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Whitney Houston


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I saw this crap too -tonight. All of the E News, Hollywood Insider, etc. are coming up with all of these scenarios. They were interviewing the ex-boyfriend of Whitneys daughter, and he's talking about how she gave her daughter $1000 a month for allowance and all this shit. Who really gives fuck - I say? In due time (sooner than later) they will be accusing someone (like the Michael Jackson dispute) of causing her death. A Doctor(s), or something similar. The fact is (and I mean no disrespect to her as an artist) she was a complete mess the last several years, so it actually didn't surprise me after hearing of the death. Anyone who saw the less than fabulous "reality" show she had with Bobby Brown, that has at least one eye and 1/4 of a brain could see how messed up and disgraceful she was. And to be displaying her life on TV in such the shape she was in, was a joke. She was totally fucked up on something....It's funny how people are more appreciated after they die. Didn't all of her albums jump back into the Billboard 200 or something like that???


Dolly Parton is making a killing!

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I saw this crap too -tonight. All of the E News, Hollywood Insider, etc. are coming up with all of these scenarios. They were interviewing the ex-boyfriend of Whitneys daughter, and he's talking about how she gave her daughter $1000 a month for allowance and all this shit. Who really gives fuck - I say? In due time (sooner than later) they will be accusing someone (like the Michael Jackson dispute) of causing her death. A Doctor(s), or something similar. The fact is (and I mean no disrespect to her as an artist) she was a complete mess the last several years, so it actually didn't surprise me after hearing of the death. Anyone who saw the less than fabulous "reality" show she had with Bobby Brown, that has at least one eye and 1/4 of a brain could see how messed up and disgraceful she was. And to be displaying her life on TV in such the shape she was in, was a joke. She was totally fucked up on something....It's funny how people are more appreciated after they die. Didn't all of her albums jump back into the Billboard 200 or something like that???


Dolly Parton is making a killing!

Yeah, Dolly's rakin' in the royalties.

A MAD TV skit on Whitney.


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Eh. The chick apparently did some script Xanax and fell asleep in the bathtub. A death by accidental drowning. Happens every day. Nothing newsworthy about it, it's not like she OD'd or choked to death inhaling a crack-pipe/stem.

I was sick of all the coverage by Monday morning. I'd already heard enough of her music to last *me* a lifetime, I was in the U.S. Army and living in barracks from 1984-1990, you couldn't go to a club without hearing her, or hang out in the barracks without having to play Stereo Wars with the R&B Black Princesses playing Whitney, Sade, and Janet Jackson (as opposed to our Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Frank Zappa and Metallica). I'm sure they remember our music with the same fondness as I remember theirs. *Snort*

Edited by walter's walker
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Apple caught a bunch of grief for jacking up her greatest hits package shortly after the news broke that she died. They froze their ITunes downloads until they could adjust the price for the album.

People bang Microsoft for being evil, Apple isn't very far behind.

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Eh. The chick apparently did some script Xanax and fell asleep in the bathtub. A death by accidental drowning. Happens every day. Nothing newsworthy about it, it's not like she OD'd or choked to death inhaling a crack-pipe/stem.

I was sick of all the coverage by Monday morning. I'd already heard enough of her music to last *me* a lifetime, I was in the U.S. Army and living in barracks from 1984-1990, you couldn't go to a club without hearing her, or hang out in the barracks without having to play Stereo Wars with the R&B Black Princesses playing Whitney, Sade, and Janet Jackson (as opposed to our Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Frank Zappa and Metallica). I'm sure they remember our music with the same fondness as I remember theirs. *Snort*

This is the kind of disrespectful nasty attitude that makes me sick. Also what is this "their" music and "our" music and r&b black princess crap. I'd say more but: 1. I don't want to get banned and 2: I doubt you are worth anymore of my time.

Edited by AutumnGrl
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And nowadays, you could add Adele to that list. Like I said elsewhere, music for people who don't like music.

As I've mentioned, I'm not necessarily a fan of Adele's but I know of lots of folks who have great taste in music (including some people on this board) that are fans. That's an awful lot of people who like her who supposedly are fans of "music for people that don't like music". If you were referring to Nickelback, I could understand that sentiment. Then again, I know of some folks with impeccable taste in music who are also fans of Nickelback. It's not my thing but apparently lots of people like it.

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I'm pretty sure what AutumnGrl found offensive was the phrase "R&B Black Princesses"...his "us and them" had racial connotations. I don't know walter's walk and am not familiar enough with his body of posts to know whether this was just a one-time slip, or if he is a racist.

But the way that post was worded, AutumnGrl or anyone who doesn't pigeonhole music into "black" and "white" restrictions had reason to take offense.

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I'm pretty sure what AutumnGrl found offensive was the phrase "R&B Black Princesses"...his "us and them" had racial connotations. I don't know walter's walk and am not familiar enough with his body of posts to know whether this was just a one-time slip, or if he is a racist.

