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I need a Led Zeppelin support group

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Have you seen he Katrina video where they use Zep's "When The Levee Breaks"??


I've seen and lived damn near everything about Katrina cept for death.

Just for the record "When the Levee Breaks" was written and first performed by

Kansas Joe Mc Coy and Memphis Minnie in 1929

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Katrina took my cd collection, the electrolytes in salt water have a way of ruining digitals, but guess what! my vinyl save for the jackets, carefully cleaned off the muck and pulled the ole sansui from the attic and first song "When the Levee Breaks" kinda ironic

That's ate up with ironicals, metaphorises and all manner of "holy #$@!!!!!"

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I've seen and lived damn near everything about Katrina cept for death.

Just for the record "When the Levee Breaks" was written and first performed by

Kansas Joe Mc Coy and Memphis Minnie in 1929

There is no city and no people anywhere on earth as unique, talented and tough as NOLA, and that's no exaggeration.

Some dedicated blues fans have posted Kansas Joe and Memphis Minnie's recording of "When the Levee Breaks" that Dzldoc mentioned, and here's one of 'em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SrNc7ueMDA

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Katrina took my cd collection, the electrolytes in salt water have a way of ruining digitals, but guess what! my vinyl save for the jackets, carefully cleaned off the muck and pulled the ole sansui from the attic and first song "When the Levee Breaks" kinda ironic

good for you Dzldoc, you know what else is ironic led zep albums have survived for over 30 years, and now their surviving hurricanes wil wonders never cease!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol:

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I've still got my Sanyo w/Shure cartridge.....but I listen to CD's cause I actually framed my original LP's........am I a nut or what??


Yeah, JRich you're nutz, just like the rest of us here in the "Support Group." It is nice to see a very successful & impressive arts 'n crafts project! I wish my group leader would take me outta this straight jacket! She won't so I what can I do....

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Yeah, JRich you're nutz, just like the rest of us here in the "Support Group." It is nice to see a very successful & impressive arts 'n crafts project! I wish my group leader would take me outta this straight jacket! She won't so I what can I do....

I knew you'd think so.....but I don't care. At least they haven't got a straight jacket on me yet. Does that thing itch???......and it's hell to scratch when it does. All I can say is rock on baby. :rolleyes:

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Hello. My name is Thor and I'm a Zepaholic.

Hello Thor,

All I can suggest is a big dose of Knebworth and call me in the morning. :-) Don't feel as tho you're alone in this affliction. A few of us out here are suffering with the same illness you have. I don't think there are many that have it as bad as we do. I refuse to go to any of the ZA meetings....I am in total control of my delerious actions and don't really give a shit who don't like them. As long as we keep sharing with our support group.....we'll be ok.

Best Regards,


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I have been a Zeppelin fan since 1972 (was at the premiere of TSRTS in NYC and saw them live in '77 at the Garden - also saw Page & Plant in '95) and I have to tell you that I also am totally Zeppelin crazy since their reunion at the O2!!!! My kids think I am totally insane and have lost my mind (and maybe I have) but this has got to be one of the HOTTEST reunions EVER!!!! I am consumed with this whole thing and all I am thinking about 24/7 at this point is Led Zeppelin.

If there is a cure out there, I am not sure if I want it because this the happiest I have been in years!!!

Rock on Led Zeppelin, you are and always will be the greatest band in the world to me!!

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I have been a Zeppelin fan since 1972 (was at the premiere of TSRTS in NYC and saw them live in '77 at the Garden - also saw Page & Plant in '95) and I have to tell you that I also am totally Zeppelin crazy since their reunion at the O2!!!! My kids think I am totally insane and have lost my mind (and maybe I have) but this has got to be one of the HOTTEST reunions EVER!!!! I am consumed with this whole thing and all I am thinking about 24/7 at this point is Led Zeppelin.

If there is a cure out there, I am not sure if I want it because this the happiest I have been in years!!!

Rock on Led Zeppelin, you are and always will be the greatest band in the world to me!!

I am consumed, engulfed, head over heels and any other term you can find to describe my obsession. I'm a carbon copy of you my friend......kids and wife think I'm crazy.....but I don't care. I'm not looking for a cure either. I can't really explain to anyone what and why I've got this way....I just love the sound, talent, style of guitar playing that comes from Jimmy Page.

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I am consumed, engulfed, head over heels and any other term you can find to describe my obsession. I'm a carbon copy of you my friend......kids and wife think I'm crazy.....but I don't care. I'm not looking for a cure either. I can't really explain to anyone what and why I've got this way....I just love the sound, talent, style of guitar playing that comes from Jimmy Page.

I'm right there with ya.. and everyone in my life also thinks I'm insane but I don't care. I also can't explain this but I'm glad at least I have this board to make me feel normal! I just can't get enough of this band and their music.

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i first got into zep listening to my dad's "Early Days" cd. I didn't know it at the time, but eventually i would even go so far as buying some rare cds/semi-bootlegs.

