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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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12 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

Does America not realise what a laughing stock it has become politically? You're even worse than the two clowns over here.

Trump saying Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if he was President was top drawer hilarious. Does he think Putin is that weak to be frightened by a serial fraudster, sorry convicted Felon, to not invade?

Biden looked like that wedge of Cheese long forgotten in the fridge. See what has become of Politics. Having said that you did have a Hollywood (bit) actor and his Martian lookalike wife in the White house back in the day?

I can see that you have absolutely no memory of the four years  where russia didn't make a move on anyone. Trump is correct when he says they took the crimea under obama and they would have continued and gone into ukraine under hilary.   A few months after biden was elected the trucks started lining up on the ukraine border and biden did nothing to stop them.  Did that happen under Trump?? no it didn't.

You can cry that he's a convicted felon all you want. The left has gotten you to do exactly what they want you to do.  The case will be overturned on appeal. I bet you don't even really know what those 34 charges are. As for his supposed overvaluing his property, If you really believe that's a crime then you must believe that the banks are complicit. Trumps loan agreement says if you don't like our valuation then go ahead and revalue it for yourselves. Now, if the bank felt his valuation was good then there was no fraud at all but if they felt it was overvalued and still gave him the loan then they are complicit in that fraud. and I don't see anyone going after the banks.

Trump isn't perfect but he's far better than biden and this country was doing a hell of a lot better under his admin even with covid which forced him to spend 4 trillion dollars.  have you seen the video of fauci saying there will be a surprise outbreak during his admin?   nobody can predict anything like that with certainty. Nobody. Oh I guess you're ok with biden lying about how inflation was at 9% when he took office??  He lied about charlottesville he lied about the laptop he lied about shaking down ukraine but hey it's all good..

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 As for the porn star shit, I have two words for you bill clinton

Capital letters on the name front please or you'll be made to do lines after School

Was not Monica an intern rather than a Spunk swallowing, arse licker? I mean call me choosy, but I would not like to aim my Todger at a Prostitute who's job was to insert her tongue up the waste pipe of other drug addled slappers. But hey Don, beggars can't be choosers eh?

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4 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

 As for the porn star shit, I have two words for you bill clinton

Capital letters on the name front please or you'll be made to do lines after School

Was not Monica an intern rather than a Spunk swallowing, arse licker? I mean call me choosy, but I would not like to aim my Todger at a Prostitute who's job was to insert her tongue up the waste pipe of other drug addled slappers. But hey Don, beggars can't be choosers eh?

there was a long line of women making complaints about clinton and that bastard went on the stand and argued about what the meaning of the word "IS" is 


Edited by hummingbird69
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Just now, chillumpuffer said:

Trump isn't perfect but he's far better than biden 

Right, it's lines for you man. 

Don't you get it? If all you have is Trump or wedge of Cheddar, than it's a pretty sad state of affairs for a (once) great Country

your real problem is that you don't live here. I only live on 14 thousand a year and during Trumps four years I had extra money and was able to save money.  The only problem was the dems trying to take him down because he was going to upset their apple cart.

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Indeed I don't. $14000 a year doesn't sound much I have to say. You saved money earning that???? I take it you don't get out much? Our month in Thailand cost more than that last February !!

Our State Pension is £12500 a year but we live in an eye wateringly expensive Country and living in the North of England, our life expectancy means that at 67 we may not even get to see it :lol:

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6 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Pinocchio Joe.

I find it completely amazing how the media has gone from propping him up just last week to He needs to step down for the good of the country.

Anyone who believes any of the shit they sold you over the last 4 years should feel like they were duped because they were. It's now just a question of whether or not they can admit that to themselves and move on.

Edited by hummingbird69
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16 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

I find it completely amazing how the media has gone from propping him up just last week to He needs to step down for the good of the country.

100% agree.

If trump had drooled on the mic and spoken in tongues, the Republican machine/Fox would deal with it, decide on the spin, and a message everyone needed to get onboard with, and march on. The Dem's and left leaning media are so piss weak. Fucking ridiculous.

There is no truth in the media on either side hummers. That is just the reality of profit based "news" organisations. Walter Cronkite type news is not a thing anymore. It's also why comedians like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are so popular. They are comedians, but they speak outside of tribal bubbles. Jon and Bill have given it to Dem's HARD recently, not because they are on team A or team B, but comedically, it's funny as fuck. Their loyalty is comedy, and the Dem's are often a proper JOKE.

Still, at least they don't worship Joe like the second coming of Jesus. That shit is bizarre.

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7 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Still, at least they don't worship Joe like the second coming of Jesus. That shit is bizarre.

Joe should just go around in blackface like Jimmy Kimmel as he suffers from uber white guilt. 


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