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I hope they bring the gunmen to justice and put them away forever.

Unfortunately, I fear this is just the beginning and is result of everything that has occurred for decades in the city of St. Louis and its suburbs.

Shooting police officers cannot be tolerated, ever.

Edited by Walter
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The Ferguson cops should go on strike. Then, the anarchists can just burn the whole damned place to the ground and a new Phoenix will arise.

A new Phoenix? That place has been a cesspool for decades now.

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The Ferguson cops should go on strike. Then, the anarchists can just burn the whole damned place to the ground and a new Phoenix will arise.

I wouldn't blame the cops if they went on strike. You saw the tweets in the first link.

It reminds me of the Detroit police chief James Craig months ago telling Detroiters to buy guns in city riven by race issues.

I hope they bring the gunmen to justice and put them away forever.

Unfortunately, I fear this is just the beginning and is result of everything that has occurred for decades in the city of St. Louis and its suburbs.

Shooting police officers cannot be tolerated, ever.

I hope so too Walter. Shooter is still on the loose.

One was shot in the shoulder and one in the face just behind his eye.

CNN Updated 6:24 PM ET, Thu March 12, 2015

State, county police take over Ferguson protest security after shooting


And U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder -- who visited Ferguson in the aftermath of Brown's shooting and unrest that spurred -- decried what happened as a "heinous and cowardly (and) repugnant attack."

"What happened last night was a pure ambush," Holder said. "This was not someone trying to bring healing to Ferguson. This was a damn punk who was trying to sow discord."

The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse Follow

Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers in MO. Path to justice is one all of us must travel together. –bo

12:09 PM - 12 Mar 2015

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Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers in MO. Path to justice is one all of us must travel together. –bo


Let the record show recidivist criminal Michael Brown received a Presidential Speech and a full time 40 member Department of Justice investigation team, while the two police officers nearly murdered in cold blood received a tweet.

Feral Ferguson Protesters. It's in bold face to remind us and myself not to become overly invested in discussing this issue here as the entire discussion is subject to being vaporized by the whim of a site administrator, as is the case with the Feral Ferguson Police thread.

Having said that, I'd like to point out shootings of police officers in the line of duty 2014 were up 50%. I'd also like to point out what is occurring in Ferguson is not a peaceful protest, but DOJ-sanctioned and George Soros-funded unlawful assembly and civil unrest. Finally, Ferguson's population is just over 21,000, so the 150-200 "activists/protesters" constitute LESS THAN 1% of that community.

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Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers in MO. Path to justice is one all of us must travel together. –bo


Let the record show recidivist criminal Michael Brown received a Presidential Speech and a full time 40 member Department of Justice investigation team, while the two police officers nearly murdered in cold blood received a tweet.

Feral Ferguson Protesters. It's in bold face to remind us and myself not to become overly invested in discussing this issue here as the entire discussion is subject to being vaporized by the whim of a site administrator, as is the case with the Feral Ferguson Police thread.

Having said that, I'd like to point out shootings of police officers in the line of duty 2014 were up 50%. I'd also like to point out what is occurring in Ferguson is not a peaceful protest, but DOJ-sanctioned and George Soros-funded unlawful assembly and civil unrest. Finally, Ferguson's population is just over 21,000, so the 150-200 "activists/protesters" constitute LESS THAN 1% of that community.

Just admit it Steve, nothing President Obama could ever do will ever prove good enough or worthy of your admiration. Obama could bring about world peace, end hunger and disease, and sign a trade agreement with the United Federation of Planets and you would still slam the man, probably for sucking up to REAL aliens.

Edited by IpMan
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Glad to see you Strider. An answer to prayers and so many positive vibes your way, Bro.

Yes it's an anagram for Ferguson. I thought Gore's fun was a little too cynical. The thread of close to 800 posts, including some of your own, were subject to a delete button. The reason why is up to the mods and admins to divulge. The old thread was about a Police State on the rise, and rights being trampled on of freedom of press and freedom of speech.

The US has a leader who wishes to critique law-enforcement, and divide peoples. And when he throws his posse-in-effects out on the scene, it only adds fuel to the fire. A leader that on one hand condems the shooting of the cops, and on the other once again attempted to bolster the legitimacy of unrest in response to the death of Michael Brown by telling talk show host Jimmy Kimmel that Ferguson was worthy of protest.

Obama was referring to a Justice Department report which found that black people in Ferguson were being unfairly harassed by police, but his tone has never wavered despite the fact that the entire narrative underpinning the Black Lives Matter movement has been repeatedly eviscerated. Even after mass looting and attacks on private property last year, Obama said that the rioters grievances were legitimate and understandable.

