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MOJO Robert Plant


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You're basing your feelings on the three guys being better as a whole than individually on how they were as a FOURsome. A lot has changed for all of them in the last 30 years. They, nor anyone can recreate the past. I honestly don't think Robert feels any regrets about his solo career nor do I think his goal is to sell millions of records. He's interested in exploring different musical genres and challenging himself as a singer and performer. I've seen him on every solo tour except 1983 and he has always looked pretty darned happy with whatever he's doing.

I think it's sad that Jimmy seems to be a bit paralyzed to really put himself out there on his own. He's an incredible talent in the studio and on the stage. I don't see it as an "intelligent" choice he's made to sort of say Zep or nawt.

Just my two pence.

Like I said I've seen Robert Plant in concert and it was awesome, but Robert Plant with Jimmy Page was better. Still their was something missing from it all and I found a lot what was missing when I saw JPJ in concert (The Groove). From what I can tell from YOUTUBE videos is that the o2 incarnation was even better than Page and Plant.

Lets look at the songs "Calling to You", and "Shake My Tree". One song from Plant, one song from Coverdale Page.

Shake My Tree Coverdale/Page

I find the Page/Plant version to be much better, Plant voice is much more soulful, and his voice adds a certain groove to the song. Coverdale's seem to me to be a bunch of screeching.

The same is true for "Calling toYou".

I think we have to put Jimmy Page in perspective, he's a 65 year old rock star. If he chooses to do nothing, that is pretty reasonable. And it is pretty reasonable for him at his age to say if it's not my full potential then I would rather not.

I personally think that Page is sitting on some pretty substantial material ( especially from what snippets we've heard) . I think he doesn't want to screw it up, and is patiently wanting for Plant to come around.

But indeed the sad part is that we are missing out on Page's talent. Like a simple Eric Clapton style blues standard album. Or perhaps an acoustic instrumental album.

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Look at what you said in your first post in this thread, "Then he goes on to say that if they just called it Page/Plant/Jones it wouldn't be as successful." is the same thing as "it wouldn't carry the same oomph"?

Please don't twist his words.

And I don't think he needs to see a therapist just because he is not doing what some other people want him to do, actually I think it's rather rude to say so. He is a mature musician, a man with a lot of life expierences, and know himself probably much better than we do.

OMG I didn't know I was talking to a Robert Plant Propagandist/Zombie

I think one could extrapolate that they do generally mean the same thing.

If we look at it in context Robert Plant knows from first hand experience that Page/Plant obviously did not have the same oomph as Led Zeppelin, and therefore they were not as successful as Led Zeppelin.

The point he was trying to convey in that quote and paragraph is that he didn't feel that at the O2 the were worthy of being called Led Zeppelin because John Bonham wasn't, but they called themselves that anyway instead of Page/Jones/Plant because it would be more successful and raise more money and awareness for their charity.

The last Page/Plant album was only certified Gold for sales. That is considered a complete failure by todays standards.

Secondly, I didn't say he needs to see a therapist because he won't do what over people want him to do. Talk about twisting words.

He needs to see a therapist because of his bipolar/obsessive/insecure attitude about Led Zeppelin.

On moment he has wonderful things to say about it the next it's get over it.

Poor Jason Bonham has been burned repeatedly by Robert Plant in interviews. Good way to honer John Bonham by repeatedly attacking his son.

Summer of 2007 - Led Zeppelin are never getting back together, these rumors about a reunion concert are outrageous. A few months later yeah we're doing a concert.

directly After the concert - It was great if we find a good reason we might do another, and you never now whats around the corner.

Now - Why would we ever get back together again it's over.

1986 - Lets get together with Tony Thompson and see what happens - a few months later why would we ever get back together.

1991 - Lets get together and do a world tour, we'll finish the details when I get back from lunch - After Lunch I don't think so.

He seems to be showing traits on manic depression here.

