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Pet Peeves


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Yes, I remember the dairy farms. Los Angeles had them, too, but many are gone now. And I recall the 405 freeway when it had only 3 lanes on each side. And there were no toll roads.

What happens is when people move in to California, they evict those who are already here, and they have to move. So a diaspora activates and people move to other counties, not only to San Diego, but also to the north. And some move to Oregon or Nevada.

We experience population pressure from the east coast, south of the border and people wanting to move to a warmer climate from the wintry parts of the world.

The nation's homeless population sometimes moves to California so they can avoid exposure to extreme cold. It's warmer on the streets here than in Chicago. That may help to explain why Skid Row's poverty in Los Angeles never ends. It takes in the homeless from the rest of the nation, not just the locals.

Lately Venice has had a problem with non locals parking in residential areas that were not designed to accommodate the influx.

Also, there are those seeking economic opportunity from the coal mining regions and those who aspire to film careers.

And there is the occasional soul from middle eastern europe dreaming of wreaking havoc on a shopping mall.

Our medicare system attracts wealthy people from Saudi Arabia who don't have to pay for care because they don't have social security numbers where they can be tracked. By the time they are identified as having sufficient income they have already left the airport. Same for an occasional cattle rancher from Mexico, except he probably just drives across the border. They give them 999-99-9999 numbers. Someone did a study on fraud in the system and these were a couple of examples of what they found.

So many people come to California for a variety of reasons. But you are right, people do get snippy here.

In so many way's, it sounds just like Vancouver <_<

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The fact that people continue to watch reality tv shows. Do they not realize that it's contributing to tv getting worse and worse. They offer nothing of substance. It's trash tv.

I also can't stand that ad on tv where there is a chocolate guy walking everywhere and women are bitting pieces off of him. Does anyone else find this ad disturbing?

Another interesting thing. If the tables were turned and it was a chocalate woman walking down the street and guys were eating chunks off of her there would be complaints and uproar.

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Let people watch whatever they want. It's not your job to judge them based on their TV viewing habits. To them it's entertainment, to you it's crap. Your view isn't more right than theirs.

But it's one of my pet peeves. Tv is getting worse because ot it. I just don't understand why people enjoy shows that contribute nothing positive. You can't even learn anything from these shows. other than people will completely humiliate and degrade themselves for their 15 minutes of fame.

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People don't watch TV to be enlightened or to learn anything. That's what books are for. People watch TV for entertainment, to not worry about shit going on in their lives. It's escapism. Quit overthinking it.

Speaking of books, I notice you didn't submit your picks in the "5 books you must read before you die" thread that I started a couple weeks ago. I'm curious as to what someone like you would choose.

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People don't watch TV to be enlightened or to learn anything. That's what books are for. People watch TV for entertainment, to not worry about shit going on in their lives. It's escapism. Quit overthinking it.

Speaking of books, I notice you didn't submit your picks in the "5 books you must read before you die" thread that I started a couple weeks ago. I'm curious as to what someone like you would choose.

But is that stuff even entertaining??

I pretty much just read biographies. But none of them i would say people should read before they die. I haven't read anything mindblowing. I only like reading about things that actually happened. Not fantasy.

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If the individual watching the program thinks it's entertaining them, that's what counts. Not what you think or what I think. I don't watch it because I don't watch a lot of over-the-air TV anymore. I watch mostly cable. So I don't have an opinion one way or the other and if I did, I wouldn't presume to think it was the right one.

BTW, did you even bother to read that thread and take a look at some of the books people chose? Try opening your mind to new ideas instead of being stuck in a box.

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If the individual watching the program thinks it's entertaining them, that's what counts. Not what you think or what I think. I don't watch it because I don't watch a lot of over-the-air TV anymore. I watch mostly cable. So I don't have an opinion one way or the other and if I did, I wouldn't presume to think it was the right one.

BTW, did you even bother to read that thread and take a look at some of the books people chose? Try opening your mind to new ideas instead of being stuck in a box.

It's just my pet peeve Elizabeth. When it comes to reality tv i think i am right on the money. It's entertainment based on people humiliating themselves. Or a women trying to fall in love in a couple weeks on camera etc. Complete Nonsense.

I just skimmed through the book thread. Nothing really popped out that interested me. Were there a lot of books about real things mentioned?

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If you didn't actually read the thread and nothing interested you.......that's just sad. There were tons of great books mentioned.

And "real" is a construct. A book about dystopia is a real thing, even if it hasn't happened.

