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I have to travel to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, try and find that on a map! I Hotel room booked, and ready to go in a few weeks. I'm happy that I don't have a regular 9-5 because as much as sometimes I wish I did, it is nice to sort of just make my own plans every week. The downside, people phone me at all hours of the day. Overall not a bad a gig I guess

on the map lol...

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been sitting wondering shouldn't I go away to start the jobs I`ve been putting off for this morning until now... the latest issue of classic rock as arrived on the mat today, filled with some great interviews... there isn't much to getting me fab brain cells flashing with more than sitting round the area of nothingness...

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Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! its a less is more day as we`ve nothing planned to do I`ve been hoping to chill without cooking and eat out with Mrs GF. isn't there any suitable ways to seek out the happiness state of mankind...

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I have to travel to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, try and find that on a map! I Hotel room booked, and ready to go in a few weeks. I'm happy that I don't have a regular 9-5 because as much as sometimes I wish I did, it is nice to sort of just make my own plans every week. The downside, people phone me at all hours of the day. Overall not a bad a gig I guess

It's nice that you get to be spontaneous and to travel a bit, Charles.

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Or grab yourself some clean fresh air at high altitude.

Fresh air is always a great way to clear the mind and find an excuse to get some exercise

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! its a less is more day as we`ve nothing planned to do I`ve been hoping to chill without cooking and eat out with Mrs GF. isn't there any suitable ways to seek out the happiness state of mankind...

I know the feeling, we order out a lot it seems. Thai, Indian, and also this healthy sandwich/salad place.

It's nice that you get to be spontaneous and to travel a bit, Charles.

I would go nuts if I was forced into a regular 9-5 after maybe a year I think. The freedom to plan my day or week or month as I see fit is one of the reasons I do what I do.

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right there`s isn't anyway I`d ever been a total seeker of knowledge... where`s there a likelihood of childhood daydreamer, within my own inner dreamer dreams which are always within music of all styles... more and more newer outer knowledge is getting less and less each year, but every now and than one shining glories seeking wonderous delights of new knowledge entering my mind... I`ve been helping out the white flag of hope more than ever before as there`s more and more whom needed it... with my music I`ve been listening to the musicians:

Dave Matthews Band, Hootie And The Blowfish, Thunder, the Almighty, Blind Melon and Grace Potter. which to some here possible have any passion for. so there`s always something within your own music which many may not like too!... there was a happiness moment the other day when we where out enjoying a meal out. when this 12/18 mths baby playing with its toys wonderous... shouldn't wouldn't having been the other kind of mankind as I`ve gotten more out of life than they have... I`ve never know weather to liable myself with turning myself around to fitting in within the hater gangs... isn't the need of the reasons of feeling more of myself since being here on the forum so to you all many thanks for your friendship you give without asking for anything in return... now I`m sitting surfing the net with a McDonalds black coffee wow wee surly a great funnies time to be having yes ooh yes... sometime today I need a fix of the mighty ZEPPELIN... also I`ve put out the cv to a few more employers out there... at the above musicians are there any you`ve al enjoyed...

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Hmm its the day of darkness out of employment now... well I`ve been seeking out the magical pleasure dome of music ooh yes... news of my little bro is a highlight as there where photos of my young babies... well I`ve been searching the music bio`s for info on a topic with a friend what fun it was too!. then there`s the bookworm in me which hasn't had much funnies for sometime now which did bring me a wonderous biggest smile I`ve had in a longest time... I`m happiest whenever I`d been with a book/music/art and movies we`ve that's me and one of the latter... or I`d add the meet a friend for a coffee too!.. :peace: happiness isn't ever not wanted to be here :bravo: so I`ll fill my boots up with happiness every time I can... shouldn't there be a law stating happiness forever... I`ve been trying the reading/listening at the same time... which as a amazing happiest for GF... then I`ll be tried of seeking out the historian outlook in me to my passion of history Rome, Egyptian, WW 1/2 sorry I mean trying.... planned trip to the London to do some tourist visiting happy days are here again wow wee... what the day of tomorrow will bring with it...

its always an other question each day of your life... bollocks... the amount of bullshit you have to sift through also each day too!... no wonder I`ve always found peace of mind within books, movies and MUSIC... :bravo:

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Remembering 70 years since of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Thank you for posting this, SozoZoso!

It was reported today that a decade ago there were 1,500 survivors present at an anniversary event.

Today there were 300.

I have had the profound and humbling occasion to meet a survivor of 4 camps, including Auschwitz...he recalls as a young man being in the presence of the monster, Dr Mengele. Imagine that for a second.

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Thank you for posting this, SozoZoso!

It was reported today that a decade ago there were 1,500 survivors present at an anniversary event.

Today there were 300.

I have had the profound and humbling occasion to meet a survivor of 4 camps, including Auschwitz...he recalls as a young man being in the presence of the monster, Dr Mengele. Imagine that for a second.

