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I need a Led Zeppelin support group

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And those track changing clicks were so LOUD !! Urgghh...

I never had 8-tracks. I'd always been an LP and cassette guy from the gitgo. First started doing cassettes in 1970. 8-tracks were the shortest lived offering of tunes weren't they ? For awhile reel-to-reels were available, 'spose those two could battle it out for quickest obsolesence. I'd say 8-tracks peak was 1978.

Most friends of mine with cars had 8-tracks and very few had them at home, even fewer with 8-track recorders.

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I'm totally with ya too. I'm 40 and can't get this band out of my head. No one around me understands which is why I love these forums! You are definitely not alone, that's for sure! But, in my own head, I'm having such a good time! I feel like I've run into an old flame... feels like I'm a kid again and I love it! I don't care if people don't understand.. the hell with them!! I'm a Zepaholic and always will be.. I don't want a cure!! :D

I agree and That describes it perfectly.

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I'm totally with ya too. I'm 40 and can't get this band out of my head. No one around me understands which is why I love these forums! You are definitely not alone, that's for sure! But, in my own head, I'm having such a good time! I feel like I've run into an old flame... feels like I'm a kid again and I love it! I don't care if people don't understand.. the hell with them!! I'm a Zepaholic and always will be.. I don't want a cure!! :D

thank you zengac ihave had enternet service for about a year now and never really done much with it other than down load bullshit games for my daughter but just the other day my wife bitched saying im just glued to the computer,and i had to laugh because im hardly ever on it until led zeppelin .com there music touches your soul its not something you like, love or enjoy its a soundtrack to your life reguardless if you are 2 or 200. ther is no other band know matter how much you love or appreciate there music that has ever been able to do that other than the mighty LED ZEPPELIN!!!!

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I'm trying to get my finger on just WHY this show was so mesmerizing and awe-inspiring. I expected it to be just OK, but it was so much more than that.

I certainly didn't feel that way the first time I saw The Song Remains the Same. I thought the fantasy scenes were cheesy and the performances kind of subpar. And I was like 16 the first time I saw it, back around 1979 or something, at a midnight movie.

There was something more dark and powerful - and different - with O2.

Opening with Good Times, Bad Times was brilliant. It was like a beast knocking on the door, and it came off very powerful live.



Everything just sounded huge, and they brought the wild mayhem that I really liked from the pre-SRTHS-era performances I've caught here and there.

To my surprise, this whole thing ADVANCED their legacy, not just repackaged it, from the mystery and stuff right after the announcement to the broken finger to the performance to being able to follow the show through online posting to the YouTube videos to the wild speculation and questions in the aftermath.

In summary, it was a new and unique Led Zeppelin experience, and I sure as fuck did not expect that.

It's going to be very hard for this band to sit down and figure out if they can pull off a "what comes next" kind of thing, because, by gawd, they might have made a statement at O2 that's best left hanging for all eternity.

Or maybe they've got something else up their sleeves.

Only time will tell ...


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This is the thread for me!!

I feel exactly the same.......I think from about 1983 I became obsessed with everything Zeppelin, almost to an unhealthy level. Had all the albums on vinyl as well as a fair collection of boots on vinyl as well, watched TSRTS thousands of time, saw theFirm twice and Jimmy on his solo tour....almost had a heart attack watching Live Aid from excitement (even though the performance sucked)........

Then I guess I don't know what happened, I sort of let the obsession go, got into a ot of other music, mostly fromt he "alternative" scene of the early 90's (Janes Addiciton, alice in chain, Nirvana etc)........during this time also, I lost all my vinyl to a basement apartment flood........tragic!

I mean even when Page and Plant got together I was sort of not into it then, life interevenes sometimes, engagement, marriage, baby and all that....

Even this whol O2 thing, I was real late in even hearing about it (I think first I heard of it was when it was postponed when Jimmy injured his finger)......

at that point I registered for this site, followed all the news, read all the reviews post show, watched the some of the clips....

and who'd a thunk it, but I'm obsessed once again........I've been watching the Earls Court and knebworth DVD bustin out the few CD's I have since all the vinyl is gone.....

boy do i not want to relive the disappointment of awaiting a tour that won't happen......so my fingers are crossed

it's like the clock has turned back 25 years or so....

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This is the thread for me!!

