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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Obama's comments following that news that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter Bristol, is pregnant:

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18 and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be a topic of our politics."

And his comments following reports that people in his campaign were responsible for the "Babygate" rumors:

"I am offended by that statement," Obama shot back, in response to the McCain aide's charge. "There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us. I'm hope I'm as clear as I can be. In case I'm not, let me repeat: We don't go after people's families. We don't get them involved in politics. It's not appropriate and it's not relevant. Our people were not involved in any way in this and they will not be. If I ever thought that it was somebody in my campaign who's involved in something like that, they'd be fired."

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Your answers of no to these just shows how blinded B) you are by all the media cover ups for Obama.

You have to admit. McCain picking Palin was a brilliant move. We can argue all day on if she is qualified or not, I think that she is much more so then Obama. She has energized and shored up the consevative base of the party. You can stand on your head and post reasons that Obamas ties to Ayres should not matter as far as American National Security goes. But millions of Americans like I have real problems with it.

And Wright, yes you want it to be old news and go away. When you get caught hanging around with a crowd with that much hate and anti Americanism it should be brought up every day. And it will be.

Good luck one drop, Palin is just what the Republicans needed, and if you are honest you will agree.

Ahahaha! So now you're a conspiracy theorist too? I think there's a thread for that on the board somewhere :rolleyes:

Personally, I'm thrilled with McCains choice. I think many staunch supporters might have to take a step back if they live in any form of reality. Sure, just what we need in office - another corrupt polititian who takes advantage of their power while at the same time spewing about how ethical they are because they believe in a right to life.

Funny how she said "I was pleased with my daughter's decision...." when if she has her way there will be no decisions to make....

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Look, Palin is doing what she thinks is best for her family. Forcing her 17 year old daughter to marry the father is clearly what she thinks is best. If it were me, I wouldn't force the issue of marriage on my daughter, as she's already going through enough.

All this being said, this is none of the public's business. I don't care who's pregnant, who's not, who was.......this has no bearing on the election at all. What does matter is that she is even more stringently pro-life than most pro-lifers, she thinks Creationism should be taught in science class, she doesn't support equal pay for equal work, she wants to drill in ANWR and she supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Those are ISSUES that matter, not whether her kid is knocked up.

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McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate is a political GIMMICK.
She's probably only the VP because she's a chick.

But you don't think Obama is a gimmick? He's in the run for the Presidency because he's black. Simple as that. So this gimmick thing works both ways

Edited by wanna be drummer
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She's probably only the VP because she's a chick.

But you don't think Obama is a gimmick? He's in the run for the Presidency because he's black. Simple as that. So this gimmick thing works both ways

No, I don't think he is. A gimmick would not have been able to defeat the Clintons, the primo familia of politics right now. He's in the running for the Presidency because he won the nomination process, which for someone who prior to running, was basically unknown and that took a lot of effort. To claim that he's only where he is because of race is to assume he can get nowhere based on his merits.

The reason I feel Palin is a gimmick is because if her name was Dave Palin, and had all the same credentials, there's no way in hell McCain would have chosen him to be his VP. Just wouldn't happen. He wants to pander to the PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass) out there, thinking that women will say "Well, she has a vagina and so do I, I'll vote for her!" which is simulataneously insulting and extremely condescending.

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So you honestly think Barack would still be in this race if he was white? :huh:

Yeah, I do. Is that so hard to believe? I don't look at skin color believe it or not, when determining someone's worth or value. His age, coupled with his ideas, beliefs and plans added to the fact he's very charismatic and affable, make him a hit with people who prior to his election cycle have not voted before. I think his race has helped more African-Americans get interested in voting, but I don't think his race is the reason he's standing where he's standing.

If you want to believe he's nothing more than a race gimmick, be my guest.

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Yeah, I do. Is that so hard to believe? I don't look at skin color believe it or not, when determining someone's worth or value. His age, coupled with his ideas, beliefs and plans added to the fact he's very charismatic and affable, make him a hit with people who prior to his election cycle have not voted before. I think his race has helped more African-Americans get interested in voting, but I don't think his race is the reason he's standing where he's standing.

If you want to believe he's nothing more than a race gimmick, be my guest.

I personally do not look at someones gender or race or religion in decideing my vote. But i know for a fact the country as a whole does tend to notice these things. Barack Obama has been hyped since day one as the first possible Black President

Since day freakin one.