And I can think of at least 20 occasions where Robert Plant references himself in regards to Led Zeppelin in his songs/lyrics/albums or videos. It seems to be his favorite lyrical subject matter, which is obsessive

The Live Aid post show interview shows a very insecure, perhaps immature, and down right rude Robert Plant.

Look I like Robert Plant very much. His music, all of it. I don't think their is a single song of his that I dislike. I have his latest single, And I think its great. It has kind of a LZ III/PG/1971 Elvis feel to it.

I also Like Robert Plant as a person. I saw him at Disney MGM studios when he put his hand prints in cement. I paid $60 and spent 2 hrs at a them part just to see him.

He was very polite and courteous. At the After interview it was announced before hand that their would be no autographs as he was pressed for time. Well this one chick when asking her question asked if Robert could autograph her denim jacket. The MC automatically jumped in and said no. Well Robert was kind enough to tell her that if she gave it to an usher he could sign it quickly and she could pick it up after the event.

And this wasn't by any means what one would consider a hot chick. She reminded me of the lady in TSRTS with the white blouse and paints trying to buy scalped tickets outside the event.

But Like Robert Plant, his music and I think he is an all around cool, good guy. But some times he has issues that show through.

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The Live Aid post show interview shows a very insecure, perhaps immature, and down right rude Robert Plant.

I just watched this interview to refresh my memory...'cause I didn't remember him being rude at all..

I have to say I still don't think he was rude...

I guess it all is in a person's perspective ......If you notice Phil is also "hogging" the mike...but the interviewer is putting the mike in front of Phil and Robert because they are the ones willing to talk!Remember both Robert and Phil are the voices of their bands...that's what they doslapface.gif

...JPJ has said more than one time he was not comfortable being towards the front of the stage....they left that role to Robert who was obviously made for that role!ahhh.gif

Jimmy was obviously too high to converse both during the interview and for many years he remained that way...obviously his insecurities kept him there.Everyone knows what a great talent Jimmy was and is...except for maybe himself..Those demons have been haunting him for eternity.I for one think it is a pure shame!He is not the only great one in history to feel the pressure of self-doubt though.sad.gif

You can see during the Live-Aid concert that Robert is actually embarassed with Jimmy's behavior...do you think he is just plain tired of baby-sitting Jimmy after all these years! No one but the band members themselves know the way it really was between them over the years and what creative decisions were being discussed and made.

I also saw an interview with JPJ recently and he quietly (as his usual) stated that he was always trying to find something new and was not interested in playing the same thing over and over and relished in finding the new..He just happens to be a bit more reserved and quiet about the whole thing...

I love Led Zeppelin and I also appreciate all the individual talents that were put together to make the greatest pool of talent in all time.

BUT that was then and this is now!!!!!

Can you seriously say that you would love to go back to what you were doing forty years ago and stay there!!!????blink.gif

Please let these wonderful talented people be where they are and relish what they had to give to us and try to at least appreciated their love of music and what they are still giving of themselves today!!!smile.gif

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I've heard it all now. Someone who I assume has never sat down and talked with Plant confidently diagnoses him as bipolar. (Do you know what that means--the symptoms, the different manifestations, the treatment?) Also obsessive.

Then the poor guy's got insecurity to deal with.

I've never sat down and had that particular conversation either, but based on general impressions he strikes me as one of the most secure people imaginable, in terms of what he wants to do professionally. Whether we like it or not is another issue, of course.

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The obsessive:

1. The title Pictures at Eleven. Although this one is only mildly obsessive. It alludes to fact that is Robert's first release after the demise of LZ and coupled with the fact that it is a major departure from his previous career it is therefore newsworthy.

2. The songs Burning Down One Side as in burning down his previous image add to it the mysterious Les Paul playing guitarist that seems to enough him.

3. The song Just Like I've Never Been Gone, A song with a double meaning one about love the other veiled meaning about his return to the music scene after Led Zeppelin.

