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The Amazing Race

I love that show!

Our family did a day long "Amazing Race" in Victoria, B.C. a couple of years ago. We came in LAST! We were given faulty directions by area residents on two occassions, and were sent in the the totally opposite direction that we needed to go. Some of the detours and road blocks were somewhat difficult, too. I was so tired afterward that I could barely walk. My sons blamed me for losing because I was the slowest one, however, I did manage to complete several of the tasks that they would have had no idea how to do if I wasn't there. I just wasn't as fast as they were. And they would just take off without a clue as to where they were going, causing us to lose time. That made me somewhat perturbed, that they didn't take the time to look at a map before taking off. But we did have fun, and I realize that I could never do some of the things that they do on tv and that the race is not easy at all.

I am watching football: University of Cincinnati vs. West Virginia. The score is currently UC 21 to WV 14.

Go Bearcats!

If Ohio State had UC's offense and their (Ohio State's) defense, they would be unbeatable.

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Now I am watching Washington The Warrior on The History Channel.

I love Early American History and have a bit of expertise on George Washington. I have an extensive book collection on these subjects, and am always looking for more information on my favorite historical figure. (My second favorite is Abraham Lincoln, whom I have read alot about and have a wealth of info on, too.)

Wow! I wonder if I can find that on the On Demand selection. I am a big fan of Washington.


I also have the complete Diary and Autobiography of John Adams. Adams is probably the greatest unsung hero of the American Revolution. He was not a great warrior, nor the epitome of charisma. He was an intellectual and moral leader who's deeds outweigh his reputation.

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Ed Sullivan's Rock N Roll on PBS. It shows all the great bands in the 60s that he had on his show. Right now is the Doors, the only time they were on cuz Ed was mad they didn't change the words to a song. There were alot of them I didn't even know were on the show, but some of these I was just a wee kidling and wasn't aware of rock and roll yet.

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