn't and he did, these just happened to be the same people that the Jews displaced in the first place, "what goes around comes around" as they say, yes these people were the same Semitic Tribes that the Jews went to war with in the Old Testament, the "Edomites", don't believe me, see for yourselves.


And these same people are now the Palestinian Arabs who can trace ownership of The Holy Land, Israel, Palestine, whatever you want to call it, back to before the Jews can, so just who the Holy Land belongs to is a very complicated affair, one which we cannot solve here, but at least we can chew it over without a Suicide Bomber or Apache Helicopters Missile or a Smart Bomb going off cant we? ;)

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Kev,

Thanks for mentioning it, i owe you one mate. :beer:

The war was over, 1948, so no one was fleeing any Nazi's, and didn't i read somewhere that America turned around a shipful of German Jews and sent them back to be exterminated in Germany, Britain i think also refused entry to the same people which gave Hitler the go ahead to do what he did to them, we all have blood on our hands over that episode me thinks.

As for the British opposing splitting of Palestine into two states, which the Arabs rejected, Palestine WAS split in to two States, Israel and Trans-Jordan, or as it is known today "Jordan", and as I'm not a Yid or a Yank or a Muzzy i can remain neutral and unemotional when i say that what the Jews of Europe did was wrong, what Britain did was wrong, what America did was wrong, and for what the Muzzies did next we are to blame, and they are also wrong, i cant be clearer than that can i? :whistling:

Crucify if you will, but I'm with Germar Rudolf on this one.

And if the Jews think that GOD gave them "Israel" as HIS Promised Land to them, contemplate this? if you read the Bible, or Torah close enough you will find that he also told the Jews that they were a very disobedient people and that he would replace them with the lowest people around if they did not obey HIM, which they didn't and he did, these just happened to be the same people that the Jews displaced in the first place, "what goes around comes around" as they say, yes these people were the same Semitic Tribes that the Jews went to war with in the Old Testament, the "Edomites", don't believe me, see for yourselves.


And these same people are now the Palestinian Arabs who can trace ownership of The Holy Land, Israel, Palestine, whatever you want to call it, back to before the Jews can, so just who the Holy Land belongs to is a very complicated affair, one which we cannot solve here, but at least we can chew it over without a Suicide Bomber or Apache Helicopters Missile or a Smart Bomb going off cant we? ;)

Very Kind Regards, Danny

My Gods! Please don't drag me into your holy wars!

The Bible is nothing but fiction built on the traditions of great nations which it daemonizes and defames. There was no Solomonic empire, no great King David, no Jews building pyramids, etc. So using the Bible as the basis of any argument for or against the legitimacy of the Zionist state is moot.

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Crucify if you will, but I'm with Germar Rudolf on this one.

My Gods! Please don't drag me into your holy wars!

The Bible is nothing but fiction built on the traditions of great nations which it daemonizes and defames. There was no Solomonic empire, no great King David, no Jews building pyramids, etc. So using the Bible as the basis of any argument for or against the legitimacy of the Zionist state is moot.

Atlas, your comments make no sense to me, now get a grip son, read my posts again a bit more carefully and then get back to me, and i not only use the Bible, i use anything factual i can get my hands on, I'm not the lame duck you seem to think i am, and you and your arguments are as uninformative as I've ever seen, start spelling everything out as though you are talking to someone who knows nothing of what you're talking about please, I've had enough of you're cryptic references and unhelpful chatter, now do it or shut it, right? ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, Oh yea i nearly forgot, i was answering Kev's question to me, so fcuk all to do with you., so butt out chump or I'll report you to the Church Police, you hear me? :lol:

Edited by BIGDAN
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Atlas, your comments make no sense to me, now get a grip son, read my posts again a bit more carefully and then get back to me, and i not only use the Bible, i use anything factual i can get my hands on, I'm not the lame duck you seem to think i am, and you and your arguments are as uninformative as I've ever seen, start spelling everything out as though you are talking to someone who knows nothing of what you're talking about please, I've had enough of you're cryptic references and unhelpful chatter, now do it or shut it, right? ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, Oh yea i nearly forgot, i was answering Kev's question to me, so fcuk all to do with you., so butt out chump or I'll report you to the Church Police, you hear me? :lol:

The war was over, 1948, so no one was fleeing any Nazi's, and didn't i read somewhere that America turned around a shipful of German Jews and sent them back to be exterminated in Germany, Britain i think also refused entry to the same people which gave Hitler the go ahead to do what he did to them, we all have blood on our hands over that episode me thinks.