4. The song In The Mood, yet another veiled reference to his change in music style post Led Zeppelin.

5. Also the video has him hold a Lemon at one point another reference to Led Zeppelin.

6. The video for Big Log half way through the video steps on a feather crushing it.

7. The song Through With the Two Step with the lyrics "Through with the two-step, where the rhythm is law", and "Oh, yes, it's love in any key"

8. The Song Easily Lead

9. Only minor but the song Pink and Black has the Lyric People said that I won't change The song still remains the same.

10. The song Dance on My Own's veiled double meaning.

11. The song The Way I Feel

12. Tall Cool One

13. Ship of Fools

14. The song Big Love

15. The song Liars Dance

16 The song Colours Of A Shade

17. The song Tin Pan Valley

18. The song Let the Four Winds Blow

All these items Robert either directly or indirectly References Led Zeppelin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just read the MOJO interview with Plant. It takes a little while longer to get to Canada. This is only my opinion but from what I read into it:

A. Plant needs to constantly move in different musical directions.

B. Plant didn't want to do the Zep thing for 3-4 nights a week, (this is obvious from his quote of the show being 'too heavy', etc... ).

C. This one is presumptious but I think he would reunite Zep if new music was being created. I realize that some of you will automatically post that this is incorrect but reading between the lines, (yes I realize this is only my opinion) that he needs to be challenged.

That being said though, why the hell in the interview did it mention him singing 'Houses of the Holy', trying to redo 'Over the Hills and Far Away' and want to do 'Celebration Day' but deciding that 'no one would like it'?

This guy's hard to read. I'm confusing myself with this post.

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I just read the MOJO interview with Plant. It takes a little while longer to get to Canada. This is only my opinion but from what I read into it:

A. Plant needs to constantly move in different musical directions.

B. Plant didn't want to do the Zep thing for 3-4 nights a week, (this is obvious from his quote of the show being 'too heavy', etc... ).

C. This one is presumptious but I think he would reunite Zep if new music was being created. I realize that some of you will automatically post that this is incorrect but reading between the lines, (yes I realize this is only my opinion) that he needs to be challenged.

That being said though, why the hell in the interview did it mention him singing 'Houses of the Holy', trying to redo 'Over the Hills and Far Away' and want to do 'Celebration Day' but deciding that 'no one would like it'?

This guy's hard to read. I'm confusing myself with this post.

Yes, it's all very confusing, not to mention self-contradictory. The man is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

I don't think C is presumptuous - that's the impression I get too. But if it's true, then it's somewhat ironic that he hasn't felt the need to create any 'new music' in his solo career since 2005. If all he wants is to be able to re-interpret some of the Zep songs, I don't imagine that would be a stumbling block for JP & JPJ. But I find some of his comments about Zep's fans and back catalogue alarming and even disrespectful. Calling ALS heavy metal, for example, and his comments about Celebration Day. Maybe he views us as knuckle-draggers, totally resistant to change. Maybe some of us are. But if so, he's forgetting the warmth with which the No Quarter album and tour were received.

Curiouser and curiouser.

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I adore Robert Plant. I have all his solo material and have always supported the musical paths he's taken over the years. If he never reunites with Jimmy, JPJ and Jason that's okay with me. If I need my Zeppelin fix there is plenty of material for me to enjoy. I agree he doesn't owe fans anything more. The man sung nearly four hours every night in the Zeppelin days and gave his all. He was definitely earning his bread.

If they were to reunite for any sort of tour, I don't think anyone will disagree that Robert's role would be the most difficult. He's still one helluva singer but he is definitely NOT the bare-chested wailing Golden God of the past. The footage I've seen from the O2 show was incredible and Robert was in tip top shape that night. That being said, there were times when Robert had to sing in a lower register and although it was great there was also a spark missing. This is when I agree with him when he says it can never be Led Zeppelin again. That and Bonzo's absence, of course. Even if they were to fill that drum stool with the best drummer they could find, it would be a great show by Jiimmy Page, JPJ, Robert Plant and this amazing drummer (whomever it might be.) It's not Led Zeppelin. They can't recreate that magic. Ever.

