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I have found the documentry on Youtube, it is called "Hitlers Children"

It is very upsetting so be warned.


SosoZoso firstly many thanks for the documentary. I`ve been following the programme from its start its a great insight into the children under Hitlers powers...

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There is a good book on John Lennon by his 1st wife which seems to be an honest read of his life. Also, check out the one by his young girlfriend while he was on "vacation" or whatever the fuck he called it. It seems like a good read as well. Mel Torme wrote an EXCELLENT autobiography called "It Wasn't All Velvet" which details his feelings and relationship he had with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis and he discusses at length his failed relationships from his 2 divorces. Also check out Keith Richards, he wrote a pretty raw and honest book on his life.

thanks for the tips on other books many thanks...

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Hmm its the day of darkness out of employment now... well I`ve been seeking out the magical pleasure dome of music ooh yes... news of my little bro is a highlight as there where photos of my young babies... well I`ve been searching the music bio`s for info on a topic with a friend what fun it was too!. then there`s the bookworm in me which hasn't had much funnies for sometime now which did bring me a wonderous biggest smile I`ve had in a longest time... I`m happiest whenever I`d been with a book/music/art and movies we`ve that's me and one of the latter... or I`d add the meet a friend for a coffee too!.. :peace: happiness isn't ever not wanted to be here :bravo: so I`ll fill my boots up with happiness every time I can... shouldn't there be a law stating happiness forever... I`ve been trying the reading/listening at the same time... which as a amazing happiest for GF... then I`ll be tried of seeking out the historian outlook in me to my passion of history Rome, Egyptian, WW 1/2 sorry I mean trying.... planned trip to the London to do some tourist visiting happy days are here again wow wee... what the day of tomorrow will bring with it...

its always an other question each day of your life... bollocks... the amount of bullshit you have to sift through also each day too!... no wonder I`ve always found peace of mind within books, movies and MUSIC... :bravo:

I got laid off on 19 December, and I'm not entitled to any state benefits, so it's absolutely no money until I can find a job. If not my two work pensions start in March.

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I got laid off on 19 December, and I'm not entitled to any state benefits, so it's absolutely no money until I can find a job. If not my two work pensions start in March.

Try Linkedin, also check out Monster, Career Beacon, and Workoplis. If you like send me a private message of what you do, and I can try and make some calls and see if I can help somehow.

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well its busy geekfreak within seeking out new employment... the latest freak out of absolute wonderous highest enlightenment of brave musicians of music`s darkest period like the early years of soul music and others forms... isn't the likelihood of absolutely being found unneeded remote well you would hope so, but there isn't any proof that that`s the case... on a upper point been having a whirlwind blasting of living colour, sly and the family stone and vintage trouble. what a highlight of music for me... also I`ve been sifting through my punk music but then what was real punk rock. by this the first album by the jam was said to be punk but was it there are other bands within punk like the jam... well isn't the focus of our mind to seek out the grace in others more than ????...

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Taking my son out of class early today and I'm going skiing with him, just him and I. Really looking forward to it. The times when it's just us in the car alone or out on the water or up on the mountain are the ones that really make me feel like I'm a dad. He's at an age where I think he doesn't really care, but I hope as he gets older that he remembers some of our alone moments together.

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Taking my son out of class early today and I'm going skiing with him, just him and I. Really looking forward to it. The times when it's just us in the car alone or out on the water or up on the mountain are the ones that really make me feel like I'm a dad. He's at an age where I think he doesn't really care, but I hope as he gets older that he remembers some of our alone moments together.

I`m sure he`ll remember the moments alone...
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He loved it, he told me he was glad it was just him and I together. We talked a lot on the drive up to Ski Wentworth (try and find that on a map!) and back home. Plus we chatted a lot on the chairlift. Felt great to connect with him

see his a chip off the old block...
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well I`ve been told to suck it in with the lack of employers taking on older people and stop talking out of been age`ish ... well I`ve been to the local carboot sale today pick up lp for 50p which is a better copy than my own, its the police GITM... its also a quiz question by myself as always which bands where punk rock as back in the day when these bands came out some where hmm not punk after the debut so which bands where punk...

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well I`ve been told to suck it in with the lack of employers taking on older people and stop talking out of been age`ish ...

I'm so sorry to hear that. If you lived in North America, I'd be glad to be a good reference for you, in case they'd call.