After listening to the Early Days cd, at some point 2 years ago or so, i decided i liked them so i looked to download some and got the entire studio album tracks in one go! I started listening to them and loved them

Then my conscience got the better of me and i decided it was best to buy cds if i like them enough, so now i have ~160 albums, some of them >1 cd, plus a boxed set or two, including (funnily enough) every Zep album apart from Physical Graffiti. Which, stupid though this may sound going on that info, is actually my favourite zep album!

I love zep. i admit i was doubtful as to whether they cdould pull off the recent reunion gig, but having read lots of reports about it now, i would definitely try and get tickets if they did a tour that included UK dates

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I'm right there with ya.. and everyone in my life also thinks I'm insane but I don't care. I also can't explain this but I'm glad at least I have this board to make me feel normal! I just can't get enough of this band and their music.

I already had bootleg copies of various shows but none of them beat the quality of the DVDs that Jimmy produced in 2003. Most every evening I sit on my laptop w/headphones so I can pump up the volume without upseting the rest of the house. Lately it's a four song set that I choose....Knebworth....Rock & Roll thru Achilles Last Stand that I usually plug into to fill my need. That's some good shit right there.

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Made it worse? That's an understatement. :lol:

Now whenever I open my mouth, people I know look at me like, "This is not about Zep again, it it?"


:D I had to show my brother and mom the jimmy page video bbc interview that was posted. But even my brother lost it a long time ago...couldnt even get him to go to -jpj zooma show, or page/black crowes. He says he regrets it now, cause he has heard some live stuff.

I guess the folks who saw the ahmet o2 show are actually still on cloud nine. The rest of us have to dive alittle deeper into our record collections.

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It is so nice to know that I am not alone! I have been a Zeppelin fan since I was 12 (now I am 35) and Zep fever hit me all over again last spring when I came across the TSRTS on VH1 Classic and have been hooked more than ever! There are alot of bands that I love, but no one does it to me like the mighty Zep!! I find myself frequently staring at the cover of the December issue of Rolling Stone with their 3 gorgeous faces on it!! I just want to thank them for the wonderful music they have given us all these years and all of you great fans on the board for sharing your stories about seeing them live and being fortunate enough to meet them. Long live Zeppelin!! :thanku:

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Made it worse? That's an understatement. :lol:

Now whenever I open my mouth, people I know look at me like, "This is not about Zep again, it it?"


Mander......looks like you've been around for a while....do allot of posts.....but yet you're young(if the 26 yrs is correct...I'm 52). It's awsome for me to see younger people that loves LZ. Someone like yourself is a true example of why their music is so great and long lasting. I'm not really following the getting worse. I'm honestly new to the forums.....so don't take me wrong here...just trying to touch base with folks with a common interest. I probably one of those "pain in the butt" newbies but don't mean to be. New to the forums but a VERY SERIOUS fan....bought the 8 track tapes and LP's new in 69-70.....saw them close in 73.....almost again in 77(cancelled Superdome).....I just came back from London 02(30 ft off the stage) and about to pee on myself with excitement....I've got a room in my home dedicated to Led Zeppelin.....so.....I hope it's not folks like myself that has made it worse...if you can't tell....I've gotten too long winded....but I love this place......take care.

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And one more thing........I'm thinking crazy stuff like how "Good Times Bad Times" is almost like a brand new song again. First song on the first LP and starting the 02 with it was like a genius "rebirthing".......just awsome.

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It is so nice to know that I am not alone! I have been a Zeppelin fan since I was 12 (now I am 35) and Zep fever hit me all over again last spring when I came across the TSRTS on VH1 Classic and have been hooked more than ever! There are alot of bands that I love, but no one does it to me like the mighty Zep!! I find myself frequently staring at the cover of the December issue of Rolling Stone with their 3 gorgeous faces on it!! I just want to thank them for the wonderful music they have given us all these years and all of you great fans on the board for sharing your stories about seeing them live and being fortunate enough to meet them. Long live Zeppelin!! :thanku:

Melanie.....I spotted the issue of Rolling Stone in the airport.....read it on the plane to London.....I hope you've got the DVD's.....you like TSRTS??.........the DVD's will blow you away.

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i have to admit although i consider myself a very big fan of LZ i have only watched my copy of the 2003 DVD *once* so far, and do not even own a copy of TSRTS! blasphemy huh? i didn't buy TSRTS yet as i have read reviews that have been...less than encouraging as to the quality of it (especially compared to the 2003 dvd set)

don't worry, i will pick up a copy of TSRTS soon =+)

But then, i have a load of bootlegs (including some i - naughtily - paid for) which i think makes up for that. And i've listened to Stairway backwards, the whole way through! (the FREE mp3 editor Audacity has a filter you can apply that reverses an mp3 file. I have also used this on the Hnedrix track well-known for the fact he recorded one of the guitar parts forwards but laid it on the finished track backwards, to sound funkier. It actually sounds a bit easier to play when played forwards =+)

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Melanie.....I spotted the issue of Rolling Stone in the airport.....read it on the plane to London.....I hope you've got the DVD's.....you like TSRTS??.........the DVD's will blow you away.

Hi JRich!

Nope I haven't gotten the DVD of TSRTS yet, but certainly plan on buying it as soon as I can.

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