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Mel Gibson


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I'm a sucker for his movies, but he's self-destructing.

Turning out to be a real piece of shit.

Regarding the first incident a couple years ago:

I never buy into the whole "I was just drunk" excuse.

Being drunk doesn't make you say things you don't really mean or believe, it just removes your inhibitions to say those things.

In other words, being drunk simply reveals the true self/character (or lack thereof).

I haven't even had a chance to hear the new one, but I heard it's as bad or worse than before.

Adios, Mel.

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Hi all,

He made a really shit movie. It was called 'Braveheart'. Men in skirts, etc etc...

Still, it's an excellent movie for a first date. You know why? Cos if she likes it, you'll know instantly that she's not the girl for you.

Which is it? <_<

Kilts boy."Braveheart" was based(though not historically accurate on Sir William Wallace)

Danny chime right in.


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The only Mel movie I can watch over is The Patriot.

He has a big mouth and an even bigger bank account.

Besides, he has more kids, exs and GFs than hit movies.

Seems he needs more lawyers and spin doctors.

His latest piccadillo with his Ruskie hottie just go to show, MG, take it outside and keep your big mouth shut.

Especially when you are on the record.

I heard the "alleged" phone conversation that got him caught with his foot in his mouth.


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Hi all,

The only Mel movie I can watch over is The Patriot.

He has a big mouth and an even bigger bank account.

Besides, he has more kids, exs and GFs than hit movies.

Seems he needs more lawyers and spin doctors.

His latest piccadillo with his Ruskie hottie just go to show, MG, take it outside and keep your big mouth shut.

Especially when you are on the record.

I heard the "alleged" phone conversation that got him caught with his foot in his mouth.


Point got all the facts,you know,...


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Hi all,

Which is it? <_<

Kilts boy."Braveheart" was based(though not historically accurate on Sir William Wallace)

Danny chime right in.


Yeah I know what kilts are, Anjin. Like I said: men in skirts.

I also know what it was based on. It's a bit of a sob story - tears of laughter, that is.

Anyway, the Jocks didn't end up doing so badly for themselves. Sure, most of 'em ended up in jail, but they were then transported en masse to help create a classier version of the USA, i.e. Australia. Those who stayed have been getting their revenge ever since, by slowly but surely infiltrating & undermining our political system, and swamping the BBC with their frankly unintelligible accents.

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Hi all,

Which is it? <_<

Kilts boy."Braveheart" was based(though not historically accurate on Sir William Wallace)

Danny chime right in.


Hi Kev,

What you getting me in to now? another arguement or do you want my opinion?

I'm waiting.:whistling:

OK, my opinion then?

Kilts came from Ireland, as did the Bagpipes, and all that is "Nice" about the Scotch can be traced back to some other Peoples. For in fact the "RoSB" (Race of Scotch Bastards) can be traced back directly to the Pict's and Caledonia's, a breed of Murderous, Thieving, Raping Border Ruffians that inhabited the area beyond Hadrian's Wall, and its funny but the Scotch in those desolate areas of Britain, especially like Glasgow, still exhibit those same qualities to this day. :o

William Wallace (he is no Sir, that's reserved for someone with Honour which he didn't possess) was not even Scotch in the first place, his family can be traced back to Shropshire as followers of Walter Fitz Alan which would make him either an Englishman or an Anglo Norman perish the thought. The same can be said of their future King Robert the Bruce, who's family came from Bruce Castle situated on the A10 in Tottenham, so he was in fact a Cockney. ;)

The trouble with the Scotch is that they have very little real history of their own so they make it up or steal it from another culture, but what can you expect from Bearded Ginger Shit and Piss Stained (they didn't wear underpants you know? :rolleyes: ) Drunkard God Botherers, and that's just the Women and Children, I'll get to the men later. :lol:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Sorry Ally, i hope i didn't go too far? :yesnod:

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