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New Book: Everything I Need to Know I Learned From Led Zeppelin!


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I don't think this has been posted yet. :)

I love the retro Dick and Jane type look, so this might be a cool gift for some of us Zep lovers!

But it won't be available until 1/1/2014!



For immediate release

Is there a bustle in your hedgerow?

Does it alarm you? Thankfully Led Zeppelin answered this existentially relevant question in the classic rock song Stairway to Heaven. In Benjamin Darling's new book Everything I Need to Know I learned From Led Zeppelin, the band, through their magical and overwhelmingly positive lyrics, and select quotes, provide the reader original aphorisms and uniquely conceived maxims on the timeless topics of life, love and happiness.

In 1980, the year John Bonham died, author, Benjamin Darling, and his high school best friend, engineered a stereo set-up with multiple amplifiers and humongous speakers. They played Fool In the Rain so loud the windows rattled, the neighbors complained, the authorities were called and the 'super stereo' was never heard from again... Many years later his love for Led Zeppelin and his collection of vintage children's readers serendipitously fell together one day (like the old Reese's Peanut Butter cup commercials) and a book was born.

Zeppelins deep wisdom and profound poetry is wittily presented and cleverly illustrated with children's primer/classic rock art mash-ups. Readers will find Everything I Need to Know I learned From Led Zeppelin part self-help book, part art book, and part philosophical treatise.

Author Benjamin Darling states "The book is an exercise, through words and whimsical pictures in free thought, the type of thought many have experienced laying back on their bed staring at a record album cover. and he adds emphatically, "If there is a bustle in your hedgerow do not be alarmed, it is just a spring clean from the May Queen!"

Need more important questions answered by Led Zeppelin? check out a preview of the book here Or the promotional video here.

The Enthusiast is a new and traditional media publisher of vintage how- to, etiquette, retro cooking, holidays, games, graphic design and classic illustrated childrens subjects.


Edited by Bayougal65
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God I love these guys,looks like might be a neat book

I love the retro look!

I just hope it is a legit book,. Not like one of the last ones I bought that used James Fortune's name without permission and it was a fake e-book on top of that!

This book was advertised through a trade email (Shelf Awareness) that I get, with the actual book trailer featured! But I notice they do use "In the Light" in the trailer! :huh:

Edited by Bayougal65
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Hmmmm, not available until 2014...just like the new box sets, it will miss the Christmas buying season.

It looks like an e-book...for one thing, that is not the real Led Zeppelin font, but a variation. It will only be available in paperback, no hardcover edition is listed. It reminds me of all those "Philosophy of..." books. You know: Philosophy of Star Trek, Philosophy of the Godfather, Philosophy of Mad Men, Philosophy of the Simpsons, etc., etc.

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Hell, the members of this esteemed forum could write such a book.

Maybe not *everything* we as a whole have learned from Led Zeppelin, but to those of us who connect with the band, the music, their individual personalities, then yes, I've learned a lot from Led Zeppelin. Everyday glimpses of the education is present, and the learning continues... it's infinite. "And the wheel rolls on".

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