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The Rush Thread

Dance the Crunge

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Rush is such a great band. I just saw them this past Tuesday, April 12th in Chicago for the "Time Machine Tour." It was my second time seeing and hopefully not the last. I love this band and they are fantastic live. Their music is complicated, fun, artistic, beautiful, and hard, all at the same time. Just watch a live clip or live DVD and my point will be made. I got into them about 8-9 years ago. I heard a song called "Fly By Night" and I knew I had to hear more from whatever bands song it was. I now have all their studio albums on my MP3 and love to listen to them. I have a live CD and three live DVD's. Rush is truly timeless.

My favorite thing about them is their ability to create an instrumental song. No rock band may be able to match them in that department. YYZ, La Villa Strangiato, Leave That Thing Alone, Hope, Malignant Narcissism, etc. It just shows the mastery they have over their instrument(s).

My five favorite albums from them would have to be:

1. Moving Pictures

2. Fly By Night

3. Grace Under Pressure

4. 2112

5. Power Windows

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  • 2 months later...

From Spinner.com:

Women's Toilets at Rush Concerts Are the World's Loneliest Place, Says Blogger


Peter Hartlaub

by Matt Glazebrook

Ladies, let us ask you a question. Do you like you drum solos? Do you like really long drum solos played on a comically expansive kit? Do you like songs with titles like '2112: Overture/The Temples of Syrinx' and lyrics such as "Stealthily attacking/By-Tor slays his foe/The men are free to run now/From labyrinths below"? Do you like 15-minute-long prog-rock instrumentals played by middle-aged Canadians?

No? Then let us ask you this: Do you like really clean toilets with no queues at all? Because if you do, we may have a new music recommendation for you.

Rush completed their umpteenth world tour this week, and in doing so provided evidence that there is no band more male-friendly -- and, conversely, more conducive to speedy and hassle-free female washroom usage -- than the authors of 'Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage.'

San Francisco blogger Peter Hartlaub attended the trio's show in Concord, Calif., and took a photo of the respective facilities prior to the encore. The gents' loos apparently had a three-abreast line snaking out of the door, and the ladies restroom was almost eerily empty.

The snapper called his pic "proof that there's no place on the planet lonelier than the women's bathroom at a Rush concert," although we suppose there is a possibility that all the group's female fans had made to sure to relieve themselves pre-gig and were down the front, eager to catch every moment of 'Xanadu.' He's promised to reverse the process soon, taking a pic of a no-doubt under-utilised men's room at a forthcoming Tori Amos gig.

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From Spinner.com:

Women's Toilets at Rush Concerts Are the World's Loneliest Place, Says Blogger


Peter Hartlaub

by Matt Glazebrook

Ladies, let us ask you a question. Do you like you drum solos? Do you like really long drum solos played on a comically expansive kit? Do you like songs with titles like '2112: Overture/The Temples of Syrinx' and lyrics such as "Stealthily attacking/By-Tor slays his foe/The men are free to run now/From labyrinths below"? Do you like 15-minute-long prog-rock instrumentals played by middle-aged Canadians?

No? Then let us ask you this: Do you like really clean toilets with no queues at all? Because if you do, we may have a new music recommendation for you.

Rush completed their umpteenth world tour this week, and in doing so provided evidence that there is no band more male-friendly -- and, conversely, more conducive to speedy and hassle-free female washroom usage -- than the authors of 'Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage.'

San Francisco blogger Peter Hartlaub attended the trio's show in Concord, Calif., and took a photo of the respective facilities prior to the encore. The gents' loos apparently had a three-abreast line snaking out of the door, and the ladies restroom was almost eerily empty.

The snapper called his pic "proof that there's no place on the planet lonelier than the women's bathroom at a Rush concert," although we suppose there is a possibility that all the group's female fans had made to sure to relieve themselves pre-gig and were down the front, eager to catch every moment of 'Xanadu.' He's promised to reverse the process soon, taking a pic of a no-doubt under-utilised men's room at a forthcoming Tori Amos gig.


It's funny 'cause it's true!


Seriously, I saw quite a few hotties at the last 3 Rush shows I attended (Snakes and Arrows, both legs; Time Machine, first leg), but yeah, that's actually pretty accurate.

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Rush was my very first concert for the "Grace Under Pressure" tour in, I believe, 1985 or 1986. I still think that every song on "Grace Under Pressure" is absolutely brilliant. Even though this album was when Rush really began to get more into keyboards and synthesizers, as opposed to the heavy riffs of Alex Lifeson, I still love listening to this (and all) of Rush's albums.

I saw them last year in Dallas, Texas on September 26, 2010 and again 3 weeks ago (June 19, 2011) in Austin, Texas. Even though they happened to play the exact same set, both concerts were truly amazing. The Dallas gig was outdoors while the Austin show was indoors. Same set, two totally different atmospheres. I think that there only a few bands who could do that nowadays and Rush is probably at the top of that list.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Looking forward to the new album. I like what I've heard of it so far.

Likewise, even though I've only heard three songs ("Headlong Flight", "Caravan" and "BU2B"). I haven't picked up Vapor Trails or Snakes and Arrows but I do plan on buying this one.

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Likewise, even though I've only heard three songs ("Headlong Flight", "Caravan" and "BU2B"). I haven't picked up Vapor Trails or Snakes and Arrows but I do plan on buying this one.

I was never really able to get into Vapor Trails. However I really like Snakes and Arrows quite a bit. "Far Cry" is a wicked song.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picked it up today, on my lunch break during work. The track times on the back are all listed as 0:00 :huh: . Has that happened to anyone else?.

Apparently so, I saw it mentioned in a thread about the new album over at the Steve Hoffman forum. What you have there is a collector's item. Not sure how many went out like that but still, it makes it a rarity.

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