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sugar is evil

slave to zep

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So do I, as I have diabetes, and there is some alarming information coming out about Splenda too, although it is less bad than Aspartame or Saccharin. I now use packets of Stevia, which is all natural, and is has no known health implications. I can't tell the difference between Splenda and Stevia.

i much prefer the taste of splenda to any of the sweeteners, but as you say, i don't think any of them are good for us :(

i have been trying to just have a tiny touch of stevia .....

The EPA has officially removed saccharin and its salts from their list of hazardous constituents and commercial chemical products. In a December 14, 2010 release, the EPA stated that saccharin is no longer considered a potential hazard to human health.

? i thought it was a given that saccharin was a baddie...... ?

Sugar kills.Eat good healthy protein loaded foods with fresh veggies n drink plenty of water and green tea daily.Youll see n feel a difference within two weeks.

GREAT advice! easier said than done though ( for me, anyway. i keep trying :) )

@ Dark Lord, I'm diabetic also, stevia has an after taste for me, Splenda is about the only sweetener I can tolerate, if I can't get my hands on Splenda I just drink my coffee without sweetener and a little cream, I've learned to do without sugar.

It's funny but because of my diabetes, I am now healthier.

i love cream in coffee, and it's also the only way i can drink it without sugar/sweetener.

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You'll probably want to see this, slave to zep...methinks "sugar" will be the next official bogeyman ala tobacco and climate change after this new documentary comes out.



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You'll probably want to see this, slave to zep...methinks "sugar" will be the next official bogeyman ala tobacco and climate change after this new documentary comes out.



looks like a great documentary - I hope it gets a lot of people thinking.

You use the term bogeyman - you don't believe that sugar is evil, do you .... well, it is, and it's killing our kids. we are feeding them all the wrong things. we need to go back to eating as our grandparents did. the pre-packaged and processed foods and drinks are the ones with all the sugar.

look, nothing wrong with having birthday cake, party food etc NOW AND THEN, but kids today ( and adults ) eat it EVERYDAY.....

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That is where personal responsibility comes in. All too often, we allow the government to get involved in our personal behaviour, the whole 'nanny-state' syndrome. Yes, sugar is bad for you if you eat too much of it every single day. But so is just about every type of food and drink and it is up to us to moderate and take account for what we put into our bodies, whether it is alcohol or sugar or fat.

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That is where personal responsibility comes in. All too often, we allow the government to get involved in our personal behaviour, the whole 'nanny-state' syndrome. Yes, sugar is bad for you if you eat too much of it every single day. But so is just about every type of food and drink and it is up to us to moderate and take account for what we put into our bodies, whether it is alcohol or sugar or fat.

Well said.

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That is where personal responsibility comes in. All too often, we allow the government to get involved in our personal behaviour, the whole 'nanny-state' syndrome. Yes, sugar is bad for you if you eat too much of it every single day. But so is just about every type of food and drink and it is up to us to moderate and take account for what we put into our bodies, whether it is alcohol or sugar or fat.

that's all well and good for a lot of people, but you forget there are many that don't have the level of intelligence to know... and junk food is cheap .... we need help!

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that's all well and good for a lot of people, but you forget there are many that don't have the level of intelligence to know... and junk food is cheap .... we need help!

Slave, I disagree, because once you start down the it is not about us, it about them path, it usally ends up with someone wearing a blackshirt and telling everyone else how to live their lives.

I am a firm believer in if you are old enough to tie your own shoelaces, the rest comes natural

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Slave, I disagree, because once you start down the it is not about us, it about them path, it usally ends up with someone wearing a blackshirt and telling everyone else how to live their lives.

I am a firm believer in if you are old enough to tie your own shoelaces, the rest comes natural

if that were true, why are we having this obesity crisis?

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I think the great majority of obese people are just too lazy and undisciplined to exercise and eat right. (I understand that some obese people suffer from serious medical conditions and/or possess super-slow metabolisms, etc.) I strongly agree with Strider regarding the importance of personal responsibility. The government should not be involved in regulating or legislating these matters.

