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What is the real meaning of the name Led Zeppelin?


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Good. Had a laugh, now turn to the next suppositions.

Time for the next album the band Led Zeppelin. It is about the next step in the evolutionary history of life on Earth is: dynamic development of mammals, from the time just after the destruction of approximately 65 million years ago, until the modern man began his reign over all other species.

All the individual elements of the plate: Cover illustration, interior, illustration, rotary screen - the illustration, as well as the idea of eleven holes cut in the front cover, have their symbolic meaning. But after the turn.

Cover is general information about the real explosion of species of flora and fauna (from mammals at the head), which freed from the domination of reptiles, with all its diversity (plants, amphibians, insects, birds, mammals ....) Spread in all their available places ( water, earth, air) in a way comparable with the spectacular colors created after the explosion of fireworks.

Inner illustration also refers to the idea of cover - the evolution of life after an unexpected end Dominator. The case of rotating the board and holes cut in board cover is encoded information about all the rights and the consequences flowing therefrom evolution. Evolution is a "continuous process, consisting of gradual changes in the characteristics of species of successive generations as a result of elimination by natural selection or artificial parts of individuals (genotypes) of the current population."

These holes through which you can look at some selected drawing symbolizes the variability of species as well as an important element through which this evolution took on a different direction - the mass extinction of species, for example: (Devonian, Permian, Holocene).




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34 minutes ago, Gregor said:

Good. Had a laugh, now turn to the next suppositions.

Time for the next album the band Led Zeppelin. It is about the next step in the evolutionary history of life on Earth is: dynamic development of mammals, from the time just after the destruction of approximately 65 million years ago, until the modern man began his reign over all other species.

All the individual elements of the plate: Cover illustration, interior, illustration, rotary screen - the illustration, as well as the idea of eleven holes cut in the front cover, have their symbolic meaning. But after the turn.

Cover is general information about the real explosion of species of flora and fauna (from mammals at the head), which freed from the domination of reptiles, with all its diversity (plants, amphibians, insects, birds, mammals ....) Spread in all their available places ( water, earth, air) in a way comparable with the spectacular colors created after the explosion of fireworks.

Inner illustration also refers to the idea of cover - the evolution of life after an unexpected end Dominator. The case of rotating the board and holes cut in board cover is encoded information about all the rights and the consequences flowing therefrom evolution. Evolution is a "continuous process, consisting of gradual changes in the characteristics of species of successive generations as a result of elimination by natural selection or artificial parts of individuals (genotypes) of the current population."

These holes through which you can look at some selected drawing symbolizes the variability of species as well as an important element through which this evolution took on a different direction - the mass extinction of species, for example: (Devonian, Permian, Holocene).




This isn't funny.  It's nuts.
They're a rock band.

I'll ask one simple question:-

Why would a rock band hide messages about the entirety of history on their album covers?

It would be really good if you had a go at answering this simple question so that the rest of us can make some attempt at understanding your bizarre theory.

I have to be honest here.  Just about everyone here thinks you're a nutcase (apart from KellyGirl, who is probably just trying to be polite).

Why have you come up with this theory, and more importantly where is the evidence to suggest it??

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58 minutes ago, woz70 said:

This isn't funny.  It's nuts.


Everyone has the right to his opinion. You say that this is madness, Do I have any evidence? What evidence do you expect, it's only draw conclusions from the facts presented. It is not I invent such a bizarre illustrations album covers. Not for me these grievances. You know what is the definition of semiotics? Look to the wiki. That is, according to me, the language of communication producer of all discs. You know who that is? Jimmy. Ask Jimmy.

Edited by Gregor
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51 minutes ago, Gregor said:

Everyone has the right to his opinion. You say that this is madness, Do I have any evidence? What evidence do you expect, it's only draw conclusions from the facts presented. It is not I invent such a bizarre illustrations album covers. Not for me these grievances. You know what is the definition of semiotics? Look to the wiki. That is, according to me, the language of communication producer of all discs. You know who that is? Jimmy. Ask Jimmy.

Here's a good quote for you:

"The problem with today’s world is that everyone believes they have the right to express their opinion AND have others listen to it.
The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense."

As for evidence, lets take the whole 'Zoso' thing as an example:

Jimmy stated in the past that the "Zoso" sigil had a hidden meaning, but he wasn't going to discuss or explain it further than the fact it was something meaningful to and about him.   Further to this, It was known that he had an interest in astrology and the occult.  The "Zoso" symbol looks as though it may have been derived from astrological symbols as they are drawn in a similar fashion.
The outcome is that to then look for the hidden meaning behind the "Zoso" sigil - a meaning we know is there because it has been specifically alluded to by a member of the band - is a valid and interesting thing to do - because it has been stated categorically that there is a hidden meaning to be found, and there are texts and other sources that can be referenced to deduce that meaning, if you know where to look.

