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The NHL Thread

wanna be drummer

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It's going to be a great series no matter who we play. Looking forward to a more open style of game than what Nashville served up.

When I said I thought the Sharks would win, I meant against Detroit. Not Vancouver. It will be very tough no matter but the Sharks pose more of a threat. Vancouver did a nice job on Detroit this year. I do not like Howard. He is on and off and is not a top notch goalie but the Sharks do not have one either. Luongo is, when he wants to be. I cant believe that Boston and Tampa dont start til Friday. How many days off is that? Too many. The season like baseball should be ending sooner. Baseball should not be played on a cold October night. And hockey should not be played on a hot June day.

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Hey all ya Red Wing fans!! And I know there are plenty here. Right Lizzy? Ha. Let me know how that leather sofa tastes? May need some salt and some Tequila to chase it with. ha. I am not saying who will win, just saying, its nerve wracking to watch a seventh game. I dont care because I want Vancouver.

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Bruins?!!? :bagoverhead:

i did not see the game but am surprised at the outcome. Boston must have been effected by the week off. They are better than Tampa. Period. We played them both often enough. Tamps we had little trouble with. Split with them but I just would be surprised if Tampa wins this. The West wins it all regardless. Go Canucks.

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Hey all ya Red Wing fans!!  And I know there are plenty here.  Right Lizzy?   Ha.  Let me know how that leather sofa tastes?  May need some salt and some Tequila to chase it with. ha.  

Surely I can't be the number 1 fan on this site, but I'm so saddened by the Red Wings fall after coming back from 0-3.

Those shark's teeth proved to be unrelenting.

So where is this Lizzy ? She must be a fair-weather fan.

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Surely I can't be the number 1 fan on this site, but I'm so saddened by the Red Wings fall after coming back from 0-3.

Those shark's teeth proved to be unrelenting.So where is this Lizzy ? She must be a fair-weather fan.

She doesn't need any -encouragement-! :D

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Every once in a great while the good guys win in sports. Right now the good guys are winning and winning big. Canucks 6 Sharks 2. Love it. I still believe Boston will find a way and get past Tampa. But then they will meet a superior Vancouver team. This team is poetry in motion. Kessler, Sedin twins, Raymond, Burrows, and this defenseman called Beikstra who is on my radar. Ha. He will look good in Blue and Gold next year. Fingers crossed. For now. Go Canucks!!!!

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One of my interests in life are statistical oddities; occurances that go against the conventional wisdom. I'm a big fan of Richard Feynman and his writings, one of the great original minds of the 20th century.

Which brings me to this NHL thread.

By almost every significant measure, the NHL ranks a distant 4th among the 4 major North American Sports Leagues: the National Football League(NFL); National Basketball League (NBA); Major League Baseball (MLB); National Hockey League (NHL).

If you add in NASCAR, hockey would be 5th. And if you cast your net beyond the North American borders and threw F1 racing and Premiere League Football (soccer) in, the NHL would fall even further down the list.

Yet, here on the LZ board, football, baseball and basketball threads struggle to stay afloat for any length of time, while the NHL thread is on its 125th page! How can one explain this?

I don't know the geographical breakdown of the members here, but I doubt Canadians are number one. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say the 2 major groups are the Europeans(counting the U.K.) and the United States.

All things being equal, the social-economic-racial-gender makeup of this board shouldn't be drastically different than the pool of respondents for all the various sports polls. The fact that Led Zeppelin finished so high in that ESPN Rock Bracket poll suggests a corollary between sports fans and Led Zeppelin fans. And every sports poll ESPN has done shows the NHL behind the other three leagues.

So why not here? In fact, given the preponderance of UK fans here, how is it that not even an English Premiere League thread can sustain the level of interest the NHL thread has?

Not that this will keep me awake at night, but, in the wise words of Yul Brynner in "The King & I", "tis a puzzlement".

As for what's going down now, I've gotta root for Vancouver. Poor Canada hasn't had a Stanley Cup-winning team since the 1993 Montreal Canadians beat the Gretzky-led Los Angeles Kings(their ONLY Stanley Cup appearance)...DAMN Marty McSorley and his illegal stick!

By the way, you can thank the success of the Gretzky trade to LA for the fact that there are now hockey teams in Nashville, Tampa Bay, Carolina, and Phoenix.

Sorry Canada.

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One of my interests in life are statistical oddities; occurances that go against the conventional wisdom. I'm a big fan of Richard Feynman and his writings, one of the great original minds of the 20th century.

Which brings me to this NHL thread.