I feel exactly the same.......I think from about 1983 I became obsessed with everything Zeppelin, almost to an unhealthy level. Had all the albums on vinyl as well as a fair collection of boots on vinyl as well, watched TSRTS thousands of time, saw theFirm twice and Jimmy on his solo tour....almost had a heart attack watching Live Aid from excitement (even though the performance sucked)........

Then I guess I don't know what happened, I sort of let the obsession go, got into a ot of other music, mostly fromt he "alternative" scene of the early 90's (Janes Addiciton, alice in chain, Nirvana etc)........during this time also, I lost all my vinyl to a basement apartment flood........tragic!

I mean even when Page and Plant got together I was sort of not into it then, life interevenes sometimes, engagement, marriage, baby and all that....

Even this whol O2 thing, I was real late in even hearing about it (I think first I heard of it was when it was postponed when Jimmy injured his finger)......

at that point I registered for this site, followed all the news, read all the reviews post show, watched the some of the clips....

and who'd a thunk it, but I'm obsessed once again........I've been watching the Earls Court and knebworth DVD bustin out the few CD's I have since all the vinyl is gone.....

boy do i not want to relive the disappointment of awaiting a tour that won't happen......so my fingers are crossed

it's like the clock has turned back 25 years or so....

My situation is very similar... in 1979/80, I became obsessed. I was devastated in 1980 when Bonham died. Zep was pretty much the only albums I had... for my birthdays, we had all Zep parties where my friends gave me nothing else but Zep stuff. That was great! I was only 13 then. But then I guess I became interested in other things... life, in general. It's not that I didn't like them or didn't listen anymore, but I wasn't a maniac. Then I heard about the concert, found the all Zep XM radio channel, the Mothership DVD/CD came out, etc. and the obsession is back and in rare form!! Now I'm reading LZ The Story of a Band and Their Music and it's only fueling the obsession. When I was obsessed before, we had no Internet so I really didn't know much about them at all.. just liked their music and their look wasn't too shabby either! ;) Learning about how much they put into their music, the albums jackets, their shows, their fans, each other... in my eyes they are musical geniuses who gave their all to what they did. No wonder they're so damn good!! It almost makes me feel guilty that I "cooled" the obsession there for a bit. I keep thinking, geez, all this time I could've collected alot of cool stuff! But I've started my collection again and this time, I'll keep it going. This is a good obsession I think.. we're all having fun with it, so what's the harm, right?? And they so deserve our obsessions.... :notworthy:

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What makes it special is that it renews interest in the band that most of us had developed back when we were teenagers. I had the same kind of feeling 10 years ago with Page/Plant, but it's much more genuine now with JPJ and Jason, and more unexpected because Jimmy's been MIA for 7 years.

Right you are mos6507, it is real and one can only, hope, wish, put the positive vibe out that they will tour and give the rest of us a chance on "real live music."

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rock on dude! I too am of the 8 track era.... remembered hating them because they would mess up the original album order and (of course it was Zep) split up that 40 min D&C SRTS cut....

Hey D. M. LOL - I totally forgot about THAT and also when you were just into the groove of some tune and it came to the end of the tape it would flip the other way with the BIG CLICK and there was always a delay which would screw up your head [not to memtion the song]. Hehe he! the bad old daze, but it did beat the "in-dash 45 players!"

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Hey D. M. LOL - I totally forgot about THAT and also when you were just into the groove of some tune and it came to the end of the tape it would flip the other way with the BIG CLICK and there was always a delay which would screw up your head [not to memtion the song]. Hehe he! the bad old daze, but it did beat the "in-dash 45 players!"

that is fuckin hilarious! i not really from the 8-track days but i did have a car that actually had an 8-track player in it and i found some old kiss and steppenwolf 8-tracks in my step- moms stuff so of course we had to try them out and yeah 8-tracks suck!!!

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that is fuckin hilarious! i not really from the 8-track days but i did have a car that actually had an 8-track player in it and i found some old kiss and steppenwolf 8-tracks in my step- moms stuff so of course we had to try them out and yeah 8-tracks suck!!!

Now back to the topic at hand...what is the right prescription to take to maintain a proper level of Zepsanity? Certainly not 8 tracks....CD's first and if they fail...a full dose of MP3 at maxium volume. This may put us all into a critial state of Zep-u-phoria and the only cure would be a live show that demands personal attendance w/ a trained Zep therapist. Roc on Zepsteve & merry-merry!