I don't think he means any harm with his comments towards any of the other members or Jason. But my biggest complaint with Robert is what a few people have already mentioned. He contradicts himself in every interview I read. After the O2 it seemed he was more open to the possiblity of working with the Jimmy and JPJ and possibly creating new material. Next time I heard from him he was about to embark on a tour with Alison Krauss and said he was finished with Zeppelin. It's just recently that this flip-flopping has begun to irritate me. He says he's finished with Zeppelin but his solo shows seem to have more songs from his Zeppelin days then his solo career. He's aware that's what folks want to hear and he falls back on the Zep material to garner interest for his solo shows. Some Zeppelin material works great ('Hey Hey What can I Do,' 'Battle Of Evermore' with Krauss, and 'That's The Way') are a few I've heard in the last few tours that were incredible because he didn't try to change them so drastically.

He said in the past he was too old to be going around stadiums singing 'Black Dog' and yet in his past few tours he's sung a re-worked version that is barely recognizable. Altering the song doesn't mean you're doing a different song so if he's going to sing 'Black Dog' I wish he'd stick as close to the original as possible. It's a raunchy rock song. Sing it with that attitude of the past even if your voice isn't as powerful as it used to be. Or don't sing it at all. I'd rather hear 'Calling To You,' 'Come Into My Life,' 'Great Spirit,' 'Little By Little,' 'Slow Dancer,' or any other solo song. Whenever he tours, it's always material from the current record and Zeppelin favourites. Why not more solo Robert stuff? If including Zeppelin is for the sake of the Zep fans that come to the shows why not then get together with Jimmy and JPJ and tour? Afterall, it's what fans want to hear, right? He really hasn't distanced himself from Zeppelin at all. In fact, he relies heavily on it when he tours.

So he was recently interviewed for a Toronto newspaper and he commented that Roger Waters was in town performing songs from 'The Wall' and in a roundabout way being such a hypocrite saying doing that over and over becomes a prison etc etc. Sorry Robert, but you doing Zeppelin songs in your solo tours? Couldn't someone say the same about you? Years back he made a another comment about Rod Stewart and him doing covers to sell records nowadays. Now I'm not a Rod Stewart fan but aren't 'Dreamland,' 'Raising Sand' and the new 'Band Of Joy' cover albums?

I want Robert to do whatever makes him happy. I will always support his work and attend his solo shows. But enough with the snarky comments, hypocrisy and the holier than thou attitude.

Edited by the queen without a king
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I adore Robert Plant. I have all his solo material and have always supported the musical paths he's taken over the years. If he never reunites with Jimmy, JPJ and Jason that's okay with me. If I need my Zeppelin fix there is plenty of material for me to enjoy. I agree he doesn't owe fans anything more. The man sung nearly four hours every night in the Zeppelin days and gave his all. He was definitely earning his bread.

If they were to reunite for any sort of tour, I don't think anyone will disagree that Robert's role would be the most difficult. He's still one helluva singer but he is definitely NOT the bare-chested wailing Golden God of the past. The footage I've seen from the O2 show was incredible and Robert was in tip top shape that night. That being said, there were times when Robert had to sing in a lower register and although it was great there was also a spark missing. This is when I agree with him when he says it can never be Led Zeppelin again. That and Bonzo's absence, of course. Even if they were to fill that drum stool with the best drummer they could find, it would be a great show by Jiimmy Page, JPJ, Robert Plant and this amazing drummer (whomever it might be.) It's not Led Zeppelin. They can't recreate that magic. Ever.

I don't think he means any harm with his comments towards any of the other members or Jason. But my biggest complaint with Robert is what a few people have already mentioned. He contradicts himself in every interview I read. After the O2 it seemed he was more open to the possiblity of working with the Jimmy and JPJ and possibly creating new material. Next time I heard from him he was about to embark on a tour with Alison Krauss and said he was finished with Zeppelin. It's just recently that this flip-flopping has begun to irritate me. He says he's finished with Zeppelin but his solo shows seem to have more songs from his Zeppelin days then his solo career. He's aware that's what folks want to hear and he falls back on the Zep material to garner interest for his solo shows. Some Zeppelin material works great ('Hey Hey What can I Do,' 'Battle Of Evermore' with Krauss, and 'That's The Way') are a few I've heard in the last few tours that were incredible because he didn't try to change them so drastically.