And I think people get caught up in this hype that since his skin color is a change, maybe his presidency will be a change.

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I personally do not look at someones gender or race or religion in decideing my vote. But i know for a fact the country as a whole does tend to notice these things. Barack Obama has been hyped since day one as the first possible Black President

Since day freakin one.

I don't deny the hype. The fact he's black and in the position he is in, is extremely important and historical. Less than 50 years ago, black people couldn't piss where they wanted, eat where they wanted, sit where they wanted.....hell, they couldn't even vote.

That doesn't mean however, that his race is the reason he has succeeded in this election thus far. That is completely discrediting all the work he's done to bring in new voters and to keep the old ones. That is completely discrediting the work his campaign has done, his volunteers have done. As someone who did volunteer work for the campaign in Georgia and will be doing it again here in NC, I wouldn't be doing the work I did if I thought there was no substance to what he was saying. I'd be basically wasting my time, and I don't like to waste my time.

Understanding the historical significance of his campaign and assuming it's the only reason he's gotten anywhere are two different things.

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I'm not saying he's in this position solely because he's black. He got to Congress for his stances and he probably got to the primaries for his stances on issues. However, I still think that if he was white, he'd simply be another random Democrat and he would never have beaten Hillary. His race simply secured him more votes.

Those are just my thoughts anyways

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You are wrong. I have said time and time again that my main concern is National Security. Obamas ties with Ayres throws up a red flag to anyone that is not blinded by all his messiah garbage. You can post all you want, but Ayres was one of his mentors. Like I said, if Obama were not the chosen one, he probably could not get FBI clearance. I do not care if obama is red, green, purple, blck, white or yellow, friends like Ayres and Wright are bad news and were mentors to him.

So, I do think that Sarah Palin is much better for our Country then Obama. she is also more qualified to run our Country then Obama. At the same time I do think that she was the perfect pick for the Republican party too.

Hey Libs, she is a great "more qualified then Obama" pick. She has never hung out with terroists like Ayres or hate mongers like Wright. And to her, the U.S.A. will come first. Not Europe.

Pay attention this time, she is the best choice for America. Did you understand it that time One Drop?


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When I saw Obama speak at the 2004 DNC, my thought was "Wow! This guy's gonna be be POTUS some day!" My sweetheart had the same reaction. Our reaction had nothing to do with his skin color; it had to do with his intelligence, his energy, the ideas he conveyed, the enthusiasm he generated, his ability to inspire, and his charisma.

As you know, when this campaign began, I had my doubts about his readiness; I thought he would benefit from a few more years of political ripening. But through the course of the primaries he won me over. He convinced me he's ready.

The difference being, you're an thinking man, intelligent and honest.

The American public is not

His being Black, and potentially the first Black POTUS.. adds to the excitement and hype of his campaign, sure, but afaic his campaign would be every bit as legit even with the race hype not included. Obama's campaign is a campaign based on ideas, populist hope, and change. You don't have to be Black to run a successful campaign based on ideas, populist hope, and change. Just ask Bill Clinton. ;)
You take some random Congressman (a State Rep. at that...not even a Senator) who havsn't been in office for an entire term yet and throw him into a primary and see what happens.

His race (to me) was the deciding factor. The hype over his being African pushed him over the edge to beat Hillary, not his charisma

Obama is no gimmick.
I humbly disagree

Palin? ...gimmick.


Probably, but damn is she good B)


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I'm really beginning to tire of this "Messiah" garbage. No one things Barack Obama is a "messiah", a "savior", the "anointed one" or any other craptacular phrase the right likes to bandy about.

I think it shows more than anything, jealousy that a party is inspired by their candidate. 38 million people watched Barack Obama's acceptance speech. That's more than watched the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. You really expect people to believe that those 38 million people are nothing more than brainwashed cult members?

The only brainwashed cult members in this country are the 28% who think Bush is the greatest President we've ever had.

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I'm really beginning to tire of this "Messiah" garbage. No one things Barack Obama is a "messiah", a "savior", the "anointed one" or any other craptacular phrase the right likes to bandy about.

I never said anything like that, if its me you're talking to

I think it shows more than anything, jealousy that a party is inspired by their candidate. 38 million people watched Barack Obama's acceptance speech. That's more than watched the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. You really expect people to believe that those 38 million people are nothing more than brainwashed cult members?

