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Jason Bonham on Led Zeppelin Show: “Right Up Until the Last Minute, I Was Struggling”


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I suppose there are really only 2 ways for him to do it and they are both extremes...he can't just downplay the connection with his Dad but still play Zeppelin.

Either he has to do what he is doing, which is keep a strong connection, or completely shun Led Zep and his father...

People deal with grief in many ways and one of those ways is to try to keep the person's legacy alive...Jason was at a very formative age when his Dad died and it obviously had a huge effect on him, as happens to many people who lose parents at that age. Bonzo was obviously a special person and a great dad.

I personally admire and respect Jason for doing it how he has - respectfully keeping his Dad's name, reputation and music alive, without cashing in.

I totally agree with what you say here, always have - especially about the effect that Bonzo's death had on him.

But I still think that because of all this, comparisons are inevitable and they don't seem to upset him at all, so they don't rankle me.

Even having said all that I still know where you are coming from Miss H. That's why my feelings are mixed!

Edited by Knebby
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I totally agree with what you say here, always have - especially about the effect that Bonzo's death had on him.

But I still think that because of all this, comparisons are inevitable and they don't seem to upset him at all, so they don't rankle me.

Even having said all that I still know where you are coming from Miss H. That's why my feelings are mixed!

Totally - damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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I suppose there are really only 2 ways for him to do it and they are both extremes...he can't just downplay the connection with his Dad but still play Zeppelin.

Either he has to do what he is doing, which is keep a strong connection, or completely shun Led Zep and his father...

People deal with grief in many ways and one of those ways is to try to keep the person's legacy alive...Jason was at a very formative age when his Dad died and it obviously had a huge effect on him, as happens to many people who lose parents at that age. Bonzo was obviously a special person and a great dad.

I personally admire and respect Jason for doing it how he has - respectfully keeping his Dad's name, reputation and music alive, without cashing in.

Fair point Knebby, and I can appreciate your angle on this and what I was going to say in response to your comments has been more or less summed up by what Cactus has said.

One cannot imagine the impact losing Bonzo had on a 14 year old boy who adored his father. I have an interview in which Jason said his dad asked him to keep up with the drumming if anything should happen to him. Never thinking that anything would happen, Jason was intent on making motocross his career. After John's death, he raced for one more year and then decided to pick the sticks back up and carry on the family name.

I know Jason will forever be "the kid" but I do get a little weary of is the constant comparisons, and this done many a time in a negative fashion...a lot of the time it is brought up first rather than Jason's own talents.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. It rattles my cage a bit that Jason is forever being compared to his father. I know that it will always be like that, but I really wish folk would take a step back and see Jason as a talented musician in his own right. As well as a very gifted drummer, he is a self taught keyboard player, he writes, he has a very soulful, strong singing voice (underused in my book...please sing more Jason!!) and..worth a mention...a damn fine motocross rider! :)

Isn't Jason a damn fine fiddle player as well? I remember ages ago MTV did a casual hanging out with the band Bonham, and Jason played a mean country fiddle.

Edited by FireOpal
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Isn't Jason a damn fine fiddle player as well? I remember ages ago MTV did a casual hanging out with the band Bonham, and Jason played a mean country fiddle.

Oooo, that's a new one on me FireOpal. I haven't seen or read any reference to Jason been able to play the fiddle. It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out to be true as he has many strings to his bow *groan* :lol:

If anyone can confirm or deny this, I would be most grateful.

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I really wish folk would take a step back and see Jason as a talented musician in his own right. As well as a very gifted drummer, he is a self taught keyboard player, he writes, he has a very soulful, strong singing voice (underused in my book...please sing more Jason!!)

Great, we've solved the "vocalist" problem! He can fill his dads' shoes and Percys'... :D

edited for crappy spelling...

Edited by stonefreelee
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Great, we've solved the "vocalist" problem! He can fill his dads' shoes and Percys'... :D

edited for crappy spelling...

Or... you can bring Jason the "fornt" ... and allow Dave G. to take the the drumming duties... :D

But really.... Robert is -the one- to be in the front.

NOBODY does it Better !!

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I'm glad Jason grew up to be a decent human being. From my p.o.v the legacy of John was a crushing weight that stunted his musical and emotional development. But now, the sense of entitlement (real or perceived) has been shed, the bottle is empty, the sense of humor keen, the touring readiness shaped by non Zep tour work. My opinion of this guy has undergone several revisions in the last year. I'm happy for the work Jason has done to find himself. His personality is revealed in the recent interviews. Nice day to be a Zep head.

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I'm glad Jason grew up to be a decent human being. From my p.o.v the legacy of John was a crushing weight that stunted his musical and emotional development. But now, the sense of entitlement (real or perceived) has been shed, the bottle is empty, the sense of humor keen, the touring readiness shaped by non Zep tour work. My opinion of this guy has undergone several revisions in the last year. I'm happy for the work Jason has done to find himself. His personality is revealed in the recent interviews. Nice day to be a Zep head.

I am proud of him-yes, imagine that weight being on your shoulders? I do not envy him in the least. John would be proud - is proud, wherever he is...

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As many of you on the forum know , I have a lot of love and admiration for Jason and I am always singing his praises. There have been some very glowing and heartfelt comments about him in this thread, which is wonderful to see.

It's also pretty obvious I have a big girly crush on him...much to the light-hearted dismay of my hubby. I came back to the computer this evening to find, much to my amusement, he had sabotaged my desktop background!!!

Maybe Jason will be glad of the extra height :lol: :lol:


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As many of you on the forum know , I have a lot of love and admiration for Jason and I am always singing his praises. There have been some very glowing and heartfelt comments about him in this thread, which is wonderful to see.

It's also pretty obvious I have a big girly crush on him...much to the light-hearted dismay of my hubby. I came back to the computer this evening to find, much to my amusement, he had sabotaged my desktop background!!!

Maybe Jason will be glad of the extra height :lol: :lol:


looks like a conehead! :D

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I am proud of him-yes, imagine that weight being on your shoulders? I do not envy him in the least. John would be proud - is proud, wherever he is...

I was thinking of this the other day, and I imagined a scenario that if John was still alive but unable to preform (bizzare farming accident perhaps ? :blink:).

I think he would have been Jasons biggest critic apart from Jason himself,but ultimately,yes he would indeed have been proud of him that day.

Sadly, I only have a brief knowledge of Jasons music,and no technical expertise of music at all ,(apart from using my ears) but it was very obvious to me that on this night he was playing "out of his skin".

Edited by Gervox
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