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The Debra Lefave Thread...

Geralds Game

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It's funny how the only people opposing this are women......

and what would they know?

I can guarantee, that at 14 years old, me and probably every other male I can imagine at that age, would welcome this chick.

There is no such thing as rape in this example.

Male and female rape? It may exist, I am sure I can illustrate some possible examples, but this situations my friends, is nothing like that!

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I have a sister who is currently in ICU and on the brink of death because of someone being put on house arrest instead of being jailed....my family is in a state of shock. Well tears and shock.

That's terrible to hear, I hope she pulls through.

But bring back the stocks, I say!

The trouble with our society today, I believe, is that criminals are not just being romanticized, but they're not getting the message that the community doesn't approve of their actions.

What happens is, they commit a crime, they get sent to court where the judge gives them a sentence, and then they go to jail, where they're surrounded by other criminals. And obviously a jail is somewhere where criminal behaviour isn't exactly frowned upon by the other inmates...So a person goes into jail with a growing resentment for authority and the authority systems like the police, and the judiciary. They don't come away with a sense of wronging the community...

Now people who commit sex crimes are required to go on a sex offenders register. But what worries me is that the public's reaction to sex offenders is that they have committed the worst of the worst crimes. Our attitude to sex offenders seems to be far more repugnant than it is to violent people who comit acts of grevious bodily harm. And I think this demonstrates our society's fixation with sex over violence. We hate Paedophiles and Ephebophiles (people who comit sex acts with adolescents), I feel, more than we hate criminals who use violence on innocent members of the public. For example, I used to work with a guy who was bashed to death in a suburban street around the corner from a bar one night. He had been at the bar, which was a normal, nice middle class suburban bar, with his girlfriend who was pretty hot. Anyway this other guy at the bar hit on his girlfriend, and she said no, she had a boyfriend. My work colleague hadn't even spoken to this guy, because the incident had happened as she was coming out of the toilets and he was on the other side of the room. So this guy said something to her and she said "no thanks, I'm taken" anyway when she got back to her boyfriend, she said "let's go, there's some creep trying to hit on me over there". So they left immediately. Well the creep and another friend of his followed them out of the bar, and in one of the side streets, they just jumped on the boyfriend and kicked him to death. And after they were finished, the guy said to her "well I guess you don't have a boyfriend now". But those two guys, who did such a horrible, dispicable thing, you know they weren't villified like sex offenders are, their story got one column in the newspaper, there was no big media coverage of it, there were no repugnant reactions from the general public.

And it worries me that we're more obsessed with sex crimes and sex offenders than we are with violent criminals. Society has sent a strong message that sex crimes are absolutely horrible, despicable, and will not be tolerated, but we are not sending the same message about violence, and violent crime...

If sex offenders are put on a public register, why then aren't people who have been guilty of aggrevated assault??

I used to have another friend, from school, who was bashed to death outside a nightclub. He was 19. He was gay, and was an artist, and on the night he died there was an exhibition of his work. So he popped into this gay club, where he met this guy who was a half-acquaintance. It turned out that this guy was a raging homophobe who liked to hang out in gay clubs. So my friend asked this guy if he'd like to come to the exhibition with him, and he agreed, and when they got out into the carpark, this guy just bashed him to death, then pissed on him. But again, there was no outcries about it, no big media circus, it was just another violent crime in a violent town.

So the crux of my argument is, it's not just sex crimes that we have to find horrendous, it's all crimes. Society needs to send a strong message to criminals that certain behaviour will not be tolerated.

That's why i feel they need to bring back the stocks or something, where criminals are placed in them and have to face the public, and see the public's disapproval.

Not just the Judges disapproval, or the Police's disapproval but the community's disapproval

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I am kind of sad I even started this thread. However people do need to know there are people like this who can look as innocent as a one year old, and sexy and destroy you, your family and have all of you killed. It reflects poorly on all humans that the world has come to an era where people are rewarded for being sexual deviants or murderers.

Just very sad. I will vote for the stocks if town members can pass by and piss on them.