I'm not jealous, first off. I'm inspired how my party is growing, but I'm not jealous of the Democrats or Republicans.

Secondly, I still think he's a gimmick. I don't care how many people watched his speech (it was historic, though. He is black after all), I don't think America would rally behind him the same way if he wasn't.

The only brainwashed cult members in this country are the 28% who think Bush is the greatest President we've ever had.


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I never said anything like that, if its me you're talking to

No, that was more directed at someone else.

I'm not jealous, first off. I'm inspired how my party is growing, but I'm not jealous of the Democrats or Republicans.

Secondly, I still think he's a gimmick. I don't care how many people watched his speech (it was historic, though. He is black after all), I don't think America would rally behind him the same way if he wasn't.

This wasn't aimed at you, it was more of a universal comment. Meaning it applied to everyone, whether here or not, that feels that way. Personally, I'm getting sick of you claiming that this man's race is the only ticket to his success. That's just insulting. Bill Clinton had the same wildly popular appeal, including appeal amongst African-Americans and he is as pasty as I am. I mean, that "he is black, afterall" comment bordered on condescension.


See, there is common ground for Dems and Repubs alike.

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She's a lifelong member of the NRA, she's pro-life, and she's fighting for drilling in Alaska. She's something I could get used to

Why is she only for the non-thinking American public?

Gee Wannabe, you know how much I like you and would never want to insult you but....if you can't answer that question then it's making me wonder if you are part of the non thinking public?

What in the above list of attributes makes her a good choice for VP....peopole woh feel the same are a dime a dozen.....

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No, that was more directed at someone else.

My bad

This wasn't aimed at you, it was more of a universal comment. Meaning it applied to everyone, whether here or not, that feels that way. Personally, I'm getting sick of you claiming that this man's race is the only ticket to his success. That's just insulting. Bill Clinton had the same wildly popular appeal, including appeal amongst African-Americans and he is as pasty as I am. I mean, that "he is black, afterall" comment bordered on condescension.

You of all people shouldn't be playing the "insulted" card Liz, come on. :rolleyes:

As far as Obama is concerned, I still say that he's more of a gimmick. His color isn't the only reason he's in this position, but it's definitely a big one and I think it gave him the edge over Hillary. And the comment isn't condescnding by any means. I'm just pointing out that it was historic simply because he is the first black man to be nominated for president. Is that not historic?

See, there is common ground for Dems and Repubs alike.

Thats great, but I'm neither..

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Gee Wannabe, you know how much I like you and would never want to insult you but....if you can't answer that question then it's making me wonder if you are part of the non thinking public?

What in the above list of attributes makes her a good choice for VP....peopole woh feel the same are a dime a dozen.....

So those who support carrying a gun, drilling for oil in Alaska, and being pro-life are non-thinkers? :huh:

Uh huh, and you don't see a problem with that statement?

You may hold a different view, but that doesn't mean I'm not in the "thinking" category. I've done my homework and I know why I stand where I do. I'm not a sheep, I don't blindly follow some random fool, nor do I need someone to hold my hand when making a decision. So how am I (or anyone else with my beliefs) simply a dime-a-dozen? Think you're unique in what you believe?

Anyways, her positions on those issues matter to me because it's a position that's becoming more meaningful these days.

And just what do you think makes a good VP? A Biden? If so, why?

edtied for grammatical errors and whatnot

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So those who support carrying a gun, drilling for oil in Alaska, and being pro-life are non-thinkers? :huh:

Uh huh, and you don't see a problem with that statement?

No, I don't see a problem with that statment in the context it was made. I said ANYONE could have those qualities....there are hundreds of more qualified people that do!

So what makes her so special to the non-thinkers? I thought you, as a thinker, would have caught this.


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No, I don't see a problem with that statment in the context it was made. I said ANYONE could have those qualities....there are hundreds of more qualified people that do!

So what makes her so special to the non-thinkers? I thought you, as a thinker, would have caught this.


You misunderstood me. I meant, why is she only favorable to "non-thinkers" which is what I thought you meant.

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More words of wisdom yesterday from Rev. Wright (you know, that guy who runs the church that Obama went to for 20 years):

"This ordinary boy — Obama — just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania legally."

I guess we can look forward to more of these types of insightful comments from Wright if BO gets into the White House.. <_<

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