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Whatever happened to/remember when?


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This should be obvious - how anyone could twist these actions into something else really has an agenda. I do these things for all women, not just my wife or mother - strangers, young and old, families, even for a guy if he's close enough behind me. Usually the latter does not even seem to appreciate it - but it's been engrained into what I was taught. I've seen guys practically knock my wife over going through doors, if I drop her off where the parking is difficult. If that's the type of animal that some would prefer, you certainly can have your pick, these days...

I was at the mall yesterday and stood there holding the door open for a bunch of older ladies. I always hold the door open; sometimes doorman-style if the person is older or has a stroller or whatever, but I at least wait with the door open until the people behind me get there.

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This should be obvious - how anyone could twist these actions into something else really has an agenda. I do these things for all women, not just my wife or mother - strangers, young and old, families, even for a guy if he's close enough behind me. Usually the latter does not even seem to appreciate it - but it's been engrained into what I was taught. I've seen guys practically knock my wife over going through doors, if I drop her off where the parking is difficult. If that's the type of animal that some would prefer, you certainly can have your pick, these days...

Man you put it perfectly. A person is the people they hang with and what they do. It's like a weird assed gang osmosis nowadays. Developmental psych has proven what this behavior does and warned about it.

Now we are looking at the outcome.

"But that's what my friends do."

I believe you should stick up for your friends and family too. If you don't you just aren't worth a toss.


Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Nowadays you have people jumping on board straight away to have a piece of someone even when they have no clue to wtf is going on.

Please. Get an education on courtesy and respect for other people.

Much of this(1) political mumbo jumbo is nothing more than a clever way for people to get away with almost anything.

Anything can be abused. And we suffer the consequences.

Damn it somebody has to stick up for what's of real family value. Quit tossing everyone under the bus.

A smile is infectious and we know who has them :)

Love is many times the answer, at least until we sort what's true and what's right.

Where's John Wayne when we need him?

(1) Edited for redundant word.

Edited by ledbaby
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Whatever happened to good sitcoms like "Who's the Boss" and "Full House". Remember when "The Honeymooners" and "I Love Lucy" were on the tube, funny stuff.

'Sanford & Son' :D

Whatever happened when the bums used to all be isolated to one small part of a city.

Now they are EVERYWHERE!!!! :blink:

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'Sanford & Son' :D

Whatever happened when the bums used to all be isolated to one small part of a city.

Now they are EVERYWHERE!!!! :blink:

Sanford and Son was funny. I had a neighbor who would put so much junk out the night before trash day my ex spouse would imitate the song to that show as we watched her putting her crap out, and we would crack up.

Well thanks to TV land you can still catch that sometimes, and i also love The Jeffersons, and for Del, All In The Family.

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I believe you should stick up for your friends and family too. If you don't you just aren't worth a toss.


Damn it somebody has to stick up for what's of real family value. Quit tossing everyone under the bus.

A smile is infectious and we know who has them :)

Love is many times the answer.

Real friends and family do protect one another. It's nice to be involved in this kind of relationship. You don't have to ask yourself if these people are loyal, you just feel it.

When the love is coming from someone capable of loving, it is indeed the answer. I always love to hear a John Lennon mention, btw.

So here's to family, friends and friends who love each other :) Don't slam the door in their faces, lol.

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Sanford and Son was funny. I had a neighbor who would put so much junk out the night before trash day my ex spouse would imitate the song to that show as we watched her putting her crap out, and we would crack up.

That's funny!! :D

Well thanks to TV land you can still catch that sometimes, and i also love The Jeffersons, and for Del, All In The Family.

We're going to start getting 'Barney Miller' from Netflix. Maybe 'Hawaii 5-0' too :D

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Well that was back in the days when there were clearly defined roles for men and women. Men were the boss, the breadwinner, and women were the homemakers, and because in those days Men were the top of the heap, the women got the pay-off of being treated chivalrously

Similar to the way in which 19th Century Upper Class people were expected to treat their servants with respect and dignity...

In those days a women's position was definately inferior to that of a man, but the man would show his manners, his enlightenment by treating a woman with respect and doing chivalrous things like taking his hat off to her and opening the door for her...

Thankfully that isn't happening like it used to. Today things are a lot more equal. Guys shouldn't do things for women that women are not going to do for men. And the other way around.

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My husband and I were meeting with someone earlier this evening and the man we were meeting with made a comment about how money and the knowledge and act of treating people with dignity and respect aren't always related. He made the comment in the context of how he's witnessed how badly some people treat those who work for them. As for things like holding doors open for women, letting them enter a room first, opening the car door, etc., my husband always does this - and, in his case, it doesn't have anything to do with thinking that women are inferior. It is how he was raised and it is just part of what he was taught as good manners. One of the reasons that I was so attracted to him was that, from the very beginning, he treated me with respect - and that's never faltered.

I don't undertsand how anyone can think that opening a door or giving up your seat for a woman is the man indicating that the woman is inferior. If anything it's the guy putting the women on a higher level than him. Which is wrong in my opinion. I think things should be equal. I don't think there should be rules like a guy should be holding doors for women or giving up his seat for them. If the woman isn't doing that for him that he shouldn''t. If she is then fine. Things should be equal. But you don't see many women giving up their seat for a guy. Women shouldn't be treated more special than men are treated.

I think it's wrong because the guy is saying by doing that is that the woman is more special than him. And she isn't. You are supposed to be equal. Now if she is opening doors for you or giving up her seat to you or whatever, that's fine. But treating the woman like she is better than you is not right.

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Whatever happened to guys holding doors for girls?

I still do it and I'm sure it comes back around to me.

Whatever happened to "Netzero?" Used to be you could log onto the www for that @ Netzero.

Whatever happened to apologies? Seems to me it unruffles so many feathers and opens new doors.

People just miss many things that were good and true. Now it's all plastic and fast fast "gimme now."


somebody pined the tail on the Donkey!!!

Hopefully those times will arrive soon

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  • 2 weeks later...
Whatever happened to cool cars ? A work friend's new ride...





I remember the Road Runners and Cudas vividly. Loved the Cuda.

Remember when all phones were dial phones :blink:

Remember when phone booths were everywhere in America (you could hide in one out of the rain until composed)?

Remember Gumby and Pokey and their Cartoons?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I will still hold the door open for a lady. I dont care what everyone else is doing.

It's a tradition.

In Europe it's the same, so it's not just me.

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