Edited by Geralds Game
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I am kind of sad I even started this thread. However people do need to know there are people like this who can look as innocent as a one year old, and sexy and destroy you, your family and have all of you killed. It reflects poorly on all humans that the world has come to an era where people are rewarded for being sexual deviants or murderers.

Just very sad. I will vote for the stocks if town members can pass by and piss on them.

I doubt she has gone to quite that extreme; please keep your pants zipped.

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I have a sister who is currently in ICU and on the brink of death because of someone being put on house arrest instead of being jailed....my family is in a state of shock. Well tears and shock.

That is horrible, I hope she makes a full recovery, physically & emotionally, and that the guy who did this gets put behind bars for life!

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Can't rape the willing bud. What she did was wrong, but she sure as hell didn't rape anybody

Apparently you are correct; she was not charged with rape. Originally the state charged her with lewd and lascivious battery. Battery and rape are different; remember that if you ever take the bar exam, or you'll lose points.

Edited by eternal light
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Apparently you are correct; she was not charged with rape. Originally the state charged her with lewd and lascivious battery. Battery and rape are different; remember that if you ever take the bar exam, or you'll lose points.

And definately remember "plea bargaining," or you'll lose your ass.

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And I'm 17. When I was 15 and my teacher wanted to bang, I'd have said yes in a heartbeat.

Everyone wins

Not exactly; when Mary Kay was asked if she would do the same thing over again, she said no, she would wait until he was of the age of legal consent. Prison really wasn't that fun for her.

Edited by eternal light
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Not exactly; when Mary Kay was asked if she would do the same thing over again, she said no, she would wait until he was of the age of legal consent. Prison really wasn't that fun for her.

Thats true :lol:

I was mostly referring to me there, but hey, at least she'll remember it for the rest of her life ;)

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I am happy most here look like they have a pretty firm grasp on my point. I wasn't looking for a fight, just a discussion. Plus this thing is all over the forum, so it has a place.

Is it a good thing to give it even more publicity?

Who knows?

As we get older, have children and are respected in our families and communities. I think we look at the overall scheme of things and the future more.

Not just what trips our winky for the moment.

Good posts It's a gorgeous day and I need in it and off here...

It doesn't matter what she looks like, at least according to the "law," it's not supposed to.

On a final note? Is she allowed to teach any longer?



<edit for sp>

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I need to clarify something here.....about the comment that if the guy gets it up, it's not rape. An erection, just like an orgasm, is a physical response to stimuli. Just because the guy got an erection or the woman had an orgasm, doesn't mean they weren't raped or forced to peform a sexual act. That's the same bullshit rapists use in court to avoid getting convicted. "Oh she had an orgasm; that must have meant she liked it and it wasn't rape if she liked it." Such bullshit. Men can be raped. Women can be raped. Anytime you force someone to perform a sex act against their will, it is rape. Doesn't matter if it's a male or a female as the victim or the perpetrator.

Peoples' attitudes and concepts about this need to change. Some of you are living in the Dark Ages.

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Anytime you force someone to perform a sex act against their will, it is rape.

That is incorrect; an essential element to prove rape is penetration. Without penetration there is no rape. You'll lose points if you answer a question on the bar exam otherwise. Not every unwanted sex act is legally a rape; some are batteries.

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If you look deep into her eyes, immerse yourself in her soul, you will notice she is not that attractive. Had I been seduced at age 15 by an attractive older woman there could have several outcomes. Couple of which are.....

1. It could have boosted my confidence to incredible levels.

2. It could have turned me into an emotional wreck.

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If you look deep into her eyes, immerse yourself in her soul, you will notice she is not that attractive. Had I been seduced at age 15 by an attractive older woman there could have several outcomes. Couple of which are.....

1. It could have boosted my confidence to incredible levels.

2. It could have turned me into an emotional wreck.

Think I'd pick choice #1 and go with the flow.

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That is incorrect; an essential element to prove rape is penetration. Without penetration there is no rape. You'll lose points if you answer a question on the bar exam otherwise. Not every unwanted sex act is legally a rape; some are batteries.

Forcing someone to perform oral sex is a penetrative act. You're forcing your dick into their mouth. Is not that penetration? Then by that definition, wouldn't it be rape?

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