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So today is Halloween.

Or, at least it is in most of North America. The rest of the world is probably still relatively Halloween-free. When I was in Europe back in the 80s, I don't remember much interest in Halloween, except among the Americans stationed there in the military. In Mexico (and some other latin countries), you have Dia de los Muertas, the Day of the Dead, which is November 1 & 2, the same days as the Catholic "All Saints Day"(Nov. 1) and "All Souls Day"(Nov. 2). In countries with pagan ties, you probably have celebrations of the summer and winter solstices.

Halloween...or Hallowe'en(All-Hallow's-Eve), is yet another American adaptation of an old pagan ritual from the Old World, in this case Samhain, which was celebrated in medievel times in Scotland and Ireland.

Of course, as with Christmas, we had to add a kid-friendly vibe to it, so Halloween lost most of its underlying pagan-roots and became mostly about pumpkins and children dressing up in costumes and going around the neighborhood trick-or-treating. Or, basically begging for candy.

It's funny, I don't really have any memories of favourite costumes from when I was a child...I remember I was Dracula for a couple of years, but other than that, I don't remember much from my trick-or-treating days, which were very short, as by 12 or so, I felt I was too old and mature for that sort of thing; Halloween was kids-stuff, I thought.

I would still take my little brothers and sisters out and stuff, but the main reason I liked Halloween was all the tv stations would start showing classic monster movies and radio would re-broadcast Orson Welles' famous 1938 "War of the Worlds" radio play, which caused actual panic in listeners of the time, thinking a Martian attack was actually happening.

Oh, and all the candy and chocolate was nice.

Today, and this may mostly be a result of living in Los Angeles, but today I really don't care much for Halloween. It has become marketed to death, and over a period of time, it seems the adults have stolen Halloween from the kids.

Instead of gaggles of kids going around trick-or-treating(I know many parents who won't let their children go out trick-or-treating, or will only let them trick-or-treat in the sterile confines of a shopping mall), I see mostly gaggles of adults going from party to party, getting drunk and stupid. It is similar to how St. Patrick's Day has almost been ruined for me.

Did you know that Halloween is now the third biggest party-day in the U.S., after New Year's Eve and the Super Bowl? It is also number 2 in decorations, after Christmas.

Halloween has basically become another excuse for people to go out and get drunk and for women to dress like sluts. Seriously, if I see another "sexy cop", "sexy nurse", "sexy whatever", I am going to lose it. When did "sexy" become so restrictive? When did we as a society get so unimaginative that our idea of what constitutes "sexy" became narrow and regressive?

The idea that dressing like a hooker/stripper is the only way to be "sexy" is laughable, as I have lived in Hollywood for most of my adult life, and after seeing a fair number of actual Sunset Strip hookers/strippers, I can say that "sexy" is not the word I would choose in describing them. "Tired", "abused", "wasted", "plastic", "haggard", "sickly"...those are some of the adjectives that come to mind before "sexy".

And when you have large groups of people getting drunk, inevitably thoughts turn to destruction, which then leads to the whole business of destroying people's pumpkin displays or TP'ing(toilet-papering) someone's house...or worse. If you've ever had to clean up after someone's done this to your house, you're probably cursing Halloween.

Since Halloween falls on a Monday this year, what that basically means is that for the past 5 days in Hollywood/L.A., we've already been bombarded with endless Halloween partying, and the trafiic and idiocy that comes with it. It started last Thursday night, and will continue(thanks to the city's embrace of Dia de los Muertas) on thru the next couple of days.

WeHo(West Hollywood) basically becomes a zoo tonight as thousands and thousands descend on Santa Monica Blvd. for the freakshow.

Everything about Halloween now seems forced, bloated, over-done...whatever charms it once held have dissipated over time as it is now more of a drag than fun.

Except for one thing...taking my godson to the American Cinematheque's annual Dusk-to-Dawn Halloween Horrorthon at the Aero Theatre. There, away from the drunk drivers and drunken idiots vomiting on the sidewalks, I am reminded of the fun I used to have watching movies like "Frankenstein" or "Them" on tv, while sorting out the Halloween candy.

Am I the only one weary of what Halloween has become in the last 20 years or so?

Edited by Strider
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Well said 'Strider'

here in the UK we never used to celebrate 'Halloween'. Now we do it has become Big Business, and hijacked by Drunks.

My Grandparents are Buried in a small Churchyard and sadly it is Located in what is the most Haunted Village in England, over the past 5 years the Village has now becomes a no go Area on Halloween as the Police have to Corden the Village off, from Idiot Drunks who seem to find it funny to go around the Churchyard looking for Ghosts and causing Damage to Headstones and being a pest in general.

I would call it 'HELL-OWEEN

Hope you and your Godson have a Great time

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Well said 'Strider'

here in the UK we never used to celebrate 'Halloween'. Now we do it has become Big Business, and hijacked by Drunks.