The youngest of the remaining survivors are in their seventies now. Very soon the Holocaust will pass out of living memory. When I was a kid, my parents patronized a dry cleaner that was owned by Holocaust survivors though I didn't realize this at the time. It wasn't until the husband died and our local newspaper ran his obituary that I understood why he had a numeric tattoo on his wrist.

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The youngest of the remaining survivors are in their seventies now. Very soon the Holocaust will pass out of living memory. When I was a kid, my parents patronized a dry cleaner that was owned by Holocaust survivors though I didn't realize this at the time. It wasn't until the husband died and our local newspaper ran his obituary that I understood why he had a numeric tattoo on his wrist.

Your parents are good people.

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I came here to post about the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz being liberated, and am glad to see that it has already been spoken about.

EDIT: CNN is airing a special TOMORROW night (WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28TH, changed from tonight) at 9pm: "VOICES OF AUSCHWITZ"


It's been said that people with numbers on their wrists and forearms are holy. It is a blessing that we still have survivors among us, that they give voice to their experiences and those of the silenced, and that we get to hear them.

A slide show "Ghosts of Auschwitz":


This one still makes my throat and stomach tighten even in pictures. I saw it as a kid before leaving Poland and remember the overwhelming sense of loss and cruelty. Countless...


This one stands out because it marks a time when names became numbers. Now their names are remembered again and that is good and just.


Here is a link to the official website: AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU MEMORIAL AND MUSEUM

Edited by Patrycja
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I remember once watching a documentry about the children and grand children of Nazis who

were based in those camps and how they felt disgusted at the thought of what their Nazi realitives had done.

There was even a brother and sister whos father was a Nazi and these two people went to certain lengths to "wipe out" any trace of their Nazi realtive, including having hysterectomys so they will never have children who will carry a murdering Nazi gene in them.

There was one guy who was the grandson of one (I cannot remember the name) but he visited Auschwitz and came face to face with a group of Jewish students. He told them who he was and one student looked at him and asked "what are you doing here??". This fellow then said he wanted to bury the memory of his Nazi realtive and asked the student to forgive him. There was such sencere honesty and humbling that this guy had literally went onto his knees in front of the Jewish student, cried and begged for forgivness.

I myself became very tearful watching it. Very hard stuff to watch as well.

I was screened in the UK over a year ago but dunno if it was shown anywhere else.

If I get the time, I will try to find a video of it on Youtube and post it here.

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That photo of the suitcases above reminds me of a comment that I had read just a few days ago, only it was to do with a photo of thousands of shoes in Auschwitz. All shapes and sizes.. men, women and children.

And the comment was that those shoes "where walked in through the gates, never to be walked out again"

You can only imagine.

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I`ve been researching the "RENAISSANCE" through the many books I`ve gotten losing myself in each painting and architecture of the 25/16 centuries wonderful... right now I`m just hmm finishing the freaks of my own inner mixed parts of topics... then I`ll be searching for which piece of music to listen to!... I must state I`m sorted out the music within which order to hear the music in, which isn't as ease as you`d think... there`s a plan of action to sort out the to do piles of to read/listen or watch lists as Mrs GF isn't to happy with the plié`s to keep moving them when doing the housework, but I`ve moved them everywhere and backwards again... to the newer reads I`ve been slow at getting the books started which is way that's the biggest pile... there mostly about musicians...

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That photo of the suitcases above reminds me of a comment that I had read just a few days ago, only it was to do with a photo of thousands of shoes in Auschwitz. All shapes and sizes.. men, women and children.

And the comment was that those shoes "where walked in through the gates, never to be walked out again"

You can only imagine.

Both of my grandfathers traveled to Europe for WW2. As a young child I would go with them on Remembrance Day in Ottawa and lay a wreath at the nations memorial. One of the 2 grandfathers in particular would cry in public and I felt so horrible for him that from that moment on I refused to cry in front of anyone. It's good that you reminded people of those events, because sometimes it's easy to forget.

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I`ve been researching the "RENAISSANCE" through the many books I`ve gotten losing myself in each painting and architecture of the 25/16 centuries wonderful... right now I`m just hmm finishing the freaks of my own inner mixed parts of topics... then I`ll be searching for which piece of music to listen to!... I must state I`m sorted out the music within which order to hear the music in, which isn't as ease as you`d think... there`s a plan of action to sort out the to do piles of to read/listen or watch lists as Mrs GF isn't to happy with the plié`s to keep moving them when doing the housework, but I`ve moved them everywhere and backwards again... to the newer reads I`ve been slow at getting the books started which is way that's the biggest pile... there mostly about musicians...

There is a good book on John Lennon by his 1st wife which seems to be an honest read of his life. Also, check out the one by his young girlfriend while he was on "vacation" or whatever the fuck he called it. It seems like a good read as well. Mel Torme wrote an EXCELLENT autobiography called "It Wasn't All Velvet" which details his feelings and relationship he had with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis and he discusses at length his failed relationships from his 2 divorces. Also check out Keith Richards, he wrote a pretty raw and honest book on his life.

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