As a contrast nobody in the band has ever suggested that their album covers are secret and coded messages hiding arcane knowledge.  Jimmy Page is not known to have an interest in the Primaeval Earth or the origins of the species.  The artwork for the first three albums was not guided by Jimmy Page, and he is also known to not particularly like the cover of LZIII.  All of the artists for the first three album covers were given free hand to produce pretty much whatever they pleased, with little input from Jimmy Page other than to say "I like it", or "I don't like it". 
So you are looking for hidden messages and meanings in places where nobody has even suggested there are hidden meaning, based on a subject that no member of the band has expressed an interest in, in places where the band had no creative input!

Astrology and the occult - yes.  There is first-hand evidence to verify this.
Dinosaurs and the origin of life etc. - no.  There is no evidence of ANY KIND to verify this.

You seem to have decided that "because the 'Zoso' symbol means something it must follow that everything else produced by Jimmy Page, ever, must have a hidden meaning too". 
This is not valid!

If you were to look for hidden meanings that had a basis in astrology or the occult then there is a slim possibilty that you might find something.  However to make your findings valid you would have to back them up with evidence of some type that would actually relate them specifically to Jimmy Page, as no other member of the band has expressed interest in these subjects.
Look, for example, at the recent release of his 'Soundtracks box-set'.  There is a lot of imagery here that can be directly related to the occult and astrology - known interests of Jimmy Page - and also he was directly responsible and had a creative input into the creation of the artwork for this product.  THIS would be a valid place to look for possibly hidden meanings.  However, as with the "Zoso" sigil, these meanings would in all likelihood relate directly to Jimmy Page himself, not to some obscure reading of the history of the planet Earth.

You also go on to say that you are drawing conclusions from the facts presented.  This is generally known as "making stuff up", and we can all do it.
From your profile picture I can draw the following conclusions:

You like the colour green.  This is evidenced  by the large area of white surrounded by a red border which symbolises fertility and Mother Earth, which is generally depicted as green.
You are unable to drive.  The small black shape to the right of you profile picture demonstrates a desperate yearning to own a car, for it is in fact a car, seen from above.  It also tells me that the car you would like to drive is a sports car, because the black shape is on the red border.  The red border of course symbolises the race track.

This is all, obviously, complete bollocks.
Much like your argument.

Finally.... Yes I am aware of the meaning of 'Semiotics', put simply the reading of signs.
Did you know there is a description for the act of reading signs where none exist?
It's called 'DELUSION'.


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1 hour ago, woz70 said:

Here's a good quote for you:

"The problem with today’s world is that everyone believes they have the right to express their opinion AND have others listen to it.
The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense."


I am aware of this, that for true fans of the band can be a shock. Especially for fans of the rock band. Rastafarian, or loving folk music, surely it would be easier to endured. Rockers are still tough guys with eggs, "sex, drugs and rock end roll." Women also.

I think that the whole matter also plays its meaning psychology. Defense against something new and foreign. Defense Environmental fans of the band. Short circuit environment to defense.

But the point that I do not want to attack anyone. Before starting this forum I knew that these are your reactions. But still I do it with the conviction that what I have to say may be your once very nice, even fantastically enjoyable.

How cool would listen to a song loved by you, and me as well, with full knowledge of what the context of the song. No it is not about some love to a woman - what you hear all the time in the texts of the band.

At this point I would say that, and every song the band also has its second symbolic meaning. But about this some other time. Aloha

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It would be a shock for you Gregor if you would visit a psychiatrist, and told him about your conspiracy theory.

We had some very insane people here on the board before, "proving" MacCartney is dead, Led Zeppelin were more than 4 people, Zeppelin music features occult messages etc. etc.

What strikes me is that their theories (and also your theory) are based on fallacies, vivid imagination, and their complete lack of coherence, and their ability to present their weird interpretations as "facts". Also people like you think their "discoveries" are "very important" (in your case even going that far as that you want to contact the surviving members of the band to share your "wisdom" with). Just imagine how some rockstar must feel after the 100th weirdo wants to share his theories.

I recommend you to get help, if you are not spaced out on drugs, then you do have a mental problem, and posting a translation of your entire blog won't change that and won't help you either.

Best of luck.

