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Vinyl goes from throwback to comeback


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....no offense, but you're not a youngster so this didnt really apply to you. Presumably, at this stage in life you have amassed a fine collection of whatever 20+ yrs gets, and can be as un-practical as you like. I'll wager most kids don't have an attic full of vinyl.....or would find it practical to begin building one...

...the vinyl collection, not the attic.

I don't disagree with any of this. I just was telling it as it is.

Unless you can make an arguement that vinyl is a practical way to listen to music in lieu of the present alternatives....how have you ruined my 'theory'? That old geezers don't repurchase albums in CD format still listen to vinyl? If so, you didn't really digest my quote.

Btw, you're having your cake and eating it too, considering all things retro have been 'in' for at least a decade, yet you 'don't care' what people think about your retro-likingness. :huh:

You can think whatever you'd like to about me. If vinyl is "in", so be it there's more for me to enjoy. I never said vinyl is practical, besides the fact I can get it used for 5 bucks an album, but I like it a lot more than I do cd's. I'm allowed an opinion, just like you are. I'm not going to force my opinion on anyone though, and that's were we differ. I know my opinion is not fact, maybe it's time for you to accept the difference between fact and opinion. And jsut to clear something up for you, besides people I've met here and two people I know, I'm the only "youngster" who listens to older music and people think I'm strange for listening to it. It isn't as in as you'd think.

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You can think whatever you'd like to about me. If vinyl is "in", so be it there's more for me to enjoy. I never said vinyl is practical, besides the fact I can get it used for 5 bucks an album, but I like it a lot more than I do cd's.

Heh? If vinyl is 'in', that would mean there's less due to supply/demand of a finite quantity (assuming we're referring to vintage albums, minus the original inner sleeve, yet complete with age appro. record shape embossment on outer sleeve).

I'm allowed an opinion, just like you are. I'm not going to force my opinion on anyone though, and that's were we differ. I know my opinion is not fact, maybe it's time for you to accept the difference between fact and opinion.

uh oh, the 'it's a free country' card has been invoked....which in most cases is a type of 'godwins law of sorts. In any case, I must apologize for assuming a youngin' on led Zeppelin.com (est. 1968, 40yrs) and a Janis sig would be into retro chic. For comparisons sake, a chick listening to DuranDuran, wearing baggy sweater and frizzy hair c. 1985...now that would be retro and going out on a ledge...

And jsut to clear something up for you, besides people I've met here and two people I know, I'm the only "youngster" who listens to older music and people think I'm strange for listening to it. It isn't as in as you'd think.

Do you live in Appalachia or a senior home complex in FL......the fuck? :blink:

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Heh? If vinyl is 'in', that would mean there's less due to supply/demand of a finite quantity (assuming we're referring to vintage albums, minus the original inner sleeve, yet complete with age appro. record shape embossment on outer sleeve).

uh oh, the 'it's a free country' card has been invoked....which in most cases is a type of 'godwins law of sorts. In any case, I must apologize for assuming a youngin' on led Zeppelin.com (est. 1968, 40yrs) and a Janis sig would be into retro chic. For comparisons sake, a chick listening to DuranDuran, wearing baggy sweater and frizzy hair c. 1985...now that would be retro and going out on a ledge...

Do you live in Appalachia or a senior home complex in FL......the fuck? :blink:

All of my vinyl has the orginal inner sleeve, most of it was given to me by my father. He kept them in great shape, and I do my very best to keep them in the condition that they were given to me in.

I wasn't trying to play the free country card, I was just saying that you have expressed your opinion so I can express mine. My dad got me into this music, so even though they started in '68, I learned about them from him. I never claimed I was going out on a ledge. I really don't think I do. Granted I wear clothes that could be classified as "hippie" clothes, I don't try to go out on a ledge.

No, I live in a very small town. Everyone here is into new music and me being into the older stuff is really strange. People yell names like pothead at me when I'm at school because of the music I listen to. If I was really into what others thought of me, I wouldn't be the way I am.

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All of my vinyl has the orginal inner sleeve, most of it was given to me by my father. He kept them in great shape, and I do my very best to keep them in the condition that they were given to me in.

Holy hell, thats not the story with mine. It's a mishmash of capitol, polygram, atco, and reprise sleeves mixed in epic and atlantic albums. Then again he built his collection in rockin 70's fashion by swapping records with buddies.

No, I live in a very small town. Everyone here is into new music and me being into the older stuff is really strange. People yell names like pothead at me when I'm at school because of the music I listen to. If I was really into what others thought of me, I wouldn't be the way I am.

ok then, Appalachia it is......

I'd feel your pain, but Southern California has calloused me with its inclusive awesomeness.

um, fight the good fight sistah and....um and get outta dodge and go to college? :unsure:

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mine was pioneer, it lasted a good 20 odd years. sounded great!

Yeah, they lasted alright. I had a belt drive PL 514 and only had to replace the belt once. Pretty amazing considering how much I used it. Bought it in 75 and the motor finally kicked out about 5 yrs ago. Not bad for $100 c/w a Stanton cartridge

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Holy hell, thats not the story with mine. It's a mishmash of capitol, polygram, atco, and reprise sleeves mixed in epic and atlantic albums. Then again he built his collection in rockin 70's fashion by swapping records with buddies.

ok then, Appalachia it is......