By almost every significant measure, the NHL ranks a distant 4th among the 4 major North American Sports Leagues: the National Football League(NFL); National Basketball League (NBA); Major League Baseball (MLB); National Hockey League (NHL).

If you add in NASCAR, hockey would be 5th. And if you cast your net beyond the North American borders and threw F1 racing and Premiere League Football (soccer) in, the NHL would fall even further down the list.

Yet, here on the LZ board, football, baseball and basketball threads struggle to stay afloat for any length of time, while the NHL thread is on its 125th page! How can one explain this?

I don't know the geographical breakdown of the members here, but I doubt Canadians are number one. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say the 2 major groups are the Europeans(counting the U.K.) and the United States.

All things being equal, the social-economic-racial-gender makeup of this board shouldn't be drastically different than the pool of respondents for all the various sports polls. The fact that Led Zeppelin finished so high in that ESPN Rock Bracket poll suggests a corollary between sports fans and Led Zeppelin fans. And every sports poll ESPN has done shows the NHL behind the other three leagues.

So why not here? In fact, given the preponderance of UK fans here, how is it that not even an English Premiere League thread can sustain the level of interest the NHL thread has?

Not that this will keep me awake at night, but, in the wise words of Yul Brynner in "The King & I", "tis a puzzlement".

As for what's going down now, I've gotta root for Vancouver. Poor Canada hasn't had a Stanley Cup-winning team since the 1993 Montreal Canadians beat the Gretzky-led Los Angeles Kings(their ONLY Stanley Cup appearance)...DAMN Marty McSorley and his illegal stick!

By the way, you can thank the success of the Gretzky trade to LA for the fact that there are now hockey teams in Nashville, Tampa Bay, Carolina, and Phoenix.

Sorry Canada.

I will strongly disagree with NASCAR being more popular than the NHL> and outside of Atlanta and a couple of other losing souther teams like Florida, the NHL is selling out their games at frenzxied pace. And I see alot of baseball stadiums empty. I do not buy that hockey is solidly number four. And if you include Canada its certainly not. I am not Canadien. i am in upstate NY and hockey is the best sport on Earth in my book. Even better than the NFL which is second to me. The excitement is unequaled. And a local sports guy who is a baseball junkie and not a big hockey fan has admitted on radio show that hockey is no doubt the best sport playoff wise. Their playoffs are the most exciting by far. And I agree. I cant sit through a baseball game any more. Or watch more than the last two minutes of a basketball game. Hockey rules. And its big. Just because those dumb asses at ESPN have no contract, it means nothing. They are covering it more and they know we are wathcing. I am not watching their channel any more. They can shove it. No hockey. No watch for me.

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I will strongly disagree with NASCAR being more popular than the NHL> and outside of Atlanta and a couple of other losing souther teams like Florida, the NHL is selling out their games at frenzxied pace. And I see alot of baseball stadiums empty. I do not buy that hockey is solidly number four. And if you include Canada its certainly not. I am not Canadien. i am in upstate NY and hockey is the best sport on Earth in my book. Even better than the NFL which is second to me. The excitement is unequaled. And a local sports guy who is a baseball junkie and not a big hockey fan has admitted on radio show that hockey is no doubt the best sport playoff wise. Their playoffs are the most exciting by far. And I agree. I cant sit through a baseball game any more. Or watch more than the last two minutes of a basketball game. Hockey rules. And its big. Just because those dumb asses at ESPN have no contract, it means nothing. They are covering it more and they know we are wathcing. I am not watching their channel any more. They can shove it. No hockey. No watch for me.

I admire your passion, and you are right; there's nothing like seeing a hockey game in-person, especially playoff hockey.

But that wasn't my point. You are talking aesthetics, which is not a measurable trait. One man's art is another man's garbage.

TV ratings are measurable and the ratings for football, basketball, baseball and NASCAR are all higher than hockey. Franchise values are also measurable and Forbes list of the Top 50 Sports Franchises includes soccer, football, baseball, basketball and auto racing teams. But no hockey teams.

Anyway, about this year's playoffs...it would've been nice, as a Californian, to have San Jose in the Cup finals. But Canada has suffered so long, I can't begrudge Vancouver making it instead.

Oh, and in the east, it's a no-brainer: Boston. It just feels weird cheering for Tampa Bay in hockey...or anything.

Tampa Bay is one of the most unpleasant cities I've visited.

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Congrats Canucks!!!! Great win and great team. All the way!!!! Great to see them in and I believe they will get it done. Go Canucks!!!!

Thanks Silver. Hope you're right :beer:

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