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I do not want to bore you with my interpretations subsequent albums, so all interested invite you to visit my website. There to present not only the interpretation of the illustration boards but also, probably will be another shock, my interpretation of the symbolic significance of all subsequent songs in the band's discography Led Zepp. Every day I present my interpretation of one song - to six so far. Who is not interested, that's his business, most would look there. And everyone who enters there let you withdraw your plate Led Zepp I let them sit comfortably (not to fell), and after reading my proposal again listened to another song. But one after another, from the beginning, from the first track. And then let them finally understand the hidden meaning. I invite you.

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6 minutes ago, Gregor said:

I was not ashamed of my image, and even quite the contrary. And you hide behind an avatar. :)

On the contrary, that "avatar"is actually me.................I'm really that beautiful.

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So.... I took the time out to read Gregor's blog, because, well y'know... I was interested.  I thought maybe there might be some clues as to where he's coming from or why he's come up with this crazy shit fascinating theory. 
There's an hour of my life I won't get back.
Incoherent doesn't really cover it.
(Apparently he's got an explanation for the Voynich manuscript too, which is.. er... equally fascinating.)

A truncated example of one the Zep posts is as follows:

Quote the lyrics of a song.
Talk about Dinosaurs.
Talk about the song.
Show a picture of some Dinosaurs.
The End.

Evidently there is some connection between the song and Dinosaurs, but no explanation for the juxtaposition is given, other than, one assumes, 'because Gregor says so'.
Oh and because it is 'self-evident'.

No reason for the interpretation.  No explanation of how or why he came to his conclusions, all of which you'd think he'd add to lure in the casual observer (and maybe entice them to buy a copy of his book.  Plug plug).
Considering that there isn't a Zep song that explicitly talks about Dinosaurs, this is all a bit confusing.
Apparently hiding between the lines of :

"Hey girl, stop what you're doing
Hey girl, you'll drive me to ruin."

....is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Of course, you can't understand anything properly unless you totally ignore the explicit meaning of the lyric, and try to get deep down and interpret what they really meant.  I mean, writing a song about what you actually want to write a song about would be way too easy, wouldn't it?  Anyway, the culmination of this is that 'Communication Breakdown' isn't actually about relationship difficulties with an attractive lady, but it's actually describing the rise of mammals after the extinction event that finished of the beloved Dinos.
Like, duh!  Talk about obvious.  How could it have possibly taken 47 years for somebody to work that one out??  What a major embarrassment for every other Led Zeppelin fan on the planet not to have spotted such a cunning, and self-evident lyrical gambit.

On a less sarcastic note... you'd think that Marc Bolan might've been a better choice for this odd interpretation.  At least his band had a bit of a link with the old theropods.

I have to admit I'm tending to agree with reswati's conclusions about Mr. Gregor.

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8 hours ago, woz70 said:

I have to admit I'm tending to agree with reswati's conclusions about Mr. Gregor.

Woz70, do not draw too hasty conclusions, it is still too early. Wait a few more days. About the same please all those interested. Songs included, as well as their importance, included on the first disc Led Zepp is just a prelude, this is just an introduction to what else is in the following discs. I believe that, from the second plate, what's on them, will now convincing. As for my book - it is not my aim to persuade anyone to buy it - fragments illustrate, the development of this theme, which is contained in the songs the band Led Zepp. Once again - patience. As I mentioned, every day on my blog I put one song. Greetings to all.

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5 hours ago, KellyGirl said:

Gregor I have a question. Do you listen to Led Zeppelin's music,
or do you only read the lyrics? 

I hope you can answer that without a Wikipedia link! :D 


Kelly, links to the wiki are to make this evidence confirm the previously established theory, and so that no one did not waste time on unnecessary speculation: what it is, where it came from, it is sometimes so that someone does not know some concepts and asks for sources.

When it comes to listening to music Led Zepp, that is, from the moment I am familiar with his entire discography, now my favorite band. I have of course their songs that I like, such that overthrow me to my knees, which quickly skipping - but one thing you can say at the moment - that the music of this band can not pass indifferently. From now on, certainly not. Regarding your more detailed questions, I remember them. But not at this moment. Regards. :D

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2 hours ago, Gregor said:

Woz70, do not draw too hasty conclusions, it is still too early. Wait a few more days. About the same please all those interested. Songs included, as well as their importance, included on the first disc Led Zepp is just a prelude, this is just an introduction to what else is in the following discs. I believe that, from the second plate, what's on them, will now convincing. As for my book - it is not my aim to persuade anyone to buy it - fragments illustrate, the development of this theme, which is contained in the songs the band Led Zepp. Once again - patience. As I mentioned, every day on my blog I put one song. Greetings to all.

Waiting a few more days will not make your fantasy any more valid.

I've read your entire blog.  It contains more than enough information to accurately inform my conclusion:

You're a couple of groszy's short of a zloty.

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