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Strider, it is no secret that I value your opinion/knowledge of music, you know that already :-)

I am reluctant to explain why I have to choose in this forum because it's not related to the music. Would be more appropriate in the Ramble On forum I think.


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Too bad you missed Love and Only Love, an awesome tune!

I too love CH's feedback and all that guitar rumble.

Neil is one of the few that can awe you with an acoustic quiet song, then awe you with such noise as CH generates.

Great review, thanks! Sounds like you had a full night, running from Celebration day to this show.

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Thanks for the great reviews Strider and Black and Gold. I've been sitting on the fence on seeing Neil but think I'll take a pass. I adore his music and especially with Crazy Horse but would have to fly to Boston or New York and would end up being a very costly show when all is said and done.

I have to admit that I wish the setlist had more early Neil besides Needle and Cinnamon Girl.

Where is my Cortez, arguably Neil's STH? I suppose it can't be easy when you have an enormous song catalog to narrow down to a dozen songs, but still....

I am enjoying the clips people have posted. He and the band are on fire imo, and his voice is mighty fine too. I hope he includes a stop in the South next tour. Don't laugh...with Neil there could be another tour sometime. The man never quits! Great for us fans. :) Missy

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished reading Neil's autobiography, "Waging Heavy Peace." Thought I'd give a review for any Neil fans that might be sitting on the fence.

It's a super easy read due to the layout. There are 497 pages split into 68 short chapters. Some are as short as a couple of pages and rarely do they exceed 7 or 8 pages. Neil does not write this in the typical fashion with a chronological journey of his life. He skips around all over the place. Somehow it works though. I believe that is due to the brevity of the chapters and his conversational writing style. It's casual. Often he will say something that came to his mind unrelated to the topic at hand, but he will throw it in the book anyway. You will definitely know this is his work, no ghost writer here.

Some of the material will be familiar if you have read about Neil Young in other books. However, you will get some great personal insights from him that I'm not aware have been published before. He writes of things near and dear to him. His family, his close friends (many of whom have passed on), his love of trains and cars, PONO, his past relationships with his former wives, CSN, and of course the music! You'll read about his first time playing to his current run with Crazy Horse. Neil also discloses what music is coming to Archives 2 and upcoming film and CD releases from the past (Human Highway and Homegrown).

There are quite a few pictures that usually face the opening of those 68 chapters. They are normal photograph size and black and white. Many I had never seen before. There are also some interesting scanned documents, such as his Dad's famous spaghetti recipe, all the notes for the Rust Never Sleeps concert, and the original handwritten notes creating the song Cinnamon Girl.

My only disappointment was he skimmed a lot of his albums, bypassing discussion on some completely. I found myself wishing he would have covered Hawks and Doves or Zuma in some depth. But then again, he does have an output of over 40 albums last I checked!

4.5 out of 5 stars and Highly Recommended!* :)

*One of many neat things Neil wrote was how he had found a video on You/Tube recently of his bandmates playing before they were the Rockets, or Crazy Horse. They were known as Danny and the Memories. He wrote this video "is truly the shit." In particular, he thought Danny Whitten's "presence on that performance is elevating!". He stated he had "looked at it maybe twenty times in a row" and could watch it "over and over." The song is Land of a Thousand Dances and I hope this is the right one as it is the only one I could find based on Neil's information. Check it out to see Danny Whitten, Ralph Molina, Billy Talbot (and a 4th singer) from a different time.

It is the right Scopitone & the fourth singer on the right is Bengiamino (Benn) Rocco.... Edited by LittleRaggie
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The Squires, Mynah Birds and Buffalo Springfield were not just Neil Young's bands and I wouldn't be surprised if there were legal issues relating to the content as not all songs were written by him. If you want the albums so much, you can buy them separately.

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The Squires, Mynah Birds and Buffalo Springfield were not just Neil Young's bands and I wouldn't be surprised if there were legal issues relating to the content as not all songs were written by him. If you want the albums so much, you can buy them separately.

That's not the point though..

If something says "complete", that is what I expect it to be..

Why should I buy a gigantic box-set just to get a few unreleased tracks, when I could buy it and effectively get the entire first part of an artists discography, in one fell swoop?

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That's not the point though..

If something says "complete", that is what I expect it to be..

Why should I buy a gigantic box-set just to get a few unreleased tracks, when I could buy it and effectively get the entire first part of an artists discography, in one fell swoop?

Don't buy it then. They are called Archives and if memory serves me correctly, the only thing that claimed to be "complete" are his song books.

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  • 3 months later...

It's a long and LOUD show...two hours plus, with lots of 15-20 minute jams. Bring suitable amount of suitable substances, if you know what I mean. ;)

I wonder how different the setlist will be from when I saw them last October?

Edited by Strider
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As I'd expect it should be!

We're down the front on Neil's side of the stage so I'm sure I'll hear ol' black and the fender crankin'!

I'll have a couple of coldies at the Pumphouse Brewery (next door to the venue), then something suitable in the gardens in Chinatown!

I'm hoping to get some good pics and video.

It's a long and LOUD show...two hours plus, with lots of 15-20 mijute jams. Bring suitable amount of suitable substances, if you know what I mean. ;)

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