He said in the past he was too old to be going around stadiums singing 'Black Dog' and yet in his past few tours he's sung a re-worked version that is barely recognizable. Altering the song doesn't mean you're doing a different song so if he's going to sing 'Black Dog' I wish he'd stick as close to the original as possible. It's a raunchy rock song. Sing it with that attitude of the past even if your voice isn't as powerful as it used to be. Or don't sing it at all. I'd rather hear 'Calling To You,' 'Come Into My Life,' 'Great Spirit,' 'Little By Little,' 'Slow Dancer,' or any other solo song. Whenever he tours, it's always material from the current record and Zeppelin favourites. Why not more solo Robert stuff? If including Zeppelin is for the sake of the Zep fans that come to the shows why not then get together with Jimmy and JPJ and tour? Afterall, it's what fans want to hear, right? He really hasn't distanced himself from Zeppelin at all. In fact, he relies heavily on it when he tours.

So he was recently interviewed for a Toronto newspaper and he commented that Roger Waters was in town performing songs from 'The Wall' and in a roundabout way being such a hypocrite saying doing that over and over becomes a prison etc etc. Sorry Robert, but you doing Zeppelin songs in your solo tours? Couldn't someone say the same about you? Years back he made a another comment about Rod Stewart and him doing covers to sell records nowadays. Now I'm not a Rod Stewart fan but aren't 'Dreamland,' 'Raising Sand' and the new 'Band Of Joy' cover albums?

I want Robert to do whatever makes him happy. I will always support his work and attend his solo shows. But enough with the snarky comments, hypocrisy and the holier than thou attitude.

I saw him recently and there were only 3 Zep tunes in the whole set. He also did Down to the Sea from Fate of Nations and a few other solo tunes. I think when he says he can no longer sing those songs in Zep - he's meaning, that person was him many many years ago. He's changed. He reworks the Zep tunes to fit into the style of what he's currently doing - now more funk/bluesy and when he was with Strange Sensation, more North African. I have read many interviews and I do not get a holier than thou attitude whatsoever. He's asked the Zep questions countless times - probably almost every interview. He's there promoting a CURRENT work - understandable he may get frustrated at times because he's living in the present, not the past.

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I don't think he means any harm with his comments towards any of the other members or Jason. But my biggest complaint with Robert is what a few people have already mentioned. He contradicts himself in every interview I read. After the O2 it seemed he was more open to the possiblity of working with the Jimmy and JPJ and possibly creating new material. Next time I heard from him he was about to embark on a tour with Alison Krauss and said he was finished with Zeppelin.

What people that make this argument tend to forget is that the tour with Alison (as well as the record itself) were already in the planning stages well before the concert at the 02 even came up.

He said in the past he was too old to be going around stadiums singing 'Black Dog' and yet in his past few tours he's sung a re-worked version that is barely recognizable. Altering the song doesn't mean you're doing a different song so if he's going to sing 'Black Dog' I wish he'd stick as close to the original as possible. It's a raunchy rock song. Sing it with that attitude of the past even if your voice isn't as powerful as it used to be. Or don't sing it at all.

Talk about contradictory. Plant's earned the right to sing that song (as well as any tune from the Zep catalog) any way he pleases. Ever heard Unledded? Those songs were also radically rearranged. Guess who was on board with that as well as Plant? That's right, Jimmy Page.

Years back he made a another comment about Rod Stewart and him doing covers to sell records nowadays. Now I'm not a Rod Stewart fan but aren't 'Dreamland,' 'Raising Sand' and the new 'Band Of Joy' cover albums?

Not every song on those records are covers. In any case, the songs that are covers aren't particularly well known. In fact, in most cases, they're fairly obscure. That would be the huge difference between those albums and the covers albums Rod Stewart has done.