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Now back to the topic at hand...what is the right prescription to take to maintain a proper level of Zepsanity? Certainly not 8 tracks....CD's first and if they fail...a full dose of MP3 at maxium volume.

That alone would drive me nuts...please NO mp3 !!! :wacko:

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Now back to the topic at hand...what is the right prescription to take to maintain a proper level of Zepsanity? Certainly not 8 tracks....CD's first and if they fail...a full dose of MP3 at maxium volume. This may put us all into a critial state of Zep-u-phoria and the only cure would be a live show that demands personal attendance w/ a trained Zep therapist. Roc on Zepsteve & merry-merry!

Amen to the cure! :D

Much to his delight and amazement, I recently told my husband we MUST buy a big screen HD TV. He has not quite figured out that it's so I can light up a bowl or two and play Zeppelin DVDs at, as you say, maximum volume. Then every once in awhile you can glance up from within your state of Zep-u-phoria and see them, too. Nothing finer, except of course to be at a live show in the flesh.

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Amen to the cure! :D

Much to his delight and amazement, I recently told my husband we MUST buy a big screen HD TV. He has not quite figured out that it's so I can light up a bowl or two and play Zeppelin DVDs at, as you say, maximum volume. Then every once in awhile you can glance up from within your state of Zep-u-phoria and see them, too. Nothing finer, except of course to be at a live show in the flesh.

That is too funny... I am right there with ya.. bowl and all!!! :D

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(2) Cell phone vids from the 02 concert when you are at work

(30) minutes minimum therapy LZ or SRTS videos when you are home

boots optional

best to wash it all down with a good lager

Ill mail you my bill today


Thanks for the advice friend! I'm working on the lager now. Woooo Hoooooo!! :drunk:

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You guys are cracking me up

It is definately bowl season. Minor bowls, major bowls it doesnt matter. When this dvd comes out, it will definately be the National Championship Bowl, and I plan on Playing Like a Champion Today.

Now, if I can just get my wife on board with that big screen high def.....

MP3's, 8 tracks... we have definately come a long way. But with this thread, isnt that comparing a stash pipe with a $150 multichamber bong?? The result is somewhat the same isnt it???/

Although I will admit that between Zep and The Who, I am going deaf using my MP3 player. Seriously.


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Well, I'm only 13 and have only been listening to Zep for about five years. I never thought it would get this bad when i first heard Whole Lotta Love at the rock n roll hall of fame. Its gotten pretty bad though. I bought all the cd's, dvds, posters, books, etc. Im not sure if i can really label myself as an addict yet because its just in the early stages. But im on my way. You guys will probably see me back here soon. haha

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You guys are cracking me up

It is definately bowl season. Minor bowls, major bowls it doesnt matter. When this dvd comes out, it will definately be the National Championship Bowl, and I plan on Playing Like a Champion Today.

Now, if I can just get my wife on board with that big screen high def.....

MP3's, 8 tracks... we have definately come a long way. But with this thread, isnt that comparing a stash pipe with a $150 multichamber bong?? The result is somewhat the same isnt it???/

Although I will admit that between Zep and The Who, I am going deaf using my MP3 player. Seriously.


:hysterical: We are the champions...

Have your wife PM me and I will attempt to explain the reasons for needing a big screen HD TV. Just never ask her what I said. :D

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It's not easy to say goodbye. :(

I remember how sad I would be as they left the stage, like a spouse leaving on a long trip....but worse.

At least back then we could all look forward to "next year" sadly that's not the case here.

I miss them and I wasn't even AT the 02.

Robert & Alison ...bring it on home, bring it on home to me..............:wub:

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You guys are cracking me up

It is definately bowl season. Minor bowls, major bowls it doesnt matter. When this dvd comes out, it will definately be the National Championship Bowl, and I plan on Playing Like a Champion Today.

Now, if I can just get my wife on board with that big screen high def.....

MP3's, 8 tracks... we have definately come a long way. But with this thread, isnt that comparing a stash pipe with a $150 multichamber bong?? The result is somewhat the same isnt it???/

Although I will admit that between Zep and The Who, I am going deaf using my MP3 player. Seriously.

so just uout of curiosity do you actually have a mltichambered bong!!

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