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I think the great majority of obese people are just too lazy and undisciplined to exercise and eat right. (I understand that some obese people suffer from serious medical conditions and/or possess super-slow metabolisms, etc.) I strongly agree with Strider regarding the importance of personal responsibility. The government should not be involved in regulating or legislating these matters.

look, I understand what you and strider are saying, I really do.

but you are forgetting the people who just "don't know any better", or can't afford better food.

it's way cheaper to feed the family spaghetti and toast, than salmon and salad.

yes, you can buy cheaper fish, as I do, but many do not.

pick up a copy of a supermarket weekly specials catalogue and it's pages and pages of soft drinks, chips, chocolates etc etc not much affordable meats and veg and fruit ...

here you go - check out the price of salmon - even when it's on "special " ..... :run:


It's funny I'm healthier now and more fit since I became a diabetic, I watch what I eat and exercise, don't want to go blind or lose limbs.

you got it! you may even see your diabetes go into remission.... well done, so happy for you! :)

Edited by slave to zep
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Hi slave to zep,

I understand what you're saying, too--you're clearly well intentioned and have a good heart. It's easy to forget that some people--either through ignorance or lack of money--are not in a good position to make healthy food and lifestyle decisions.

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I have spent most of my life trying to put weight on!!!!!, and that's not a joke...a few years ago I bought these drinks which were 3000 calories per 12 fl oz, I used to drink 3 a day, never put on an ounce. I still take 4 sugars in my coffee. I had to go to my Doctors for a check up last week, cholesterol, blood pressure etc. I was quite surprised that I was A1, as I don't eat fruit, very seldom eat fresh veg. The Doctor said that whatever I was doing was fine. I have a BMI of 22 (whatever that is) and I have 1.6% good cholesterol which I was told is very good. Mind you I do not eat butter or margarine or any other slime on my bread, I eat dry bread with sandwiches and I eat dry well done toast. I have done for 50 years, apparently butter etc... is bad for creating bad cholesterol. Not bleating but in my case (so far anyway) sugar is not evil.....mind you I don't eat a many cakes or sweets etc. Also I still can't put on weight.

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StZ, I understand your point...it does seem easier and cheaper to find junk food in lower-income areas than fresh, healthy options. You don't see the farmers markets and Whole Foods in South-Central LA that proliferate on the Westside and Valleys. A friend did point out to me that the 99¢ stores do sell fresh vegetables and fruit, so in theory, a mother should be able to buy her kids a bag of carrots or apples for a snack instead of a bag of chips or pop tarts...all for a buck.

But some habits are inbred I guess and hard to break.

My point about the government remains though. Since the government is partly responsible for creating this problem to begin with (see the 1977 George McGovern Report), why should we believe that government would be able to fix it without creating even more problems?

I don't want or need my government telling me what to eat, drink, smoke, etc. All I ask is that they make sure the food that is sold is safe and not infected with mad cow disease or E. Coli.

The issue of the availability of healthy food options in poor communities is one that should be addressed by the communities and private enterprise themselves.

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....and the gov't should stop allowing these "farmers" to inject these animals with antibiotics, hormones, etc. to mass produce them. It is disgusting how companies are allowed to poison us, without our knowledge, in the name of economic prosperity for themselves. No wonder why common illnesses are killing people every year now and cancer is an epidemic - 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 2 men can be expected to have cancer in their lifetime, currently.

As far as regulating sugar, fast-food, etc., the businesses should be watched over to ensure they aren't putting additives in to make the person become physically addicted - much like the tobacco companies did years ago. Plus everything should have the ingredients used listed on the containers they are packaged in. Like that is ever gonna happen though....

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....and the gov't should stop allowing these "farmers" to inject these animals with antibiotics, hormones, etc. to mass produce them. It is disgusting how companies are allowed to poison us, without our knowledge, in the name of economic prosperity for themselves. No wonder why common illnesses are killing people every year now and cancer is an epidemic - 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 2 men can be expected to have cancer in their lifetime, currently.

As far as regulating sugar, fast-food, etc., the businesses should be watched over to ensure they aren't putting additives in to make the person become physically addicted - much like the tobacco companies did years ago. Plus everything should have the ingredients used listed on the containers they are packaged in. Like that is ever gonna happen though....

Very true and agreed Walter.

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Hi slave to zep,

I understand what you're saying, too--you're clearly well intentioned and have a good heart. It's easy to forget that some people--either through ignorance or lack of money--are not in a good position to make healthy food and lifestyle decisions.

thank you, sir :)

and even sometimes the ones that are in the position to do the right thing, don't. :( old habits are hard to break, and sugar IS addictive ....