How many years in prison will it get you to question the above in Germany?

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How many years in prison will it get you to question the above in Germany?

"The Lights are on but nobody's home" that's my opinion of you Atlas.

I ask you to stop being so cryptic because i cant understand you, and you reply with what, another load of indecipherable bull shite, you're just not getting it are you? and you wonder WHY nearly everyone you correspond with gets fed up with your gibberish, now stop messing about and try to be more understanding of someone who's not living in your head, like me.

If i can understand where you are coming from i will answer your questions, until then. :Thinking::thanku:

Regards, Danny

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"The Lights are on but nobody's home" that's my opinion of you Atlas.

I ask you to stop being so cryptic because i cant understand you, and you reply with what, another load of indecipherable bull shite, you're just not getting it are you? and you wonder WHY nearly everyone you correspond with gets fed up with your gibberish, now stop messing about and try to be more understanding of someone who's not living in your head, like me.

:lol: Now you know why he has his own conspiracy thread. If you can get him to be less cryptic, you will accomplish what few, if any, have ever managed here.

If i can understand where you are coming from i will answer your questions, until then. :Thinking::thanku:

Regards, Danny

Eh, even understanding that doesn't help much. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (with a vague yet cryptic Het Atlas-ism screenprinted on front and back).

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:lol: Now you know why he has his own conspiracy thread. If you can get him to be less cryptic, you will accomplish what few, if any, have ever managed here.

Eh, even understanding that doesn't help much. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (with a vague yet cryptic Het Atlas-ism screenprinted on front and back).

Hi 'Lake of Shadows'

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated, he's probably still trying to hold the Heavens from the Earth and he gets a little side tracked, still I'm not one to give up without giving the guy a fair chance, so if your still out there buddy i would like a, eh, conversation with you. :D

Regards, Danny

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hi Danny,all,

"The Lights are on but nobody's home" that's my opinion of you Atlas.

I ask you to stop being so cryptic because i cant understand you, and you reply with what, another load of indecipherable bull shite, you're just not getting it are you? and you wonder WHY nearly everyone you correspond with gets fed up with your gibberish, now stop messing about and try to be more understanding of someone who's not living in your head, like me.

If i can understand where you are coming from i will answer your questions, until then. :Thinking: :thanku:Regards, Danny

What on God's green earth are you talking about?? :hysterical:

You get the gutters cleaned yet???Is your house painted,geez! :wave:


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hi Danny,all,

What on God's green earth are you talking about?? :hysterical:

You get the gutters cleaned yet???Is your house painted,geez! :wave:


Hi Kev,

First question, er, fcuk knows.

Second Question, No, No, and i just made a screen door for the back yard so me and the flies can have a cease fire. :lol:

How you doing me ole matey? :wave:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Did you get something in the post from Ally, if not let me know and I'll oblige. ;)

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"The Lights are on but nobody's home" that's my opinion of you Atlas.

I ask you to stop being so cryptic because i cant understand you, and you reply with what, another load of indecipherable bull shite, you're just not getting it are you? and you wonder WHY nearly everyone you correspond with gets fed up with your gibberish, now stop messing about and try to be more understanding of someone who's not living in your head, like me.

If i can understand where you are coming from i will answer your questions, until then. :Thinking::thanku:

Regards, Danny

Let me try this a different way. Have you ever heard of Sylvia Stolz?

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:lol: Now you know why he has his own conspiracy thread. If you can get him to be less cryptic, you will accomplish what few, if any, have ever managed here.

Eh, even understanding that doesn't help much. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (with a vague yet cryptic Het Atlas-ism screenprinted on front and back).

It's not so much that he doesn't know what I'm talking about - that's just a consequence, - nor is it that I don't know what I'm talking about - I do. It's that he doesn't know what he is talking about... or so it appears.

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