Earlier this month, the Justice Department also found that the claim Michael Brown had his hands up before he was shot by Officer Darren Wilson was inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence and that witnesses have acknowledged their initial accounts were untrue (ie they lied).

We have media run by those who wish to divide people, who play on the weak-minded's emotions and passions. Some buy into it; other's don't. There will always be racist idiots. Unfortunately some only believe it's one-sided and play a race card in threads, consequently leading to replies and then a thread consisting of a record of forum members' discernments are wiped away in an instant. I always believe in freedom of speech, so long as it isn't a personal attack. I never minded what direction a thread I started went.

To those that wish to throw in the race card, we are not living in the slavery times of the 1860's, nor the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. We're just 40+ years from the 2060's. That's just where we are now. I can't change it. People of all different colored feathers have freedom now and all should embrace it. However I will concede we're living in tumultuous times regarding the government's leash on the common folk.



Mr Williams, an African-American, had taken part in the peaceful demonstration earlier in the evening outside police headquarters.

This afternoon St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch named 20 year old Jeffrey Williams named shooting suspect in the police shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, MO.

20 year old Jeffrey Williams named shooting suspect in Ferguson, MO. Williams is currently in police custody.

The 20 year old suspect has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault, assault in the first degree, a class A felony.

Also charged with one count of firing a weapon from a vehicle, and thee counts of armed criminal action.

The individual in custody has acknowledged to firing the shots at the two police officers.

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch confirmed that a weapon has been recovered.

The weapon recovered was a handgun recovered at his residence.

He was a demonstrator and has been a part of other protests in Ferguson, MO and from Ferguson.

There was an arrest warrant out for Jeffrey Williams previously who had not seen his probation officer for 7 months.

Williams does not live far from Ferguson.

He was currently on probation for receiving stolen property.

Suspect claims that he was not targeting at the police, claims he had a dispute with other people and were firing at them.

McCulloch said, Were not completely buying that part of it.

McCulloch confirms the red vehicle is part of the investigation.

PRESS CONFERENCE: St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch suspect arrest of two Ferguson police officers

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Holy shit Andy! I didn't realize ot until you mentioned it but you're right...the old Ferguson thread is gone. I was wondering why you just didn't post this in that thread, not realizing it didn't exist anymore.

On the subject of police killers, I am very simple...justice meted out surely and strongly to the perpetrators.

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This afternoon St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch named 20 year old Jeffrey Williams named shooting suspect in the police shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, MO.

A young, black recidivist maggot...I'm shocked.

Class A felony conviction in Missouri brings 10 to 20 years imprisonment.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the media should not be taking a side either way; they need to just report the facts and not flame the speculations. The media needs to do a better job self regulating itself.

Don't hold your breath. Meanwhile, the undeniable truth of the matter is that the most persecuted group in America are white, heterosexual, Christian males.

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The media needs to do a better job self regulating itself.

The "media" is owned by corporations who want to turn a profit. Reporting "the facts" is a very subjective proposition.

Btw, LIVIN, you certainly remind me of someone...haven't we met somewhere before? ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maryland's version of Ferguson. Clashes broke out in Baltimore’s Camden Yards as demonstrators began throwing bottles at police and smashing cars.


#BlackLivesMatter ‘Protesters’ Attack Innocent Diners, Sports Fans, Smash Up Restaurants, Loot In Baltimore
Idiotic display labeled 'justice' for Freddie Gray

Malik Shabazz, an attorney and President of Black Lawyers for Justice was one of the leaders of the march. He shouted, “We’ve got to shut this city down!” and “We don’t fear no police today!” into a microphone.

Garrett Wingate @Garrett_Wingate
Martial law in effect in Baltimore. We can't leave Camden Yards. Mayor has locked down everything.#baltimoreprotests
9:52 PM - 25 Apr 2015

Lizz Brown @lizzzbrown
#Ferguson foreshadowing @rousseau_ist: Police Lining up 4what looks like prep to charge the protest #FreddieGray pic.twitter.com/OG1N4Grn5E"
7:11 PM - 25 Apr 2015

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^ How's it going Panther-Man...great post. I feel for these people, any any group which is marginalized, however these actions typically have the opposite affect of their intended purpose. You would think people would use their brains and realize that 67 years after the founding of Israel, terrorism and violence have done nothing but hurt the Palestinian cause. The Black Panthers and Nation of Islam hurt the cause of Black suffrage in America because of their violent, exclusionary ideals. However, Dr. King & Ghandi both proved that peaceful demonstration and peaceful displays of civil disobedience do produce the desired results.

I guess it is just easier for most to lash out in rage against an injustice rather than prove their point and win the day through peaceful, intelligent, and heartfelt protest and dialogue.

Edited by IpMan
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