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What people that make this argument tend to forget is that the tour with Alison (as well as the record itself) were already in the planning stages well before the concert at the 02 even came up.

Talk about contradictory. Plant's earned the right to sing that song (as well as any tune from the Zep catalog) any way he pleases. Ever heard Unledded? Those songs were also radically rearranged. Guess who was on board with that as well as Plant? That's right, Jimmy Page.

Not every song on those records are covers. In any case, the songs that are covers aren't particularly well known. In fact, in most cases, they're fairly obscure. That would be the huge difference between those albums and the covers albums Rod Stewart has done.

On your first point: I am aware the tour for 'Raising Sand' was already in the works. However, he seemed receptive to something Zep related after the completion of that tour. But when the tour ended he went back to not having any interest in the Zeppelin thing and was eager to do a follow-up record with Alison. Which is fine. I loved that record and all Robert's other solo efforts. The point I'm trying to make is that he should not get fans hopes up (not mine personally cause as I've said I don't need a Zeppelin reunion.) I understand why some Zep fans get really frustrated with Robert. If the Zeppelin chapter is closed, stop talking about it or saying stuff like 'You never know what's around the corner' until something more definitive is decided.

Secondly, I disagree about the Unledded thing. I mean yes, the Egyptian musicians added a different element to the songs but I still felt the essence of Zeppelin in those songs. Even when they were drastically changed. The versions of 'Black Dog' and 'Whole Lotta Love' in recent tours were...not that great. Personal opinion. Others, as I mentioned above worked much better.

Lastly, a covers album is a covers album. And you're right not ALL covers but predominately covers. The point isn't obscure songs vs. The great American songbook. He doesn't need to make that quip about Rod...even if his cover album is a lame cheesefest. Rod's just doing his thing and keeping himself busy...just like Robert. He needs to stop with the personal jabs at other artists.

Edited by the queen without a king
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On your first point: I am aware the tour for 'Raising Sand' was already in the works. However, he seemed receptive to something Zep related after the completion of that tour. But when the tour ended he went back to not having any interest in the Zeppelin thing and was eager to do a follow-up record with Alison. Which is fine. I loved that record and all Robert's other solo efforts. The point I'm trying to make is that he should not get fans hopes up (not mine personally cause as I've said I don't need a Zeppelin reunion.) I understand why some Zep fans get really frustrated with Robert. If the Zeppelin chapter is closed, stop talking about it or saying stuff like 'You never know what's around the corner' until something more definitive is decided.

I don't recall Plant being up for a Zeppelin reunion tour or anything of the like following the 02. They all stated it was a one-off concert in honor of Ahmet Ertegun. The others apparently wanted to continue on but evidently not Plant.

Secondly, I disagree about the Unledded thing. I mean yes, the Egyptian musicians added a different element to the songs but I still felt the essence of Zeppelin in those songs. Even when they were drastically changed. The versions of 'Black Dog' and 'Whole Lotta Love' in recent tours were...not that great. Personal opinion. Others, as I mentioned above worked much better.

That's beside the point. The point is, they were still rearrangements of Led Zeppelin songs (and/or songs Zeppelin had covered). The version of

that Page & Plant were doing isn't all that different from the version Plant was doing on the Raising Sand Revue tour. They all employed elements of Middle Eastern and Northern African music which were both huge factors in Led Zeppelin's sound to start with.

Lastly, a covers album is a covers album. And you're right not ALL covers but predominately covers. The point isn't obscure songs vs. The great American songbook. He doesn't need to make that quip about Rod...even if his cover album is a lame cheesefest. Rod's just doing his thing and keeping himself busy...just like Robert. He needs to stop with the personal jabs at other artists.

In this case, I think the jab is deserved. Rod wanted more money for the current Faces reunion tour so instead of him, we end up with Mick Hucknall (of Simply Red) as the lead vocalist. So, if he had been paid enough money he'd be touring with the Faces right now. With Plant, it's not about the $$$$, it's about artistic integrity of which Rod Stewart has none.

