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David Bowie thought Pagey put a curse on him in 1975.


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How could I know if Robert was kidding or not. I was not backstage at this concert so I can't say whether this is true or not. I am only stating what I heard him say after "Moby Dick".

How can you say that He was kidding? Were you backstage at this concert? I really want to believe that Robert was joking, but I can't say that he was or wasn't.

Oh, I don't know - because he was laughing after saying it! It's called humor, listen to the shows and you'll see Robert uses it quite often when referring to the crew and band members....

I can't even believe you are keeping on with this! :slapface:

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  • 6 months later...

How could I know if Robert was kidding or not. I was not backstage at this concert so I can't say whether this is true or not. I am only stating what I heard him say after "Moby Dick".

How can you say that He was kidding? Were you backstage at this concert? I really want to believe that Robert was joking, but I can't say that he was or wasn't. Doesn't matter to me anyway. I Love Robert Plant in the most non-sexual way a man can Love another man.

Edited to add: I also Love Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and the late, great John Bonham in the same fashion.

You're just being silly. Robert got plenty of blow jobs, you're just wrong on the gender.

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You're just being silly. Robert got plenty of blow jobs, you're just wrong on the gender.

Not to "beat" a dead horse (pun intended) and I realize that Robert and Jimmy and John Paul and John Henry got thousands of Blow Jobs during Their time as Led Zeppelin and thousands of more after Their time as Led Zeppelin (- Bonzo), however, it was Robert Plant that made that comment about Blow Jobs and Peter Grant backstage.

I did not make this up as others have also heard the same thing. Like I already said, this came out of Our Robert Plant (another pun intended) so how am I to know if He was joking or not? I was not there. I think that unless you or anyone was actually present, how could you really know if Robert Plant was very serious or very joking? By the way, I had very forgotten about this until I just saw it and naturally I had to reply since I was directly challenged by whoever responded to my post of 5 or 6 months ago.

In my opinion, Robert Plant is the Greatest Singer of All-Time and Led Zeppelin is the Greatest Rock and Roll Band of All-Time. My feelings on that will never waver. I "Hold No Quarter" on My resolve of this. Who They got Blow Jobs from (then or now), makes no matter and is of no consequence to Me.

Unless someone else has something to say to Me about this inane subject, I will only respond accordingly (if at all).

I am more interested in talking about the Saint Louis Cardinals beating the Boston Black Sox in the 2013 World Series. If the Cardinals win the World Series, every Player on the team (married or not) will be getting offers for Blow Jobs from all kinds of Groupies, both male and female. I am only a fan and I Love the Females and their Loving and Tenderness.

Edited by kingzoso
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I don't know about the article mentioned but if Page put a curse on Bowie, it didn't work! :redcard:

I read When Giants Walked The Earth: LZ Biography (so I'm basically a LZ professional :P) and the author talks about this. The story is basically: Bowie was hanging out with Page and they talked briefly about the occult and then Bowie said something that offended Page and then Page made him leave. Bowie was convinced page put a curse on him. And apparently he was trying to perform a magick ritual or something and his pool lit up and started bubbling and it was definitely something 'not from this world'.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug! Who doesn't love that paranoid delusional state?!

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  • 9 months later...

The curse thing, if Bowie did in fact believe it, was no doubt based upon youth, his mental state at the time, and the whole Jimmy-Black Magic period which was about at it's height then. Jimmy was certainly fascinated with the subject and I suspect he went along with a lof of the media stories for the image benefits. A lot of people believed the stories, thinking how else do you explain their enormous success and their tragedies.

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During Plant's intro for No Quarter on Feb-13-1975 He say's "This is a song in the meantime about a journey, about an ominous journey through changes that we all know so well and John Paul Jones, who we dont know so well. Its called No Quarter".

I wonder what side of Jones he was referring too?

Edited by juxtiphi
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During Plant's intro for No Quarter on Feb-13-1975 He say's "This is a song in the meantime about a journey, about an ominous journey through changes that we all know so well and John Paul Jones, who we dont know so well. Its called No Quarter".

I wonder what side of Jones he was referring too?

From what I've read, Jones spent a fair amount of time apart from the band when they were touring. In Stairway To Heaven, Richard Cole mentioned that when Zep arrived in a city, Jones would often give him a phone number where he could be reached in an emergency then take off. No one knew where he went, but since he always showed up on time for gigs they let it go.

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From what I've read, Jones spent a fair amount of time apart from the band when they were touring. In Stairway To Heaven, Richard Cole mentioned that when Zep arrived in a city, Jones would often give him a phone number where he could be reached in an emergency then take off. No one knew where he went, but since he always showed up on time for gigs they let it go.

That's interesting, and perfectly fine I reckon.

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