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Three Favorite 70's albums

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The Stooges- Fun House

Badfinger- Straight Up

Rolling Stones- Sticky Fingers

Maybe we should break this down to early, mid and late 70's. I've noticed you lean towards harder rock, so I was pleasantly surprised to see you pick the Badfinger classic. Do you own the remastered version with bonus tracks?

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Maybe we should break this down to early, mid and late 70's. I've noticed you lean towards harder rock, so I was pleasantly surprised to see you pick the Badfinger classic. Do you own the remastered version with bonus tracks?

Indeed I do have that! :D

I'm a big Badfinger fan, always have been. And some of the alternate versions (Suitcase, Money/Flying) are superb.

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I treat these threads as....what will be my top 3 for today ? So I just imagine someone asking....I've never heard any music from the 70s...would you play me 3 albums....

Good stuff. That's how I approach these kind of threads as well.

My three picks today:

Emmylou Harris - Elite Hotel

I love this album, it's the first album I ever purchased with Emmylou. It has a strong set of songs, like Till I Gain Control Again, Together Again, Here, There and Everywhere and Satan's Jewel Crown.


Moxy - Moxy

Canadian hard rock band Moxy's debut is really great. They even got Tommy Bolin to play on a couple of tracks.


The Only Ones - The Only Ones

Great power pop/proto punk or whatever you wanna call it. Their debut from 1978.


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Goose Creek Symphony Est. 1970

One of the most genre bending records I can think of. Bluegrass, Hendrix-like feedback drenched guitar, backwards looping, southern gospel, rock, country, psychedelia it's all here.


John Prine Bruised Orange

Another of the "new Dylans", John Prine is one of the few that actually lived up to (and some would even say, surpassed) the hype. Prine is one of the few artists in my collection who I can say without a doubt has never turned out a bad record and Bruised Orange is no exception. Some tunes are of the laughing through your tears variety but others just provide a knee slappin' good time and some, food for deep thought. One of the very best songwriters of our time without question.


Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen Country Casanova

This is one of the first records I ever purchased, period but it's also one of the first albums I ever owned that served as my introduction into the world of "country rock". Here, the Commander and His Lost Planet Airmen delve into everything from Western Swing, rollickin' Rockabilly and country with a heaping helping of boogie woogie slathered on top. Unfortunately this album only saw a very limited run on CD and has sadly gone out of print. Vinyl copies are fetching high dollar on eBay these days. Hopefully some day the folks at Rhino will see fit to give this the reissue treatment as they recently did the Commander's We've Got A Live One Here! record.

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^ Is that Commander Cody the one with 'Seeds and Stems again Blues' ? :D

No, but it does include the timeless classic Truckin' Fuckin' (aka Everybody's Doin' It). Seeds and Stems can be found on the Commander's debut, Lost In the Ozone as well as some live records. His former sideman, guitarist Bill Kirchen also does it in his sets with his band Too Much Fun.


Speaking of which, if you haven't heard Bill's version of Hot Rod Lincoln, you owe it to yourself to check it out via his MySpace site. "Showstopper" doesn't even begin to describe it but it wouldn't be a bad place to start. This version is from his very excellent Hot Rod Lincoln Live! album but can also be heard on The Twangbangers' 26 Days on the Road record where he's joined by fellow guitarist Redd Volkaert (Merle Haggard) and other special guests such as vocalist Dallas Wayne:



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Love that cover !! :lol:

Thanks for the info....so earliest on..they weren't known with the 'CC and the Lost Planet Airmen' addition as shown on Country Casanova ?

Yes, they were. "And His Lost Planet Airmen" is written right there on the cover.

Edited by Jahfin
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I love Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen! Unfortunatly I only have one record by them, their sixth album and first for Warner Bros. It's a great album!


Always out to expand my collection of Commander Cody albums though.

Another great band I come to think of while we're talking Commander Cody, is The New Riders of the Purple Sage. Anyone into bands like Commander Cody and Flying Burrito Brothers should check 'em out. I highly recomend these two albums, which is the one's I have with them:



Gypsy Cowboy


I believe both Commander Cody and New Riders are bands I have been checking out thanks to Jahfin, as long as I can remeber, you've been mentioning these bands a little now and then.

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I believe both Commander Cody and New Riders are bands I have been checking out thanks to Jahfin, as long as I can remeber, you've been mentioning these bands a little now and then.

...and thanks for doing so. Those two groups are a just a few of many I cut my teeth on back in the 70s when it comes to "country rock" (or whatever you wanna call it). In fact, I recently picked up that Commander Cody album myself after having it on my "Most Wanted" list for years. I can't wait to purchase this one which came out back on the 15th:


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...and thanks for doing so. Those two groups are a just a few of many I cut my teeth on back in the 70s when it comes to "country rock" (or whatever you wanna call it). In fact, I recently picked up that Commander Cody album myself after having it on my "Most Wanted" list for years. I can't wait to purchase this one which came out back on the 15th:


Well, you're an excellent source when it comes to great music that wasn't aired regulay on the radio (at least not over here) and is kind of forgotten by the masses today. And I thank you for that.