Edited by Jahfin
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In this case, I think the jab is deserved. Rod wanted more money for the current Faces reunion tour so instead of him, we end up with Mick Hucknall (of Simply Red) as the lead vocalist.

What, you mean that really happened? Christ, I thought that was a cruel hoax!

Hmm. I think we'd all better shut up RIGHT NOW about wanting a LZ reunion - lest we get Phil Collins again, but this time on vocals.

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Wow I haven't been on here for a while and the same old arguments are still going on.

Well the last I heard was that we all live in a free society and are able to choose what path our lives take. I was a pretty good labourer on the building site back in the day but I've moved on since then and now have a pretty good job, I make a good living out of it and most importantly I enjoy what I'm doing now. I'd be pretty peed off if someone told me constantly that I should go back to mixing concrete and hauling bricks around because thats what I'm remembered for!! Ok maybe not the best example but the point is who am I to tell Robert Plant what he should or should not be doing, he has brought countless millions pleasure and joy and continues to do so, he owes us absolutely nothing IMHO.

Loving his new album by the way

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Wow I haven't been on here for a while and the same old arguments are still going on.

Well the last I heard was that we all live in a free society and are able to choose what path our lives take. I was a pretty good labourer on the building site back in the day but I've moved on since then and now have a pretty good job, I make a good living out of it and most importantly I enjoy what I'm doing now. I'd be pretty peed off if someone told me constantly that I should go back to mixing concrete and hauling bricks around because thats what I'm remembered for!! Ok maybe not the best example but the point is who am I to tell Robert Plant what he should or should not be doing, he has brought countless millions pleasure and joy and continues to do so, he owes us absolutely nothing IMHO.

Loving his new album by the way

FENIX!!!!!! :wave:


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So Roger Waters is stuck in a prison for redoing 'The Wall'? He sold out 3 nights at the Air Canada Centre? What about McCartney touring and singing the same songs over and over again? Is he a sellout? These guys know what the fans want and give it to them. Regarding Robert Plant's musical choices, I don't care anymore but he's no better than Rogers when he is putting out cover albums and singing Zep songs in his concert.

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Yes, it's all very confusing, not to mention self-contradictory. The man is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

I don't think C is presumptuous - that's the impression I get too. But if it's true, then it's somewhat ironic that he hasn't felt the need to create any 'new music' in his solo career since 2005. If all he wants is to be able to re-interpret some of the Zep songs, I don't imagine that would be a stumbling block for JP & JPJ. But I find some of his comments about Zep's fans and back catalogue alarming and even disrespectful. Calling ALS heavy metal, for example, and his comments about Celebration Day. Maybe he views us as knuckle-draggers, totally resistant to change. Maybe some of us are. But if so, he's forgetting the warmth with which the No Quarter album and tour were received.

Curiouser and curiouser.

I totally agree with this post...after reading this and others last interviews I have made this considerations, I would like to share with you: I appreciate RP effort to follow his new musical choises without worrying about what all we old LZ fans would wait for him, because I think that after being the golden god of rock this is not easy to do, surely you need courage to do this...on the other hand I think that noone of us would be so nostalgic about LZ and - (expecially in the past, before his new good results in his solo career) - so severe with him as many critics had been, particularly in the 80s, if his solo career was been so wonderful as, for example, Peter Gabriel solo career!!!!! I mean that , also if I like very much this new album, as well as raising sand, mighty rearranger and dreamland, I don't like him when he says that all we old LZ fans are, as you said, "totally resistant to change" : as you rightly said, the warmth with wich the no Quarter tour and album were received shows the contrary...it shows that if his solo career would be worth to be compared with his glorious LZ past, we wouldn't be so "totally resistant to change"... However I don't want to be .too severe with him, because I adore him and his wonderful voice, and as I said before, I like very much his new career. Plus, I agree with him when he is ironic with the other old rock star (first of all Mick Jagger) when they pathetically monkey themselves.

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