I'd feel your pain, but Southern California has calloused me with its inclusive awesomeness.

um, fight the good fight sistah and....um and get outta dodge and go to college? :unsure:

All of my vinyl is in great shape, except for a few Beatles. I have the early Beatles stuff on first pressing and that's when my dad was little so they are playable but not in great shape.

And yes, college it is. I'd love to go to Berkley.

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  • 10 months later...

Even back in the day, import vinyl was far better than what was being produced here in North America. We used to bitch about how easy it was to scratch a NA record after a first play. Fuck, they were all scratched after a party...lol. I'm obviously in the minority here but to my ear, digital sounds better than vinyl for the most part. Most of the first release CD's were horrible but most of those, have been improved upon.. I do love the warmth of a scratch free LP but sound wise....give me a CD...it's just too easy :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Kind of odd (or maybe not) that a chain like Best Buy would be one to pick up on the resurgence of vinyl sales but then again they've already been stocking quite a few titles on vinyl over the last year or so such as Pearl Jam, G n' R, Queen + Paul Rodgers, etc.

Best Buy Turning the Tables With Vinyl

Good to see that, especially since I have one not far from where I live. Though I still prefer the indie stores for buying music.

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Good to see that, especially since I have one not far from where I live. Though I still prefer the indie stores for buying music.

Yeah, while I think it's a cool thing that Best Buy will be expanding their vinyl selection, I'll still be making my vinyl purchases at the local indie store.

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This video gives a huge nod to the vinyl experience as well.

What the f**ks up with youtube, why does it sometimes say "the video isn't avaliable in your country"?! What's up with that?!

Regarding vinyls, I buy vinyls EVERYWHERE. Why should I limit myself to the local store? :D:D I bought Gilded Palace of Sin with The Flying Burrito Brothers on vinyl recently, an original pressing in the greatest shape!! I almost drooled on the cover holding it in my hands yesterday. I would never have found it in any of my local stores. I bougth it from a guy in California. The price, including shipping cost, was much lower then it would have been IF I had found it in one of the local shops too.

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What the f**ks up with youtube, why does it sometimes say "the video isn't avaliable in your country"?! What's up with that?!

Regarding vinyls, I buy vinyls EVERYWHERE. Why should I limit myself to the local store? :D:D I bought Gilded Palace of Sin with The Flying Burrito Brothers on vinyl recently, an original pressing in the greatest shape!! I almost drooled on the cover holding it in my hands yesterday. I would never have found it in any of my local stores. I bougth it from a guy in California. The price, including shipping cost, was much lower then it would have been IF I had found it in one of the local shops too.

Good for you. I'd love to have a copy of Gilded on vinyl myself. I hope that I find one. :D

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What the f**ks up with youtube, why does it sometimes say "the video isn't avaliable in your country"?! What's up with that?!

I'm not sure. It also sucks when it says the sound has been disabled. Why not just take down the entire video? In any event, the video was for Erykah Badu's Honey in case you want to search for it on other sites.

Regarding vinyls, I buy vinyls EVERYWHERE. Why should I limit myself to the local store? :D:D I bought Gilded Palace of Sin with The Flying Burrito Brothers on vinyl recently, an original pressing in the greatest shape!! I almost drooled on the cover holding it in my hands yesterday. I would never have found it in any of my local stores. I bougth it from a guy in California. The price, including shipping cost, was much lower then it would have been IF I had found it in one of the local shops too.

Vinyl isn't what I primarily listen to but I don't confine my searches just to the local indie store but since they're the only one in town that's where I'm most likely to find newer titles. There are also several stores that stock used vinyl and CDs so it's also fun to hit those since you never know what you might find. Same thing for yard sales and estate sales.

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I know there are advetisements out there for converting vinyl to MP3s......but I could swear I recently saw an ad pushing MP3 Vinyl.....records sourced from MP3s. Please tell me I'm mistaken and there is no such thing....Please ?

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I know there are advetisements out there for converting vinyl to MP3s......but I could swear I recently saw an ad pushing MP3 Vinyl.....records sourced from MP3s. Please tell me I'm mistaken and there is no such thing....Please ?

Would be possible to make such a record, you only need a vinyl pressing plant or a record cutting machine.

But it's expensive to make such a record and if you make such a record, why on earth should one make it from an inferiour sound quality source, unless you have no other option.

Edited by reswati
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I know there are advetisements out there for converting vinyl to MP3s......but I could swear I recently saw an ad pushing MP3 Vinyl.....records sourced from MP3s. Please tell me I'm mistaken and there is no such thing....Please ?

It apparently has been done. As part of the vinyl craze some companies are rushing out product to capitalize on it. It reminds me of when CDs were new, some labels would record directly from vinyl just to have product on the shelves when everyone was replacing their vinyl collections with compact discs. Strange how things have come full circle and the industry are the very same weasels we've always known them to be.

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Oh god, lol I have no idea how much my record player was..

Its big and fancy, like a replica of an old '50s one, and you can burn records onto CDs.(of course I dont know how though,..things are too complicated for me)

..I just like looking at it, its pretty :)

And something sad to note, I dont know how to play CDs, but I can play records..lol

I just think Cds in general, dont like me, they never play for me...

Edited by theycallmethehunter
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