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What (Non-Led Zeppelin) Live Show or Song Are You Listening To At This Moment?

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On 8/6/2020 at 5:25 AM, chillumpuffer said:

Classic. Gets a bit bogged down in the middle but the first half hour is perhaps the best you will hear?

The first half hour really is phenomenal! Snowblind and War Pigs are great. I usually do just listen to the first 5 songs, then skip to Paranoid lol. I listened to the full show the other day, and it would probably be tough getting through it if I have never made it through an entire '75 Zeppelin show before, but after getting through any '75 Zeppelin show I've yet to have a difficult time making it through another show lol.

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Thirty years ago tonight. August 17, 1990. The kind of gig that made Goldenvoice the preeminent concert promoters in Southern California during the 1980s and 1990s and beyond. You knew you were in good hands at a Goldenvoice show.
I was purely there for Sonic Youth, of course. I had seen STP and Nirvana before and it was nothing special. I had seen the Chad Channing 4-piece era of Nirvana at their Rhino Records in-store for "Bleach" in 1989 and at Club Raji's with Tad in February of 1990. Gen-X dudes with guitars whinging about their life...bands like that were a dime-a-dozen back then. The Seattle bands had effects pedals and detuned guitars to make them sound like Black Sabbath but that got old in a hurry. The Dream Syndicate did a show at Raji's in 1989 that blew away any show I saw Nirvana perform. Fishbone, Jane's Addiction, Pixies, Dinosaur Jr., Hole, L7, Thelonious Monster...there were any number of great bands playing in those days. Not that Nirvana was bad. They rocked all right...I just never saw them as rock and roll messiahs the way the media hyped them.
The Nirvana on this night was a trio with Dale Crover on drums. Dave Grohl was still in the future. But as far as I was concerned, Nirvana and STP were just obstacles taking time from Sonic Youth. The Hollywood Palladium was notorious for having tight curfews. By the time we got to the Palladium that Friday night, STP was playing their last song. I'm pretty sure Nirvana played some songs that would be on the "Nevermind" album that came out in 1991, but "Teen Spirit" was not one of them. Anyway, whatever transpired during the two opening bands' sets became moot once Sonic Youth hit the stage.
Kim Gordon was transplendent! That rocking female energy is part of what set Sonic Youth apart from the usual alterna-sludge. "Tunic (Song for Karen)", "Kool Thing", and "Mildred Pierce" destroyed anything played by Nirvana that night.
So, when people hear I was at this concert and exclaim how cool it must have been to see Nirvana early on, I shrug my shoulders and say they were an afterthought in my mind. Sonic Youth was the koolest thing about this concert.

I taped the show but the tapes were lost/stolen long ago. But these soundboards popped up recently. Both Nirvana's and Sonic Youth's sets, including Nirvana's sound check.


Edited by Strider
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Traffic @ Santa Monica Civic February 21, 1972.

Sadly never got to see Traffic in their prime. This concert took place a month before I was allowed to go to concerts. This makes up for all the Michelob Light Rock Steve Winwood did in the 1980s (along with his fellow Michelob schlockmeisters Eric Clapton and Phil Collins). Of course, when you have the Muscle Shoals Swampers for your rhythm section (Roger Hawkins on drums, David Hood on bass) you're already halfway there to a smoking-hot band. Chris Wood, Jim Capaldi (who is a fine drummer himself), Reebop, and Stevie round out the lineup. A whole lotta talent on that stage.


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Redd Kross @ Nuart Theatre, Los Angeles September 3, 1994. One of the best Redd Kross concerts I ever saw.

I had no idea this footage was up until I did a random search today. Redd Kross played their concert after a 10th anniversary screening of Dave Markey's "Desperate Teenage Lovedolls". The "Phaseshifter" album had been released so this was a great era for the band. Unfortunately, the sound isn't great on this video...it was much clearer and louder in person.


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7 minutes ago, Strider said:

Fairport Convention @ The Troubadour Club, Friday September 4, 1970. One part of a special day in Los Angeles music history.


Yes indeed!  what a fantastic record.  And dig those liner notes saying that Led Zeppelin dropped by to "destroy a few ballads" and engage "in some obscene Midlands drinking ritual".  I wish there was a recording available if indeed members of Zep jammed with Fairport.

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11 minutes ago, John M said:

Yes indeed!  what a fantastic record.  And dig those liner notes saying that Led Zeppelin dropped by to "destroy a few ballads" and engage "in some obscene Midlands drinking ritual".  I wish there was a recording available if indeed members of Zep jammed with Fairport.

There is no doubt that it happened…it has been confirmed many times over by many who were there. Robert, Jimmy, and John joined them at the Troubadour after Led Zeppelin finished their gig at the Forum. Peter Grant yelled at some poor waitress while the Fairport Zeppelin jam lasted for hours, going past the 2am drinking curfew. Fairport had Wally Heider's gear recording the show for a live album ("Live at the Troubadour" in 1974 and "House Full" in 1986) and Joe Boyd, John Wood, and Dave Mattacks have all confirmed the tapes were recording all night through the jam. Afterwards, John Bonham and Dave Mattacks went to Barney's Beanery on Santa Monica Blvd. and started drinking with Janis Joplin.

Joe Boyd says he has the tapes…either in his possession or in the archives at Universal. Which could prove a problem, as there was a huge fire at Universal a few years back that destroyed much of their lot and their archives…films and recording tapes destroyed.


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