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2013-14 NFL Playoff Predictions thread....

paul carruthers

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Godfather Ii

Potted! Where have you been? You missed a heckuva game. Since you're the first to respond I'm taking your advice. It's been a while since I've seen Godfather II in the theatre, too, so I'm due for a reacquaintance.

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That was quick! Plus you went straight to the penthouse with your 3-1 record! ;)

Haha, yeah Chuck, I kind of knew going into this weekend what my second round picks would be and nothing I've seen this weekend has made me change my mind.

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Speaking of Boston Garden - Paul, can we have a thread for predictions for the US Figure Skating Championships/Olympic trials being held there next weekend?


It might be wild if we could go "clubbing" with Tonya Harding if any time remains in her 15 minutes....

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That was quick! Plus you went straight to the penthouse with your 3-1 record! ;)

He disappears from the face of the Earth and then he has his picks up for next week already? Ha. Strider, you are hard to figure out dude. Anybody see DAS? He has most likely switched from beer to Scotch or grain alcohol after Kansas City's fucking epic meltdown, outdone only by the Houston Oilers who no longer exist in part due to the "great comeback" led by Frank Reich. I remember Chris Berman's famous words. "It's 38-3, It's all over. For Houston." the Bills of course came back from the dead and beat them. KC had made it to 9-0 on their defense. But in the end that defense failed them miserably as did the coaching staff of Andy Reid who is likely drowning in Scotch about now.

DAS, the sun will come up tomorrow. I think.

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Last night for about half an hour the SF/Car game was a pick. Then it went to SF -3. It will not go back down again IMO> I got one early bet in at a pick, just think SF has too much experience. But it could backfire. I never dreamed Carolina would get this far. Indy getting 7 seems a bit much. New Orleans is plus 7 and San Diego is plus 9 1/2 so you all know.

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Now we get to the really good part of the playoffs or at least the part where I've been wondering if there was any point in playing the games, at least as far as Seattle was concerned. But, the Arizona Cards have probably given a lot of these NFC teams some hope, in the sense that Seattle is not indestructible at home in that noise asylum.

I like Carolina at home, not sure why, just a feeling I have. And Ron Rivera might have ripped the "Coach of the Year" award away from Andy Reid. We shall see when the season is over.

It's probably foolish to bet against Brady & Belichik in the postseason, but the Colts to me seem fearless, although if they fall behind 28 points to the Pats, then forget it. Belichik knows how to put his foot down on an opponent's throat when he has the chance.

And Denver, all I can say is I hope they win this game or Peyton Manning is going to get ripped a new one by the national media.

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Well I went 1-3, so I'm going to make some real risky pics here, see if I can bring my score up a bit (or completely bury me, lol)

New Orleans. I think Seattle can be beat.

New England. Gotta go with the local boys.

Carolina. This one I go back and forth on. Carolina looks hungry...

Denver. I can't imagine a scenario under ANY circumstances that SD wins this.

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San Francisco

This looks familiar. Gee, we are in complete agreement Ally. Of course I am a bit on the fence on that Indy pick. I am cheering for Seattle to win it all. They are pretty much the only team left I have nothing against. And Carolina. Wouldn't that be something if Carolina beat San Fran. Only a 1 pt dog at home and I do not see anyone picking them? I will look again but I am tempted to roll the dice perhaps and change my pick later. No reason that they cannot win as they beat them in San Fran. Their defense is rated near the top. I got to see them live week two when those Bills found a way to beat them. <Maybe that is why nobody is picking them? Ha. Do not forget we also had KC on the ropes with a 3rd string QB and we took Cincy to OT. And gave New England a good fight in both games.

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