I had once job "mistakenly" call me once asking about a character reference about myself. I hope it all works out for you. I know it's frustrating. Keep us posted.

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I`ll keep you all posted... on a more up beat topic which we`ll all enjoy music I`ve been scanning my cd`s today to see which album to play which I haven't heard for a long time but I`ve choice an free cd which was within classic rock magazine the title " RIDERS ON THE STORM " 16 psychedelic rock nuggets to blow your MIND... there isn't much point in been doing the much need extra sitting to finish of the tattoo... me, mine yours isn't always on the same page sort of...

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I`ll keep you all posted... on a more up beat topic which we`ll all enjoy music I`ve been scanning my cd`s today to see which album to play which I haven't heard for a long time but I`ve choice an free cd which was within classic rock magazine the title " RIDERS ON THE STORM " 16 psychedelic rock nuggets to blow your MIND... there isn't much point in been doing the much need extra sitting to finish of the tattoo... me, mine yours isn't always on the same page sort of...

Classic Rock is a magazine I love to read on weekends, it's kind of the anti-Rolling Stone from my view which is cool.Bands that would never make the cover of Rolling Stone can be found on the cover of Classic Rock. By the way, Riders on Storm though often over played on radio, is a great song - The Doors were a great band.

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I`ll keep you all posted... on a more up beat topic which we`ll all enjoy music I`ve been scanning my cd`s today to see which album to play which I haven't heard for a long time but I`ve choice an free cd which was within classic rock magazine the title " RIDERS ON THE STORM " 16 psychedelic rock nuggets to blow your MIND... there isn't much point in been doing the much need extra sitting to finish of the tattoo... me, mine yours isn't always on the same page sort of...

GF Cheer yourself up give a listen to Cheech and Chong - Los Cochinos, It made me laugh out loud!!!,

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GF Cheer yourself up give a listen to Cheech and Chong - Los Cochinos, It made me laugh out loud!!!,

As a kid I spent many many hours listening to Cheech and Chong records late at night when my parents were in bed. I would get into fits of laughter over those 2 guys. I always liked the 'whhat I did during my summer break' in the class with the teacher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6OdV85hJr4

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The staff at the office had a Superbowl party yesterday, and no one bothered to invite me (which was cool, I was with my son on the mountain skiing) so I think they don't like me. It's weird, people don't really invite me anywhere. I just sort of do my own thing and get on with it; but maybe if I made more of an effort to talk they might get on with me. It's odd how things work out that way sometimes. I think when they see me they just see a guy in a tie and suit and think he's the boss, why bother with him.

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The staff at the office had a Superbowl party yesterday, and no one bothered to invite me (which was cool, I was with my son on the mountain skiing) so I think they don't like me. It's weird, people don't really invite me anywhere. I just sort of do my own thing and get on with it; but maybe if I made more of an effort to talk they might get on with me. It's odd how things work out that way sometimes. I think when they see me they just see a guy in a tie and suit and think he's the boss, why bother with him.

no just be yourself as if they cannot see passed the tie and suit there not worth getting to now anyway...

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well I`m at the point of nearly ready for the new employment with the new workwear, boots and bag ooh boy yes... now I`m just chillin` with a Macy Gray cd wow wee cool... is there a place here for the 4 Non Blondes whom have in there ranks one of the great singer/songwriter Linda Perry great cd too, which isn't a bad thing to have is it... I`ve also been trying to search the vacant empty- ness within my own minds eyes the cruel hateful so called mankind here there seems to be more victims of cruelty to children, women and livestock. which includes pets.

then to me the cowards whom carry out these crimes should be put through the same as there victims had to... wow this Macy cd is wonderful " the trouble with being myself " who dig-digging it... once its finished its going to be " Bigger, Better, Faster, More! " 4Non Blondes yes rock `n` roll music ooooooooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!. I`ll even maybe have time to listen to The Dave Matthews Band "Crash" well there isn't a better way to chillin` out for me. must`ve been playing vinyl for a long time as I`ve a needed for new stylus... sadly it a take 5 to 7 days to arrive bollocks but a i1ve a few other ways to hear music... last night I`d had a progressive rock music listening only the band was The Tangent or The Flower Kings cool as cool is... boy its cold to day its a day I`d much happier in doors warm and listening to music like I`m doing Ha HA HA...

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