But the way that post was worded, AutumnGrl or anyone who doesn't pigeonhole music into "black" and "white" restrictions had reason to take offense.

Thank you. That was my major issue with what he said.

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I'm pretty sure what AutumnGrl found offensive was the phrase "R&B Black Princesses"...his "us and them" had racial connotations. I don't know walter's walk and am not familiar enough with his body of posts to know whether this was just a one-time slip, or if he is a racist.

But the way that post was worded, AutumnGrl or anyone who doesn't pigeonhole music into "black" and "white" restrictions had reason to take offense.

I don't think it was a mistake, but personally I could care less what a racist thinks.
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No, not here specifically: just about anywhere. I live in Texas, where there *are* admittedly still a lot of peckerwood racists. Some of them dragged that poor man to death out in Jasper a few years ago, Knights of the White Magnolia Ku Klux Klan, out in East Texas. It used to be a lot scarier. A friend of mine tells stories of his grandfather in rural Louisiana murdering a black family without warning for trespassing on his property and fishing in his lake, back in the early 60's. The local police never even filed a report. So I'm fully aware of Racism. I've been refused service in foreign countries for attempting to enter a resteraunt with a racially mixed party (whites and gypsies).

Personally, I grew up in rural North Carolina, raised by progressive integrationist Presbyterians, being taught that all men (and women) are created equal in the eyes of God and the Law, and that a Black, or a Latino, or a Native American, or anyone else is no better or worse than anyone else based on the color of their skin. I've travelled to five continents, 23 countries, and have found a lot of reasons to dislike people, such as their political persuasion, their sadistic tendencies, their violent behavior at soccer games or their choice in music, but I've never based my dislikes on a person's race. We've *all* got better than 95% of the same DNA patterns as Great Apes like Chimpanzees and Gorillas, so the amount of melatonin in one's skin doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

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No, not here specifically: just about anywhere. I live in Texas, where there *are* admittedly still a lot of peckerwood racists. Some of them dragged that poor man to death out in Jasper a few years ago, Knights of the White Magnolia Ku Klux Klan, out in East Texas. It used to be a lot scarier. A friend of mine tells stories of his grandfather in rural Louisiana murdering a black family without warning for trespassing on his property and fishing in his lake, back in the early 60's. The local police never even filed a report. So I'm fully aware of Racism. I've been refused service in foreign countries for attempting to enter a resteraunt with a racially mixed party (whites and gypsies).

Personally, I grew up in rural North Carolina, raised by progressive integrationist Presbyterians, being taught that all men (and women) are created equal in the eyes of God and the Law, and that a Black, or a Latino, or a Native American, or anyone else is no better or worse than anyone else based on the color of their skin. I've travelled to five continents, 23 countries, and have found a lot of reasons to dislike people, such as their political persuasion, their sadistic tendencies, their violent behavior at soccer games or their choice in music, but I've never based my dislikes on a person's race. We've *all* got better than 95% of the same DNA patterns as Great Apes like Chimpanzees and Gorillas, so the amount of melatonin in one's skin doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

The racists pop up in strange places. (Remember the song 'Strange Fruit'?) I was working with a black guy in the SF Bay Area and he was an excellent back-hoe operator. This was on a job with some other contractors and one of the other guys in their crew says to me: 'Who's the HNIC?' I didn't know what he meant and he then said: 'The head nigger in charge!' I told him why didn't he go ask him that himself? The operator would have whipped his ass into the dirt this I know for a fact.

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HNIC comes from a Morgan Friedman flick about a principle who got assigned to the hell school. He got in front of his staff and faculty and said "I'm the HNIC".

That saying has been around for much longer than any Morgan Freeman movie.

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She was talented and beautiful. I wasn't a "fan" either. But I knew she was an exceptional talent. My biggest regret is that I didn't pay more attention to her when she was alive.

As any musician, they have a peak, a prime and a decline...her decline was pretty much solid and stationary from the music business for the last 15 years or longer..She had her time to shine. I payed attention to her, probably just as you did. I recognized she had a great voice, sung some great songs (mostly written by other artist) and she was a very famous individual in the industry of a period of time. She wasn't my cup of tea either, and I never purchased an album. However, I did respect her for the same reasons (musically) . Her latest comeback (but not in a musical way, was years ago-when she had that HORRIBLE "reality" show with her family/Bobby Brown) I mentioned that in my first post^.....Lucky for her legacy, she won't be remembered in that respect.....

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HNIC comes from a Morgan Friedman flick about a principle who got assigned to the hell school. He got in front of his staff and faculty and said "I'm the HNIC".


I realize Morgan Freeman is "The Voice of God"...but he didn't invent EVERYTHING!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, no, it was definitely the Bush/Reagan Black OPS/CIA/DEA/FBI movers; They'd been setting up the Bannana Republics to switch to Cocaine production since the Nixon days; Cocaine begain flooding the U.S. Market in the early 80's, Crack was on the streets by the mid-80's, Clinton didn't come into power until 1992.

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