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What's Everyone Listening To?


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How's it going "Jahfin" as well as our fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope all is well with you. I'm still in California! Ha Ha! As for what I'm listening to, I'm listening to "When The Levee Breaks" by the mighty LED ZEPPELIN! Have a great day, take care and ROCK ON "Jahfin" as well as our fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!

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How's it going "Jahfin?" I hope all is well with you. I'm not going to be forgetting about commenting on your thread anymore. As for what I am listening to now, I'm listening to "A National Acrobat" by BLACK SABBATH. Have a great day and ROCK ON "Jahfin!"

What's with you quoting my post each and every time you reply to this thread? I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't think it's necessary. Same for the greetings and salutations you include in every single one of your posts.

Edited by Jahfin
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What's with you quoting my post each and every time you reply to this thread? I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't think it's necessary. Same for the greetings and salutations you include in every single one of your posts.

How's it going "Jahfin?" I hope all is well with you. "Jahfin," I'm not on the forum as much as you are and I don't know all of the features. All I do is click reply and I answer or post a comment. That's all I do. I hope that I answered your question. Notice that I do this with every single comment that I post. Have a great rest of the evening and ROCK ON!

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Notice that I do this with every single comment that I post.

Yes, I have and quite frankly it's annoying as fuck. I appreciate your boundless enthusiasm for the music you love but the constant "how are you doing _____?" and "ROCK ON!" grew tiresome extremely quickly. As for quoting posts, just hit "Add Reply". If a quoted post appears, delete it, unless there's part of it you would like to reply to (and please, not the entire thing). It's really not that complicated to figure out.

Edited by Jahfin
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Yes, I have and quite frankly it's aggravating as fuck. I appreciate your boundless enthusiasm for the music you love but the constant "how are you doing _____?" and "ROCK ON!" grew tiresome extremely quickly. As for quoting posts, just hit "Reply". If a quoted post appears, delete it, unless there's part of it you would like to reply to. It's really not that complicated to figure out.

How's it going "Jahfin?" I hope all is well with you. That is my style and thats how it stays. Have a great day and ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Jahfin?" I hope all is well with you. That is my style and thats how it stays. Have a great day and ROCK ON!

Hi All,

I'm listening to The Whole of The Led Zeppelin Catalogue Backwards, so i havent a Fcuking Clue to what Song is actually playing, i just know thats its driving me "FCUKING INSANE" just like your driving "Jahfin" "FCUKING INSANE" so for "FCUKS SAKE" "ROCK FCUKING ON" somewhere else will you?


Have a nice day, Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Only Kidding, i respect your Right to Annoy the Fcuk out of anyone you chose. :lol:

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Hi All,

I'm listening to The Whole of The Led Zeppelin Catalogue Backwards, so i havent a Fcuking Clue to what Song is actually playing, i just know thats its driving me "FCUKING INSANE" just like your driving "Jahfin" "FCUKING INSANE" so for "FCUKS SAKE" "ROCK FCUKING ON" somewhere else will you?


Have a nice day, Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Only Kidding, i respect your Right to Annoy the Fcuk out of anyone you chose. :lol:

What's up mate? :hysterical: You're sense of humor never ceases to amaze me mate! Ha Ha! You keep listening to that Backmasking, you're going to be talking backwards verbally! Ha Ha! You already have me doing it just reading your posts. Ha Ha! Have a great day and ROCK ON mate!

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What's up mate? :hysterical: You're sense of humor never ceases to amaze me mate! Ha Ha! You keep listening to that Backmasking, you're going to be talking backwards verbally! Ha Ha! You already have me doing it just reading your posts. Ha Ha! Have a great day and ROCK ON mate!


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More politely put, I guess I just don't see the need in being so formal not to mention, repetitive. Maybe work on some different phrases, perhaps come up with some new material?

In the player lately:


What's happening "Jahfin?" I hope that everything's going well with you. How's that? I always try to be original. Like the trademark phrase that the late Walter Cronkite used till the day he died at the end of his broadcast (And thats the way it is!), thats why I use the phrase ROCK ON! This phrase is used with nothing but the best positive intentions. I wish the best for everyone with ROCK ON! My intent is not to offend anyone. Take care and ROCK ON my friend!

Oh! It would be nice if I stated which song that I am listening to at the moment wouldn't it? Ha Ha! The song I'm listening to now is "Sail On" by THE COMMODORES.

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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What's happening "Jahfin?" I hope that everything's going well with you. How's that? I always try to be original. Like the trademark phrase that the late Walter Cronkite used till the day he died at the end of his broadcast (And thats the way it is!), thats why I use the phrase ROCK ON! This phrase is used with nothing but the best positive intentions. I wish the best for everyone with ROCK ON! My intent is not to offend anyone. Take care and ROCK ON my friend!

Oh! It would be nice if I stated which song that I am listening to at the moment wouldn't it? Ha Ha! The song I'm listening to now is "Sail On" by THE COMMODORES.


What Else But.......

Kind Regards, Danny

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I'm on my third listen to this and am just now starting to form an opinion. While it may make no great strides artistically it is short, fast and to the point just as a rock n' roll record should be. I loved CDs at first because they usually included more music. In most cases that is perfectly fine but in some, it seems some records tend to drag on forever. So, there's something to be said about albums that have a vinyl like brevity. That's in full force on Backspacer.

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