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NBA season 2012


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Mike Brown - gone

Wow. No shit. Gotta go see CBS sports and ESPN. Talk about Kobe fryin the poor bastard fast

When you go 1-4 with the likes of the talent they have is it any surprise? Some reports say Sloan could come back? But I just cant see that one. Not that Jerry isnt a good coach. Whoever takes over has to turn them around and I expect will to a great degree. But I still think the Clippers are younger and better.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Basically the Lakers just wasted an off-season and pre-season where they could have used to break in a new coach and get the players used to a system. Now they are going to fumble around for months as a new coach and system gets implemented.

Brown should have been FIRED the moment he mentioned putting in the Princeton offense. As I explained many posts ago, it was a dumb idea and showed he wasn't the right coach for this team. If the Lakers had fired him then, they still would have had the preseason to get the team on one page with a new coach.

Now? It's gonna be chaos.

Edited by Strider
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Basically the Lakers just wasted an off-season and pre-season where they could have used to break in a new coach and get the players used to a system. Now they are going to fumble around for months as a new coach and system gets implemented.

Brown should have been FIRED the moment he mentioned putting in the Princeton offense. As I explained many posts ago, it was a dumb idea and showed he wasn't the right coach for this team. If the Lakers had fired him then, they still would have had the preseason to get the team on one page with a new coach.

Now? It's gonna be chaos.

The Clippers are the real deal Strider. Only team I am scared of is Dallas. I took Dallas plus 6 at the Knicks. Dallas is good even without Dirk. Wait until Dirk comes back. Next week Mr Caruthers will get his lesson. He is going to see Jordon, Blake and CP fucking give Miami a dose of reality

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True...but talk about a left-field choice. This has the smell of an interim hire.

They are probably trying to lure a "name". I thought Jackson was done for good? One news source said that is what they need. I cant see him coming back now. I should have figured they would come out and play hard for a "new coach" though I doubt he is the final answer. Their team is built to go for it right now. They cannot wait for next year. They built this team to go for it right now. Knowing Nash is near the end of his career and Kobe too.

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