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I have spent most of my life trying to put weight on!!!!!, and that's not a joke...a few years ago I bought these drinks which were 3000 calories per 12 fl oz, I used to drink 3 a day, never put on an ounce. I still take 4 sugars in my coffee. I had to go to my Doctors for a check up last week, cholesterol, blood pressure etc. I was quite surprised that I was A1, as I don't eat fruit, very seldom eat fresh veg. The Doctor said that whatever I was doing was fine. I have a BMI of 22 (whatever that is) and I have 1.6% good cholesterol which I was told is very good. Mind you I do not eat butter or margarine or any other slime on my bread, I eat dry bread with sandwiches and I eat dry well done toast. I have done for 50 years, apparently butter etc... is bad for creating bad cholesterol. Not bleating but in my case (so far anyway) sugar is not evil.....mind you I don't eat a many cakes or sweets etc. Also I still can't put on weight.

I guess you are just that one in a thousand or so people who are like that?

but you do say that you don't eat spreads/cakes/sweets, so I guess that is the main reason.

You probably have a really efficient metabolism, too.

I have to rely on a thyroid replacement hormone tablet each day for my metabolism, and it doesn't work nearly as well as the actual thyroid gland. My metabolism seems like it's non-existant! :(

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StZ, I understand your point...it does seem easier and cheaper to find junk food in lower-income areas than fresh, healthy options. You don't see the farmers markets and Whole Foods in South-Central LA that proliferate on the Westside and Valleys. A friend did point out to me that the 99¢ stores do sell fresh vegetables and fruit, so in theory, a mother should be able to buy her kids a bag of carrots or apples for a snack instead of a bag of chips or pop tarts...all for a buck.

But some habits are inbred I guess and hard to break.

My point about the government remains though. Since the government is partly responsible for creating this problem to begin with (see the 1977 George McGovern Report), why should we believe that government would be able to fix it without creating even more problems?

I don't want or need my government telling me what to eat, drink, smoke, etc. All I ask is that they make sure the food that is sold is safe and not infected with mad cow disease or E. Coli.

The issue of the availability of healthy food options in poor communities is one that should be addressed by the communities and private enterprise themselves.

I know what you mean about "nanny state", " big brother " etc etc, and I don't want that either!

but, as walter points out, the need to stop putting so many chemicals/preservatives/additives is very serious.

we have labeling laws here that are pretty good, but not good enough.....

as for shopping at 99c stores and buying fruit and veg - I guess it's an option.

Do you still use food stamps over there? I think it would be a good idea to make them only useful for buying fruit/veg/meat etc, and cigarettes,alcohol, junk foods not.

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....and the gov't should stop allowing these "farmers" to inject these animals with antibiotics, hormones, etc. to mass produce them. It is disgusting how companies are allowed to poison us, without our knowledge, in the name of economic prosperity for themselves. No wonder why common illnesses are killing people every year now and cancer is an epidemic - 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 2 men can be expected to have cancer in their lifetime, currently.

As far as regulating sugar, fast-food, etc., the businesses should be watched over to ensure they aren't putting additives in to make the person become physically addicted - much like the tobacco companies did years ago. Plus everything should have the ingredients used listed on the containers they are packaged in. Like that is ever gonna happen though....

YES! our animals and plants should not be chemically altered! no need for this crap :(

I try to buy free range whenever I can - eggs/bacon etc

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I have spent most of my life trying to put weight on!!!!!, and that's not a joke...a few years ago I bought these drinks which were 3000 calories per 12 fl oz, I used to drink 3 a day, never put on an ounce. I still take 4 sugars in my coffee. I had to go to my Doctors for a check up last week, cholesterol, blood pressure etc. I was quite surprised that I was A1, as I don't eat fruit, very seldom eat fresh veg. The Doctor said that whatever I was doing was fine. I have a BMI of 22 (whatever that is) and I have 1.6% good cholesterol which I was told is very good. Mind you I do not eat butter or margarine or any other slime on my bread, I eat dry bread with sandwiches and I eat dry well done toast. I have done for 50 years, apparently butter etc... is bad for creating bad cholesterol. Not bleating but in my case (so far anyway) sugar is not evil.....mind you I don't eat a many cakes or sweets etc. Also I still can't put on weight.

Lucky sod. There are tons of women who would kill to have your problem. You should write a book...your money problems would be solved and no worries about having to sell your Zeppelin memorabilia.

Thank you Slave To Zep, you're a very nice lady. :)

Yes, she is. :yesnod:

Edited by Strider
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