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Post A Pic Of Your Vacation


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I don't know what health problems has to do with it, but it's an issue of money and being able to actually get somewhere without walking the entire way...since I don't have a car nor my license.

Ah yes of course. Well money is one of those things that comes and goes quite easily. I don't have a penny to my name at this moment in time. :lol: The reason I said health problems was that your comment seemed to have a lot of permenance about it, like a vacation would never happen for you. But one day you will have enough to go somewhere. Catch a train or something. :lol: I don't have a car, hell I can't afford a car, I can't even afford another driving lesson at the moment after I screwed up my driving test the other week (bastard instructer SHOULDN'T have failed me! I didn't do anything wrong, he was just in a bad mood!). Something will come up soon dude, just hang in there! :thumbsup:

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Check out this video of the Yorkshire Dales, literally an hours drive from my house:

And this video of the Lake District:

The Lake District

I think it is such a priveledge to have such beauty right on my doorstep. In fact a couple of friends of mine are moving out to the Yorkshire Dales so hopefully I will be able to get out there a bit more now. :yay:

Those videos are breathtaking! Our plan coming to the UK on the motorbikes next summer simply has to succeed!

I like the Yorkshire Dales video! It immediately took me back into times! James Harriott and all the other strong Yorkshire charakters are old fellows accompanying me through my youth and still do (.... like Led Zeppelin!). It's really amazing how the sceneries on the video bring back the well stored memories! I always watch the Harriott stuff if it is on TV!

I was so fond of the vet-stories I didn't only watch the serial but also read the books (of course in English) which led me further to the Bronte sisters, Greene, Golding, Wilde and eventually to the poems of William Blake and Robert Burns.

Thank you for the links!

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Bronte sisters, Greene, Golding, Wilde and eventually to the poems of William Blake and Robert Burns.

You are welcome for the videos Tinkerbell. :thumbsup: And I have visited all of those places where those famous writers lived and wrote their work. Why just the other week I visited Bronte country and walked the famous moors where Heathcliffe was said to have walked. There is even a rock down by a stream in the middle of the moors in which Charlotte Bronte apparently etched her name. It is so surreal. :thumbsup:

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And I have visited all of those places where those famous writers lived and wrote their work. Why just the other week I visited Bronte country and walked the famous moors where Heathcliffe was said to have walked. There is even a rock down by a stream in the middle of the moors in which Charlotte Bronte apparently etched her name. It is so surreal.

Yeah, really surreal indeed! I read a lot of secundary stuff about the Bronte sisters. Their lonely life in the heights and their fate touched me (...... dear Lady can you hear the wind blow and did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind..... ). I was very impressed from the describtions of trees in the moors all looking hard in the direction from where the main winds come....... What a scenery!

Today I told my husband about the videos you sent me and the stunning landscapes in there. We wondered if there will be campsites around in the UK. Are there?

We are big fans of the campgrounds in New Zealand - all great places with shared kitchens, refridgerators and hang-around-facilities where you meet friendly folks and amazing people at any time. And they are spread all over the country (....the campgrounds ;-).

Is this similar in the UK?

After the stunning videos I owe you some nice views I fear! Here are some pics from my personal road movie along the Highway Nr. 1 (Big Sur):






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WOW! Some great views there Tinkerbell. :thumbsup:

To answer your question...yes there are campsites and places to pitch your tent around the countryside. You are never too far away from one really when you are out there. Its a great place to go.

I love camping. Facilities on campsites are pretty much the same. Toilets, showers, sometimes little recreational areas. It depends what you want really. If you want a site with lots of facilities then you pay more obviously. We have many times stayed on campsites where there is nothing but a little wooden hut where there is a toilet and a shower. Also with a tap just outside to get water. Sometimes simple is better. I'm sure you will work something out. :thumbsup:

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This sounds really good! We do know really basic campsites in NZ and always enjoyed our stays there as well we did at the more comfortable ones. Though, it's good to know there are similar facilities in the UK.

Anyway, thank you very much for your information and be sure we'll give you a call if we were able to make the trip next summer! :hippy:



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I'm gonna post some of my pics from my Peru trip. It's not recent (it'll be two years ago in February- hard to believe!) But it is the coolest vacation I ever took. (Only been outside the states a handful of times.)

These are from Lima:



This is from the former Inca capital, Cuzco:


And these, of course, are from Machu Picchu. The first one is my family, I'm the one in the black cap.



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Only five pics a post? :angry: Master Rapallo, you should reconsider that.

More from Machu Picchu:



This next one was the main gate into the city:


My sister and I, at the sun gate above the city:


This one is at a different Incan site called Moray:


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Wow!!! Those pictures are amazing MagicSam. Fantastic. Peru is now one of my must see places. Great photos. :thumbsup:

This sounds really good! We do know really basic campsites in NZ and always enjoyed our stays there as well we did at the more comfortable ones. Though, it's good to know there are similar facilities in the UK.

Anyway, thank you very much for your information and be sure we'll give you a call if we were able to make the trip next summer! :hippy:



If you get a decent map of the UK all the campsites are clearly marked on and you will be able to find them no problem.

Rik. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been to London, seen seven wonders....

Yes, I've been to London, to Led Zeppelin's concert and it was amazing. Not only the concert, but the trip itself. I met dear friends, I had the most wonderful time there. I haven't been to the city since 1981...it was a long time ago. And it was so good to be there again, especially under such fantastic circumstances.

So, there I go....some pics of London.... of days I will never forget.





A picture taken by Ledded1, we've been together to The London Eye


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Some more pics...




I have also been to Tinarewin's concert, together with Aqua, we had a great time there. And Justin Adams made a special appereance, adding even more to the fun. He is such a fantastic guitarist.


And a last shot, that pretty much says everything


It was lovely to be there, perfect time, perfect days, perfect friends...perfect concert.



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Magic Sam - fantastic pics. Definitely a place that's on my list to go to.

Celia :cheer: :cheer: London...sighs....fantastic pics :D And to have a surprise appearance at Tinariwen with Justin, well doesn't get much better huh, especially the words on the last photo...:D

Thanks both of you for posting!

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Aloha 'oe! I am in Hawaii… here are some pics from today!

Spouting Horn:



Right next to Spouting Horn:


at a beach north of Waimea:


cool pics!!

Haha, tan -- I wish! I burn :lol: I made sure to put on loads of sunscreen!

But yes, it's lovely here, for sure.

I burn rather easily the first few times I'm out in the sun during the spring. After that I'm pretty much good to go for the rest of the year everywhere except my face.... which always seems to burn no matter how tan it gets

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cool pics!!

I burn rather easily the first few times I'm out in the sun during the spring. After that I'm pretty much good to go for the rest of the year everywhere except my face.... which always seems to burn no matter how tan it gets

Thank you!

Hm, that's interesting. I burn, burn, burn! :lol: Except for my knees tan. And that's it. Occasionally my feet get a flip-flop tan though… my last one lasted through October! :lol:

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Wow people what a beautiful pictures!!! ;D

wow brspled you are so lucky!!! you saw zeppelin in concert congrats!!!! :)B)

I went to London last year for a week... is a BEAUTIFUL city!!!!!! I loved! I want come back someday .

I will go on vacations in a 3 weeks more to the beach here in my country . I will put my pictures :)

Edited by psychedelic_girl
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