My Grandparents are Buried in a small Churchyard and sadly it is Located in what is the most Haunted Village in England, over the past 5 years the Village has now becomes a no go Area on Halloween as the Police have to Corden the Village off, from Idiot Drunks who seem to find it funny to go around the Churchyard looking for Ghosts and causing Damage to Headstones and being a pest in general.

I would call it 'HELL-OWEEN

Well apparently Cameron's banned trick or treating so now it's probably going to go in major decline, it was very dead this year.

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Hi all,

Not what it use to be,no doubt.Still tonight it will be fun to see the little ones at the door in their costumes saying "Trick or Treat?" Even if they don't they all get two pieces of candy :D

Now across the bridge,south of here is Salem,MA,which has a huge celebration tonight.More cops there than a policemen's convention,.. :hidinginwall:


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Well apparently Cameron's banned trick or treating so now it's probably going to go in major decline, it was very dead this year.

Sad to say that the ban didn't work in my area, still got the little pest knocking on the door with nothing more than a mask on...

Wouldn't mind if they made an effort. LOL

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I find Halloween to be absolutely hiarious! :lol:

My way of "celebrating" it is to first, watch the "Thriller" video by Michael Jackson. Although I am a fan of MJ, that video really makes me laugh! :P

Next, I bring back a couple of childhood memories by watching a few cartoons from that animated series by Hanna-Barbera "The Addams Family". For those of you who aren't familiar with that cartoon show, here is the opening theme song. More than being scary, I thought it was more of a comedy show! :P

I then listen to some silly Halloween type songs on Youtube. Like this one :

Jokes apart, I will say this. Lucky for me, my neighbourhood is pretty halloween free. Halloween is celebrated here in New Zealand BUT no pesky brats have knocked on my door! Thankfully! B)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I'm watching Halloween 3 on AMC. What a great movie! This one is the only Halloween feature without Michael Myers and it is the best one. It has a really cool plot and the music is by John Carpenter...he writes some great soundtrack stuff. If you enjoy Carpenter films and like em a little on the B (cheesy 80's) side - this one is a good flick to watch. Although the acting here is not bad at all..and the Evil guy in the film reminds me alot of the Tall Man from Phantasm. Go watch it!

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I still like Halloween. It is a time for kids to be, well kids. And it is a day for adult's to bring out the inner kid and have a little fun, enjoy life. I have enjoyed a Halloween party or two in my past in which I have to admit, I got sick at. :bagoverhead: I was a vampira and thought it would be cool to be drinking red wine as blood from my goblet. It didn't set well and part way through the night I burst into the bathroom to vomit only to find a fellow sitting on the pot. The sink was the vessel of choice then, but at least it wasn't the rug or the sidewalk.

Alot of what you say is true, some take getting drunk to the extreme, kids too old to be trick or treating and commercializism taking over. I try to look past all the crappiness that any of the holidays brings out in jerky humans, but not all are rude, crude and obnoxious.

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Am I the only one weary of what Halloween has become in the last 20 years or so?

Maybe. I know that as far back as the 70s, tear gas was used on partygoers in Greenville, NC (home of East Carolina University) when things got out of hand. For years after that, celebrating Halloween on the streets of Greenville was banned. That sort of thing wasn't just confined to Greenville, I know it's also been an issue in other college towns in the state such as Chapel Hill and Raleigh. I also don't think Halloween was stolen from the kids by the adults, there's nothing saying it should be celebrated only by children. Where I grew up, we had a small neighborhood were most everyone knew each other so it was a pretty safe environment in which to celebrate Halloween. Still, some years later we would have a party at the community clubhouse and then all of us would go on a hayride throughout the neighborhood where we would trick or treat in groups. That way the trick or treaters would only make one round of all the homes so people would know when to shut their lights out and put away the treats. Occasionally some trick or treaters would come in from outside the area but that was usually an anomaly because our community was in a pretty rural area, far away from any surrounding cities. And yes, it's also fun to watch the horror movie marathons on TV but we all don't celebrate Halloween in the same way. And for the record, I've never had a problem with slutty, sexy nurses....

Edited by Jahfin
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at it's best it's a neighborhood / family way for the people in an area to create a sense of community.........if your area is shitsville or you're just a stodgy old prick.......nothing is going to help and it's going to be a big pain in the ass

luckily my kids had a lot of fun with it and i enjoyed seeing the neighborhood kids at my door........course the 2 tons of candy my kids used to come home with was another thing.......bit too much..........but we managed to get rid of most of it, giving it to a friend of ours with a humongous sweet tooth......picking through for our own favorites.........and giving the kids their share as well :bubble:

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We had fun in our neighborhood, having the annual cookout in the neighbor's front yard and then walking around with the kids.

Plus Halloween is the meat of my wife's and my birthday "sandwich". Same year, just Halloween separating our birth. Of course, she's "All Saint's Day", but Zeppelin played a couple of hours away from where I was born - on my birthday. So, I would like to believe they were driving by my town on that day - heading to Buffalo 10/30/69.

All in all, I love Halloween then and now.


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