I am only interested in books about events that actually happened.

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What a boring, sheltered life you lead. I can't imagine reading books based only events that have actually happened. Shit, I'd lose 3/4 of my library (yes, our house has a library.....one whole room, floor to ceiling of nothing but books). Seriously, how you can you close your mind off like that? That's almost as disturbing as your views about women and relationships. I'd say it's a good indicator of why you think like you do, but that would be redundant.

Go to a book store and buy a book based on something that hasn't happened. You don't have to buy a fantasy book or sci-fi or something out of Lord of the Rings. Pick up Orwell, Vonnegut, Pynchon, Sinclair or better yet......read through that thread all the way through and buy 4 or 5 that more than 3 people recommended. We're smart people here, we wouldn't suggest books that were utter crap.

Jesus, now I feel sorry for you.

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What a boring, sheltered life you lead. I can't imagine reading books based only events that have actually happened. Shit, I'd lose 3/4 of my library (yes, our house has a library.....one whole room, floor to ceiling of nothing but books). Seriously, how you can you close your mind off like that? That's almost as disturbing as your views about women and relationships. I'd say it's a good indicator of why you think like you do, but that would be redundant.

Go to a book store and buy a book based on something that hasn't happened. You don't have to buy a fantasy book or sci-fi or something out of Lord of the Rings. Pick up Orwell, Vonnegut, Pynchon, Sinclair or better yet......read through that thread all the way through and buy 4 or 5 that more than 3 people recommended. We're smart people here, we wouldn't suggest books that were utter crap.

Jesus, now I feel sorry for you.

I don't want to read any romantic books either.

What will i learn from those books by the people you mentioned?

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I don't want to read any romantic books either.

What will i learn from those books by the people you mentioned?

Why don't you pick up one of those books and find out :blink: Did you read nothing in school? Many of those books people have suggested are part of high school or college curriculum. There's always something to be learned from experiences if you open yourself up to it.

Good grief are you real?

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Orwell, Vonnegut, Pynchon, Sinclair......they didn't write romance novels. Why don't you Google who they are and find out what kind of books they wrote instead of acting like you don't need to know.

I can't tell you what you'll learn from reading those books. Everyone takes something different away from them as everyone reads and absorbs differently. From Orwell I learned that while the government is there to help us and protect us, in the wrong hands it can destroy us. From Vonnegut I learned that even war and insanity has a funny side. From Sinclair I learned that capitalism vs. communism isn't a black and white issue and both sides have pros and cons. From Pynchon I learned.........never read his books in the middle of the night when you can't sleep. He jumps from plot to plot and your brain will explode.

Who's to say what you'll take away from those authors, but closing yourself off indefinitely to them is just ignorant.

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Spats, I've just started reading a Vonnegut book and it is really good. I don't see how anyone couldn't enjoy his writing.

Also, why do you always avoid being asked about Led Zeppelin? I mean this is a Led Zeppelin forum and you never answer stuff about Zeppelin; all you do is complain about your love life.

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Spats, I've just started reading a Vonnegut book and it is really good. I don't see how anyone couldn't enjoy his writing.

Also, why do you always avoid being asked about Led Zeppelin? I mean this is a Led Zeppelin forum and you never answer stuff about Zeppelin; all you do is complain about your love life.

I was asked about them in my thread. You missed it.

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Orwell, Vonnegut, Pynchon, Sinclair......they didn't write romance novels. Why don't you Google who they are and find out what kind of books they wrote instead of acting like you don't need to know.

I can't tell you what you'll learn from reading those books. Everyone takes something different away from them as everyone reads and absorbs differently. From Orwell I learned that while the government is there to help us and protect us, in the wrong hands it can destroy us. From Vonnegut I learned that even war and insanity has a funny side. From Sinclair I learned that capitalism vs. communism isn't a black and white issue and both sides have pros and cons. From Pynchon I learned.........never read his books in the middle of the night when you can't sleep. He jumps from plot to plot and your brain will explode.

Who's to say what you'll take away from those authors, but closing yourself off indefinitely to them is just ignorant.

I won't answer about books on this thread anymore. I don't want to be accused of hijacking the thread. But the subjects you mentioned in those books don't really interest me.

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Another pet peeve of mine is how any celebrity that is asked about the Chris Brown/Rihanna problem will not speak out against the dude. All they say is "I wish them both the best". Only Oprah is speaking out. Why are they so scared to knock the guy?

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