I may have to check out this 1967-1970 album myself.

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Well, you're an excellent source when it comes to great music that wasn't aired regulay on the radio (at least not over here) and is kind of forgotten by the masses today. And I thank you for that.

No problem. I think the Commander and His Lost Planet Airmen got a bit of airplay back in the early 70s with their remake of Hot Rod Lincoln but that was about it. I have a single by the New Riders of I Don't Need No Doctor but I think the amount of airplay they received back then was minimal at best. Mainly I have my older siblings to thank for exposing me to all this great music early on.

I may have to check out this 1967-1970 album myself.

I've also been enjoying the recent Live from Armadillo World HQ 1973 & Capitol Theatre archival release but it looks like the new retrospective will make yet another worthy addition to my CC and His LPA collection. I just wish Rhino (or someone) would re-release those long out of print records for the rest of the world to hear.

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Just my two cents about the New Riders. I saw them twice in the mid 70's. I recall them played quite a bit on the FM dial in the NYC area.

The first LP with Jerry Garcia on steel pedal guitar is one of my favs. Boy do I love that LP. Panama Red isn't too shabby either. I also own a live LP. Let's not forget to mention David Nelson on guitar. He was Ricky's brother.



Edited by JethroTull
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Just my two cents about the New Riders. I saw them twice in the mid 70's. I recall them played quite a bit on the FM dial in the NYC area.

The first LP with Jerry Garcia on steel pedal guitar is one of my favs. Boy do I love that LP. Panama Red isn't too shabby either. I also own a live LP. Let's not forget to mention David Nelson on guitar. He was Ricky's brother.



Yeah, I need to get my hands on those two records as well. I always turn to allmusic.com to check out bands and records when I stumble across some artist I never heard of.. I've been checking those albums out there too (whom got great reviews), as I did with the other New Riders albums I have got..

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Just my two cents about the New Riders. I saw them twice in the mid 70's. I recall them played quite a bit on the FM dial in the NYC area.

I think Panama Red (the song) even got some airplay around here. I've even heard it on one of those syndicated radio programs that you sometimes hear on classic rock stations during the weekend. My main point being, I believe they received marginal airplay at best and were far from being some sort of household name due to a long string of radio hits.

The first LP with Jerry Garcia on steel pedal guitar is one of my favs. Boy do I love that LP. Panama Red isn't too shabby either. I also own a live LP. Let's not forget to mention David Nelson on guitar. He was Ricky's brother.



While I don't own the entire catalog, I do have most of their records on either vinyl or CD with the early stuff being my favorite. The New Riders reunited in recent years sans John Dawson who is apparently in ill health. Unfortunately I've had to pass on nearly opportunity I've had to see them. Maybe next time they pass through town. In addition to the New Riders David also still plays in the David Nelson Band:





As for David Nelson being Ricky Nelson's brother, that is the first I've heard of that. I also can't find any info online to support it but I did find this:


LET'S GET ONE thing straight: David Nelson is not Ricky Nelson, the 1950s pop icon. Nor is he one of the Nelson Twins, sons of said '50s pop icon. David Nelson did cover Ricky Nelson's "Hello Mary Lou" in the '70s with the New Riders of the Purple Sage, but otherwise he has little in common with Ricky, and even less in common with his poster-boy sons.

Of course, that article doesn't say they're not brothers but it doesn't say they are either. If you can find any evidence online to support your claim, I'd love to see it. So far I haven't found anything in the bios of either Ricky or David Nelson that say they are related. Ricky did have a brother named David but in Ricky's bio it says nothing whatsoever about him going on to be a member of the New Riders of the Purple Sage, only that they starred on Ozzie and Harriet.

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As for David Nelson being Ricky Nelson's brother, that is the first I've heard of that. I also can't find any info online to support it but I did find this:


LET'S GET ONE thing straight: David Nelson is not Ricky Nelson, the 1950s pop icon. Nor is he one of the Nelson Twins, sons of said '50s pop icon. David Nelson did cover Ricky Nelson's "Hello Mary Lou" in the '70s with the New Riders of the Purple Sage, but otherwise he has little in common with Ricky, and even less in common with his poster-boy sons.

Of course, that article doesn't say they're not brothers but it doesn't say they are either. If you can find any evidence online to support your claim, I'd love to see it. So far I haven't found anything in the bios of either Ricky or David Nelson that say they are related. Ricky did have a brother named David but in Ricky's bio it says nothing whatsoever about him going on to be a member of the New Riders of the Purple Sage, only that they starred on Ozzie and Harriet.

Ummm, errrrrr. I acquired this info during the 70's from what now appears to a dubious source(It was my sister, I should have known). Ummm, errr. Odder still, about a year ago I started googling NRPS and related topics and I remember NOT finding anything about the David/Ricky connection. As we like to say in the IT industry....Good catch.......

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