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What penalty should be given to child abductors?

joe (Liverpool)

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After the most recent child abduction case which happened last week. The suspect has been charged with abduction and murder. What do you think should be done to deter other people from doing the same thing and inflicting so much pain on friends and familes. I personally think that at present there is no deterrent.What is your opinion on the subject?

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These terrible crimes have been going on for years and most recently, have become quite common in all news around the world. We've had some terrible cases over the years. The people that comitt these crimes have no excuses in not knowing how wrong it is. But the cases keep piling up year after year. I don't think there is a deterrant unfortnately. I think we have to look out for each other a lot more, educate our children more and before we entrust our children to an adult, make sure we have done our due dillegence. We need a wolf to cull our heard from time to time. I guess that is why I live vicariously through Dexter. Not trying to make light of this but these sick people operate on a much different level that the norm.

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Thanks for your comments fishead, surely apart from keeping our children under 24 hour surveillance, there must be something done to make these sick batstards think twice before opting to cause so much pain that will last for a lifetime. Although I am against it in theory capital punishment is one alternative.

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There is something physically (mentally) askew with people who do this sort of thing. When they do things like this they don't think that it's wrong, they are fulfilling some sort of need/desire without regard to consequence. I don't know if there is a way to discourage it. The majority of the population knows that the punishment for murder is a long time in prison or the death penalty and yet it continues to happen.

The best thing we could probably do is either keep them in prison for life or segregate them somehow. When/if they get released back into the general population they normally continue to commit similar crimes.

As fishhead said, probably the best thing we can do is educate our children and keep a sharp eye on what they do and on the people around us. It's unrealistic to keep 24 hour watch on your kids, but being involved and diligent could make a difference.

Edited by publicenemy3
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After the most recent child abduction case which happened last week. The suspect has been charged with abduction and murder. What do you think should be done to deter other people from doing the same thing and inflicting so much pain on friends and familes. I personally think that at present there is no deterrent.What is your opinion on the subject?

I am pretty much a pro life person. I don't even kill insects if I can avoid it. I eat meat so I guess I am a bit of a hypocrite..

But F**** it, I have no compassion for these animals... child abductors, serial killers... Give them the Death penalty.... get em off the planet.

Rapists, Pedophiles if they can't be treated ... lock em up and throw away the key.

tough love... justice. whatever you want to call it.

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I am pretty much a pro life person. I don't even kill insects if I can avoid it. I eat meat so I guess I am a bit of a hypocrite..

But F**** it, I have no compassion for these animals... child abductors, serial killers... Give them the Death penalty.... get em off the planet.

Rapists, Pedophiles if they can't be treated ... lock em up and throw away the key.

tough love... justice. whatever you want to call it.

OK,Bro. :)

I am not sorry where I stand on this.

Don't be sorry..

and repeat offenders...

Edited by the chase
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I am pretty much a pro life person. I don't even kill insects if I can avoid it. I eat meat so I guess I am a bit of a hypocrite..

But F**** it, I have no compassion for these animals... child abductors, serial killers... Give them the Death penalty.... get em off the planet.

Rapists, Pedophiles if they can't be treated ... lock em up and throw away the key.

tough love... justice. whatever you want to call it.

Pro death penalty supporters are as bad as the people who commit murder. But to answer the question I'd lock 'em up and throw away the key. Edited by JTM
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I'm pretty sure I'd be breaking forum rules if I stated what I think proper justice would be . Let's just say that I wouldn't be able to rest until proper justice was done

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Pro death penalty supporters are as bad as the people who commit murder.

That's interesting.

I don't agree with you.

Serial Killers and Child Murderers deserve what they get.

They had a chance to live a decent life and pissed it away.

Do you honestly think John Wayne Gacy didn't deserve execution? Tell that to the families of the 26 victims whose bodies were found in the crawl space of his house.

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I'm pretty sure I'd be breaking forum rules if I stated what I think proper justice would be . Let's just say that I wouldn't be able to rest until proper justice was done

That's why I asked for other peoples opinions, if I gave mine I would be banned, but to be lenient I would give the parents a baseball bat each and put them in the cell with the convicted offender for about 2 hours.

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I'm pretty sure I'd be breaking forum rules if I stated what I think proper justice would be . Let's just say that I wouldn't be able to rest until proper justice was done

Sorry Bro,....love ya.

Let me put this way.If YOUR child was raped and/or killed how the FUCK would you think about it?

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Would you adopt the same attitude if it happened to a member of your family? I think not. An eye for an eye.

Joe, I'd rather they were locked up for the rest of their lives. I would want them to be reminded why they were never going to be let back into the free world, of what they had done, what they had done to the lives of the people they had hurt by whatever henious despicable unforgivable crime they had commited. They can suffer by not being executed. Execution gives them release, Something the victims would never have.
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