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Religion? (Keep it civil)



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  1. 1. Religion?

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I think it's time for someone to start a religious humor or whatever thread. This one is for discussion and not poking fun of things.

I'm not sure what you're referring to but if it's the photograph in my previous post it's not religious humor (not sure what you mean by "whatever" since that's a vague term at best). It directly addresses how homosexuality is perceived by some people that refer to themselves as "Christians" and their various interpretations of the bible. Some Christians are against homosexuals' right to marry while others, who have read the same book, feel they should have every right to marry just as heterosexuals do. It's very pertinent to the topic of religion as it's an ongoing struggle for homosexuals in the United States at present to have the right to marry. Some are using the bible to stand up against them and deny them that right because they feel that the Constitution should follow the laws of the bible even though to do so goes against the Constitution. That has everything to do with religion and nothing whatsoever to do with humor. If you weren't referring to the photograph in my previous post then disregard this one.

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I'm talking more about stuff like the batman picture and the like. People will get offended so it's best not to post it here.

I haven't seen anyone voice an opinion about being offended. Nor do I see why they would be offended, unless they think Jesus didn't have a sense of humor.

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I think something may have been missed. I'm not arguing you have offended me. So what I think of some movie is irrelevant. What I'm arguing is certain things ought not to be said and done for the sake of others. It makes no difference who holds an opinion you ought not to intentionally do things to hurt other people including making fun of what they consider sacred. I haven't even argued take it off the forum I just suggested that religious based humor or things that push the limit should be posted in a different thread.

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What you seem to be saying is that religion is without humor. I'm sure Jesus liked a good cut up once in awhile. In fact it's been said that he may have been the first stand up comedian.

Apparently at the crucifixion he supposedly said "I just flew in from Jerusalem and boy are my arms tired" . True story

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Now I agree... That is a funny cartoon, and religion when taken too seriously deserves to be mocked, it is not the be all and end all. I once told a priest a joke and he was mortified, I wouldn't mind but it was not rude it was funny......Here it is;

Saint Peter is on duty at the pearly gates one day, Jesus comes along shuffling his feet, and Peter asks him what is the matter.Jesus says that he is bored so Peter suggests that he takes over from him for a while. It's still quiet when an old man appears at the gates. Jesus asks if he can help him, the old man says that he is looking for his son. Jesus tells him that there are millions of sons and daughters etc inside the gates and he asks was there anything special about him. The old man sighs and says not really, but he did have holes in his hands and holes in his feet where the nails went in. Jesus is taken aback and shouts "Father" to which the old man answered "Pinocchio"????????????????

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